View Full Version : DJ Caught w/a Tranny

09-12-2013, 04:13 AM
See that's why I don't deal with anybody. because this could easily be one of us. Fellas you can't live on the fence. either be true to who you are or don't live the DL life. Period.


09-12-2013, 04:56 AM
That nigguh aint no damn tranny....that's a crossdresser.loll But hey mr cee like those types, maybe they have the best type of head he like. Because this isn't the first time he was caught with a crossdresser.

09-12-2013, 05:04 AM
Also , as i said before and i'll say it again,BEING A TRANNY IN 2013 is a hustle , these gay guys know dudes like trannys so they try to dress up and get these niggas RATHER IT'S FOR MONEY, OR FOR OTHER REASONS. Tranny porn is almost becoming the most watched type of porn on the netttttt and these gay guys know this. No offense to homosexuals JUST SAYING. Trannys are like the new drug, but that dude in the video is not a tranny. And it has me thinkin alot of trannys HAVE THE SAME GAY MANNERISMS AS THIS GUY. I Understand they come from the same community but come on now BE REAL THIS TRANSSEXUAL SHIT IS A HUSTLEEEE.

09-12-2013, 07:14 AM
bro that's not a transsexual that's a man in a wig

09-12-2013, 11:53 AM
So what...wasn't this story posted already? Damn...

09-12-2013, 07:45 PM
I'm still trying to figure out what's to be gained on the little gay boy's side. So you think being on worldstar is gonna make you famous? Get some more hits on your, not making any profit ass youtube channel? What you actually did is fuck up your money because its obvious you prostitute for a living. Now anybody that WAS fucking with isn't going to anymore because they know you think shit like this is 'cute'. NOT TOO MENTION, you're fucking with your life because mufukkas DO kill over shit like this. And you'll SWEAR you didnt do anything wrong when your ass is laying on that gurney.

But hey, at least you'll be the belle of the ball next time you hit the stroll with rest of your fellow 20 dollar dick suckers. And that's what really matters right? Dumb muthafucka.

09-12-2013, 09:07 PM
But man this shit was bond to happen anyways, this is what trannys and gay dudes do nowadays. They already feel the world is against them, and want some attention so they don't give a fuck. And mr cee is a married man with kids, so his ass SHOULD'VE BEEN OUTED. Im just glad I HAVN'T BEEN CAUGHT ON THE DL YET LOLLLL cause i do like trannys I CAN'T HELP IT. But man i kinda feel sorry for Mr Cee that nigga was crying like a baby on hot 97 this morning.. Like that bimbo dude has fucked his LIFE UPPP. But to all my downlow transsexual loving brothas be careful and if you married BE REAL WITH YOUR WOMAN.

09-12-2013, 10:22 PM
But man this shit was bond to happen anyways, this is what trannys and gay dudes do nowadays. They already feel the world is against them, and want some attention so they don't give a fuck. And mr cee is a married man with kids, so his ass SHOULD'VE BEEN OUTED. Im just glad I HAVN'T BEEN CAUGHT ON THE DL YET LOLLLL cause i do like trannys I CAN'T HELP IT. But man i kinda feel sorry for Mr Cee that nigga was crying like a baby on hot 97 this morning.. Like that bimbo dude has fucked his LIFE UPPP. But to all my downlow transsexual loving brothas be careful and if you married BE REAL WITH YOUR WOMAN.

To be honest I don't deal or live on the DL because it wouldn't be fair to myself or the person whom i'm dealing with. PSA fellas if you have a girl/married, just give up the Trannies already. it's not worth it. or if you want to live your life. don't be married be fair to ALL parties involved.

09-12-2013, 10:38 PM
To be honest I don't deal or live on the DL because it wouldn't be fair to myself or the person whom i'm dealing with. PSA fellas if you have a girl/married, just give up the Trannies already. it's not worth it. or if you want to live your life. don't be married be fair to ALL parties involved.

Brotha men are designed to cheat, and go after what they like. If a brotha likes transsexuals HE'S GONNA MESS AROUND WITH THEM. If i was married, i'd try my BESTTTTT not to mess around but i know im gonna end up giving in BECAUSE I WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT!! And messing around with a transsexual here and there is not a good look so i'd keep that shit on the low. I agree IT'S NOT WORTH IT but that lust and desire is a MUTHA FUCKAAA. Trannies are the new sex drug.

09-13-2013, 01:24 AM
That's an ugly mothafucka.

09-13-2013, 01:53 AM
To be honest I don't deal or live on the DL because it wouldn't be fair to myself or the person whom i'm dealing with. PSA fellas if you have a girl/married, just give up the Trannies already. it's not worth it. or if you want to live your life. don't be married be fair to ALL parties involved.

props props props..theres a vicious cycle of men treating ts woman as a dirty secret and ts woman (even tho this kid isnt one) "outing" the men they deal with.i feel like if you are a woman than live your life like one..outing a guy would not only demean myself but announce to the world that im a man and that his dealings with me were something of a shameful nature.

09-13-2013, 03:21 AM
I think all who was in the know knew Mr C was fucking around with them street hustles. He has a right to live his life the difference IN the real muthafukka(since this is common linguo in this thread) and the muthafukka who gives us real muthafukkas bad names is responsibility. Be responsible for your shit dont bitch out and in the end bitch up on some real fag shit. As men we know what we gonna do and its not till we tired of running do we say ok we really gonna chill on some love/monogamous thing. Myself I messa around when wifey wants to hold out on me (some real bullshit right there). And listen I'm private about my shit so some broad wanna blow up my spot do you and after I beat that ass on some breach of contract shit the only person I owe an explanation to is wifey and at the end of the day if she has a choice in this whole thing like I do and Mr C does. He shouldve pulled the Cory Booker response, but then again we start to get into ones character.

09-14-2013, 01:50 AM
props props props..theres a vicious cycle of men treating ts woman as a dirty secret and ts woman (even tho this kid isnt one) "outing" the men they deal with.i feel like if you are a woman than live your life like one..outing a guy would not only demean myself but announce to the world that im a man and that his dealings with me were something of a shameful nature.


He/She is basically shrieking: "I'm a piece of rubbish!.... And yet he STIIIIL went with me!!!"

Pathetic, really.... He/She probably thinks he's doing some kind of honorable "social work", like outing paedophiles or something similar lol... Stupid kunt.

On another side of the equation I would say this: Men have got to start being Real Men and not-give-a-fuk-what-others-think!...

Because so long as there is fragility and weakness in men, then social lepers like Grumbellina Swampdog here will be willing to shame themselves in order to shame others.

blue eyed devil

Ms Remy M
09-14-2013, 03:17 AM
Mr Cee and all DL dudes are all lacking in any real manliness, which is why they bitch up and cower and pretend like they didn't do this or that and can't be themselves in the world. If you can't be who you really are, at the end of the day, you are the punk. lol This whole business of 'outing' people is really foolish though, but some people choose to get their kicks outing people, doesn't mean they deserve to die over it, life goes on. A guy wouldn't only have to answer to 'wifey' they would also have to answer to the police...

09-14-2013, 01:33 PM
I halfway believe "Being Gay" is more of a fad these days, instead of someone being true to themselves. Anyways, that dude had no right to ruin his career or lifestyle. If thats how Mr. Cee chose to live then so be it. He didnt harm anyone in doing what he was doing. Some sorry ass CD at that, doing the shit for kicks and giggles....really irks me. Shit like that is why so many TS get killed and he playing around wit the shit like its a game. I wish death on no one, but this is a classic case where the right MF woulda blasted his ass til you couldnt tell who he was. No doubts this dude will turn up missing one day if he keep it up.

09-14-2013, 02:03 PM
I halfway believe "Being Gay" is more of a fad these onys, instead of someone being true to themselves. Anyways, that dude had no right to ruin his career or lifestyle. If thats how Mr. Cee chose to live then so be it. He didnt harm anyone in doing what he was doing. Some sorry ass CD at that, doing the shit for kicks and giggles....really irks me. Shit like that is why so many TS get killed and he playing around wit the shit like its a game. I wish death on no one, but this is a classic case where the right MF woulda blasted his ass til you couldnt tell who he was. No doubts this dude will turn up missing one day if he keep it up.

first of all I while I personally don't believe in putting people on blast let's not pretend that this man was innocent. he was engaging in high risk sexual activities behind his wife and families back so he was obviously hurting someone.
secondly no this is not the reason why so many ts woman get killed. where the heck did you even pull that from??
so many internet gangsta on here talking about blasting and murking people. you know y'all not about that life lmaaaooo

09-14-2013, 02:27 PM
I wouldn't say being dl makes you lack in manliness. Real men just try to avoid conflict and keep what ever he like personally to himself. Everybody don't need to know i like trannys. And everybody don't need to know what woman im laying with. Unless im married to that person. Yes im downlow because like i said before real men go after what they like "which for me is transsexuals and women" but don't like the conflict that comes with it.So i just keep it to myself and shut the fuck up, NOBODY NEEDS TO KNOW. And i know yall gonna say that's not a real man, a real man would let the world know. But this real man here just choose not to im not willing to fuck up a relationship i have with friends and family because OF LUST and trying to defend that shit when i can just keep it to myself!!

09-14-2013, 02:34 PM
I mean it's easy for a transsexual, to come out and call a person a punk or weak cause he choose not to let everybody know he like yall, IT'S EASY BECAUSE YALL ALREADY FELT THE WRATH and some even parted ways with family. I aint willing to do that SO I KEEPIT TO MY GODDAMN SELF hahahahaha. Don't make me a punk, im not just willing to do that. Don't make me any less of a man either. Like i said , i just don't like conflict, and most of the time someone is outed it's by a tranny THAT'S LIKE CONFLICT BECAUSE THEY LIFE HAS BEEN A BIG CONFLICT SO THEY USE TO IT.

Ms Remy M
09-14-2013, 03:46 PM
DL men are punks because they run from conflicts instead of standing their ground and not being afraid of the consequences of their actions. You have no problem with people knowing you like women, but you have to keep TS a secret. Nobody is saying announce to the world, but like you said you just 'lust' after TS woman and 'love' genetic women. That's why DL guys will be the ones paying for the experience of being with TS, except for with the girls that don't know you for who you are initially. Of course there is no need to announce random one night stands to anyone genetic or trans. We are talking about being in a relationship with someone, but you would never even try, because you are scared.

Not all TS grew up and/or live with conflict from family and friends, my family and friends have accepted me with open arms and love me for who I am. That's what family and friends do. Sometimes it may take people a while to come to terms with it (if they aren't bigoted idiots) but at the end of the day it's worth it to be true to yourself.

Here is a scenario, since you don't like conflict I imagine if someone broke into your house and they tried to rape your wife, you would just run, jump out window instead of trying to fight them off and save her life. Because you are a punk and don't like conflict. In ever in prison, you'd just get your lunch taken, bend over and get fucked instead of standing your ground and knocking the dude teeth out, because you don't like conflict. All just hypothetical but pointing out any situation among the millions of variations in life when a man needs to face conflict and be true to himself and those he care about.

09-15-2013, 12:24 AM
Conflict=Drama and real men don't like DRAMA. I lust after women as well and you right people know because it's looked at as something natural. If i bring a transexual home it's looked at as something UNNATURAL. Then it's going to look as if im going against nature to alot of people, and im not going to like that type of energy being around my people. And why do folks always bring up an ABSOLUTE ofcourse not all are treated like shit BUT I'D SAY MOST WERE most of these tranny's have been in conflict since childhood.So how the hell can they say we not real men!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE US DOWNLOW MEN this aint easy lollllll, we aint ever been in no DRAMA LIKE YALL, we just trying keep things civilized and not go against the grain and if we do nobody HAVE know about it!!

And how can you use something like rape, jail fucked, being beat up , etc. That's a bit extreme. Im talking about social conflict, drama, etc. REAL MEN AVOID THAT!!ALL MY DOWNLOW BROTHAS STAND WITH ME. WE'RE BEING ATTACKED!!!The DLBUC community need to start speaking up. These people don't understand our suffering and question our manhood HOW DARE YOU!!!

09-15-2013, 03:25 AM
I feel what chub...... is saying but my question is what makes a person down low I thought that label was for uundercover gay people who were purposefully not telling women they were gay cause they knew most of them wasn't going to let them fuck anymore.... or not be wifey anymore ..... etc. Since when the dude who didn't want the girl to know about the jumpoff was down low... See yall know yall donn fucked up right see see yall know...... donn fucked up (from Menace to Society) LMAO..... For real though I think we need to know from what direction someone is coming before we label them. Like the dude who outted Mr Cee that dude was doing it seemingly, for his minutes of glory. The story could of played out like this: man impersonating a female was shot and killed" before we heard the real story.. All in this forum we would hear shit like they always getting away with this....... But fact the matter is dude was trying to do something wicked here. And I say if you trying to attack me then its war. To sum it up somethings are private what one deems as such is just that. To come along and call that person out on it is a violation.

09-15-2013, 03:36 AM
Has anyone ever thought of how ironic we use the phrase "Real Man" Well let me use another one "Who in the hell we fooling" :cool:

09-15-2013, 03:52 AM
I feel what chub...... is saying but my question is what makes a person down low I thought that label was for uundercover gay people who were purposefully not telling women they were gay cause they knew most of them wasn't going to let them fuck anymore.... or not be wifey anymore ..... etc. Since when the dude who didn't want the girl to know about the jumpoff was down low... See yall know yall donn fucked up right see see yall know...... donn fucked up (from Menace to Society) LMAO..... For real though I think we need to know from what direction someone is coming before we label them. Like the dude who outted Mr Cee that dude was doing it seemingly, for his minutes of glory. The story could of played out like this: man impersonating a female was shot and killed" before we heard the real story.. All in this forum we would hear shit like they always getting away with this....... But fact the matter is dude was trying to do something wicked here. And I say if you trying to attack me then its war. To sum it up somethings are private what one deems as such is just that. To come along and call that person out on it is a violation.

My definition for downlow is pretty much something you want to keep secret, example i use to like big gurls but i keep it on the downlow. Never told nobody.:D But brotha i agree with you alot of these transsexuals , crossdressers etc have wicked intention especially when you a brotha that's known in the entertainment business. They have no other way of getting attention so they gonna put you out there just to get their 10 mins of fam, they use to the drama. Thing is though YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL because messing with the wrong person could get you killeddd, and i bet alot of transexuals have been murdered because they threatened to out somebody NIGGAS DON'T PLAY ABOUT THAT SHIT. Because like i said YOU FUCKING WITH SOMEONE LIFE AND A BOND THEY HAVE WITH OTHER PEOPLE putting personal shit out there.

09-15-2013, 06:42 AM
Here is a scenario, since you don't like conflict I imagine if someone broke into your house and they tried to rape your wife, you would just run, jump out window instead of trying to fight them off and save her life. Because you are a punk and don't like conflict. In ever in prison, you'd just get your lunch taken, bend over and get fucked instead of standing your ground and knocking the dude teeth out, because you don't like conflict. All just hypothetical but pointing out any situation among the millions of variations in life when a man needs to face conflict and be true to himself and those he care about.

Wait, wait...flag on play LOL!

I don't think it's the same thing, I can smack a nigga tooth lose w/o a second thought if provoked....Now not wanting to argue with idiots about who I sleep with is different. Case in point going back and forth with some loud mouth hoodrat who knows your MO and wants nothing other than to embarrass you, tends to put the average man in jail for choking a bitch.

I mean seriously these jealous jackasses are insulting even when they believe they're being sincere:


So to put it simple it's not always a case of facing your battles as much as it is being wise enough to know when to "pick" them.

Knowledge is power so why give your enemies any...

09-15-2013, 07:36 AM
the hypocrisy is astonishing. aside from being married or having relationship w/ a GG & not telling her.
how can it be acceptable for the lgbt community to judge a DL man
but unacceptable for the heterosexual community to judge a lgbt person

09-15-2013, 01:34 PM
the hypocrisy is astonishing. aside from being married or having relationship w/ a GG & not telling her.
how can it be acceptable for the lgbt community to judge a DL man
but unacceptable for the heterosexual communinsensitiveity to judge a lgbt person

awww I'm sorry if we are insensitive to a man who will lie, manipulate and just about do anything BUT stand proudly next to the person that he desires.
there is no feeling worst than realizing that someone is ashamed of you ( or ashamed of themselves) and only want to socialize with you if no one knows. paint it any color you want to but it's a very cruel and insensitive thing to do to someone.
imagine it this way, what if a chick fucked with you specifically cause you were black but didn't want to be seen with you anywhere cause she didn't want to be seen associating with a negro? I imagine that shit wouldn't make you feel good

09-15-2013, 03:41 PM
awww I'm sorry if we are insensitive to a man who will lie, manipulate and just about do anything BUT stand proudly next to the person that he desires.
there is no feeling worst than realizing that someone is ashamed of you ( or ashamed of themselves) and only want to socialize with you if no one knows. paint it any color you want to but it's a very cruel and insensitive thing to do to someone.
imagine it this way, what if a chick fucked with you specifically cause you were black but didn't want to be seen with you anywhere cause she didn't want to be seen associating with a negro? I imagine that shit wouldn't make you feel good

This type of argument seems moot when tgirls themselves have admitted to hating their "professions" as it were including you. So to condemn us for not wanting to take you seriously due to the same reasons sounds like the purists of bs. It's a double edged sword that you girls excepted the consequences of the day you took out your 1st ad or argeed to do a shoot.

Now tgirls who have no ties to the sex industry, sure that's understandable. But most of the Trannies I hear from sound like the typical drug dealer who whines about upscale women not wanting to "ride" for them.

Nice speech Amber but the "Pretty Women" ending is not in the cards for me personally.

09-15-2013, 04:03 PM
allope of argument seems mo on when tgirls thman whoemselves have admitted to hating their "professions" as it were including you. So to condemn us for not wanting to take you seriously due to the same reasons sounds like the purists of bs. It's a double edged sword that you girls excepted the consequences of the day you took out your 1st ad or argeed to do a shoot.

Now tgirls who have no ties to the sex industry, sure that's understandable. But most of the Trannies I hear from sound like the typical drug dealer who whines about upscale women not wanting to "ride" for them.

Nice speech Amber but the "Pretty Women" ending is not in the cards for me personally.

what does the sex industry have to do with a man being on the low? a man who is ashamed of being associated with a ts is going to feel that way regardless of if she's in the industry or not.it has to do with him not being comfortable with his sexuality and not confident in his manhood. your comparing apples with oranges bruh
ps.I don't hate what I do.. it's allowing me too be independent (I pay my own bills, including rent at my own place) and put myself through school.of course naturally I want better for myself and I'm not content with escorting for the rest of my life.
like I said though escorting has nothing to do with this argument.I just wanted to set the record straight on where I stand when it comes to sex work

09-15-2013, 06:44 PM
Come on now, THESE TGIRLS are acting like they don't get what's going on and why we act this way!! I mean as fine as some of you tgirls are why would we be ashamed of yoo ass!! Like i said before MOST BROTHAS THAT ARE DOWNLOW WITH TGIRLS just don't like the drama and bullshit that's associated with them. Shit i'd love to take some of yall asses out, JUST DON'T HAVE A SIGN UP SAYING YOU'RE A TRANSSEXUAL or bring up conversations about you being a tranny WITH COMPANY AND IM GOODDDDDDDDD. Don't be at the crib and my homies come over and you go to the bathroom standing up taking a piss with the door open THAT'S ALL I ASK!!!!!

09-15-2013, 06:57 PM
Come on now, THESE TGIRLS are acting like they don't get what's going on and why we act this way!! I mean as fine as so wasn'tf you tgirrightls are why would we be ashamed of yoo ass!! Like i said before MOST BROTHAS THAT ARE DOWNLOW WITH TGIRLS just don't like the drama and bullshit that's associated with them. Shit i'd love to take some of yall asses out, JUST DON'T HAVE A SIGN UP SAYING YOU'RE A TRANSSEXUAL or bring up conversations about you being a tranny WITH COMPANY AND IM GOODDDDDDDDD. Don't be at the crib and my homies come over and you go to the bathroom standing up taking a piss with the door open THAT'S ALL I ASK!!!!!

lmaaaooo.. I'm a woman at all times and in everything I do.don't expect tranny behaviour out of me,I dont even vogue lol.
went on a date last night to a hip hop club.. there was no drama other than the occasional fool who would try to kick it to me like my date wasnt standing right next to me smh

09-15-2013, 07:48 PM
lmaaaooo.. I'm a woman at all times and in everything I do.don't expect tranny behaviour out of me,I dont even vogue lol.
went on a date last night to a hip hop club.. there was no drama other than the occasional fool who would try to kick it to me like my date wasnt standing right next to me smh

Amber I just have a question to ask, nothing pointed, just curious:... When you go to a hip-hop club do you bother to "research" the place first (in terms of how cool and balanced it is) or do you just go to any old hip hop club, and not give a damn about whether there might be zombies there or not, perhaps even DL zombies who might make trouble for you?

blue eyed devil x

09-15-2013, 07:57 PM
Amber I just have a question to ask, nothing pointed, just curious:... When you go to a hip-hop club do yootheru bother to "research" the place first (in terms of how cool and balanced it is) or do you just go to any old hip hop club, and not give a damn about whether there might be zombies there or not, perhaps even DL zombies who might make trouble for you?

blue eyed devil x

I just go places like anyone else lol.I don't live this social ostracized life where I need to be aware of certain places... well no more aware than any woman (gg or ts) would need to be. luckily I'm passable enough that I don't worry about harassment or anything like that

09-15-2013, 08:00 PM
what does the sex industry have to do with a man being on the low? a man who is ashamed of being associated with a ts is going to feel that way regardless of if she's in the industry or not.it has to do with him not being comfortable with his sexuality and not confident in his manhood. your comparing apples with oranges bruh
ps.I don't hate what I do.. it's allowing me too be independent (I pay my own bills, including rent at my own place) and put myself through school.of course naturally I want better for myself and I'm not content with escorting for the rest of my life.
like I said though escorting has nothing to do with this argument.I just wanted to set the record straight on where I stand when it comes to sex work

I'm mixing apples with oranges???

Amber you've got a whole fruit basket thing going on right now...

Who is the down low person you're basing your whole argument on? Mr. Cee...? Well initially that whole scandal revolved around an "OPEN INVESTIGATION" in which he was charged with solicitation. DL or not even his lawyer cautioned him to keep his mouth shut. Only problem with that is that Mr. Cee is a dumb ass who clearly has no limits on what he'll fuck for cash.

That's on him though....

Now my comment was based on you making a broad generalization on people who's taste in transsexual may differ considerably. Down low is a gay term. I don't adhere to it. To me you're either the woman that you say you are or you're not. So to me you blurring the lines between what Mr. Cee does by projecting his man in a wig fetish on all trans-attracted men as well conforming to a misinformed society who doesn't know the difference between a gay man and a transsexual woman and doesn't care to. So you're essentially jumping from one foot to the other regarding this topic.

Sex work is at the core of this discussion so my comment on it stands. I don't solicit sex personally but the Trans-women I encounter are prostitutes. And that's what I based my comment on.

09-15-2013, 08:02 PM
awww I'm sorry if we are insensitive to a man who will lie, manipulate and just about do anything BUT stand proudly next to the person that he desires.
there is no feeling worst than realizing that someone is ashamed of you ( or ashamed of themselves) and only want to socialize with you if no one knows. paint it any color you want to but it's a very cruel and insensitive thing to do to someone.
imagine it this way, what if a chick fucked with you specifically cause you were black but didn't want to be seen with you anywhere cause she didn't want to be seen associating with a negro? I imagine that shit wouldn't make you feel good

Ty- has a point then you went to make one and while you made it. You were all over the place with it. And all of it was not valid. You associating the deed
with feelings. The DL dude imposing all kinds of hurt feelings on people by him
being DL. So now you take it upon yourself to say he's ashamed of this and that By you all(s) definiton and to Ty-'s point NO, the DL dude is afraid to come clean for whatever reasons similar to reasons of the many of Transexuals who struggle (transforming back and forth, those who haven't come out, etc) to come clean. So it is utter hipocrisy, and further just by a person being DL doesn't mean the every DL dude is imposing this shame, abandonment, etc on those he's involved with. If indeed that person is lying to those involved than he's lying. But he can't be lying to the tranny cause he's not being seen with her hence the failure of that tranny to recognize what it is, and continuing on with the DL dude. A willing participant
which make them just as responsible so they inadvertently inflict that shame and abandonment on themselves. I'm a person who doesn't like my picture on the internet (for many reasons) but does that make me a DL(blogger, etc) of some sort. I don't think so. And so does that mean I can't play on the internet.
BTW; if shorty wanted to fuck me because I was black I would accomodate her little fine ass in more ways than one, because it would be obivious that we were on the same page. I wouldn't want anyone seeing us together either LMAO............:cool:

09-15-2013, 08:06 PM
I just go places like anyone else lol.I don't live this social ostracized life where I need to be aware of certain places... well no more aware than any woman (gg or ts) would need to be. luckily I'm passable enough that I don't worry about harassment or anything like that

I know I saw you in harlem that time, you gave me that look too. :)
Like you wanted me!;)

Ms Remy M
09-15-2013, 09:53 PM
This type of argument seems moot when tgirls themselves have admitted to hating their "professions" as it were including you. So to condemn us for not wanting to take you seriously due to the same reasons sounds like the purists of bs. It's a double edged sword that you girls excepted the consequences of the day you took out your 1st ad or argeed to do a shoot.

Now tgirls who have no ties to the sex industry, sure that's understandable. But most of the Trannies I hear from sound like the typical drug dealer who whines about upscale women not wanting to "ride" for them.

Nice speech Amber but the "Pretty Women" ending is not in the cards for me personally.

Nothing she said had anything to do with 'escorts'. That statement was about a woman of any color not wanting to be seen with a black man in public, strictly the bedroom (i.e. the woman is on the down low). Anyone can be 'down low' not just gay men. The phrase can be appropriated from one group to another, just like how bigoted people called blacks 'nigga' and now all manner of idiots call themselves and friends 'nigga'

Ms Remy M
09-15-2013, 10:00 PM
You Down Low guys should just stop dealing with trans women if you have such a problem with them, that would end all your little b.s. issues about worrying about fam and friends hating you since that is what matters to you. Alas, that is why you guys end up stuck having to pay for the chance of being with a TS instead of fostering an actual friendship since trans women aren't worthy in your eyes.

09-15-2013, 10:00 PM
I'm mixing apples with oranges???

Amber you've got a whol energyit basket thing going on right now...

Who is the down low person you're basing your whole argument on? Mr. Cee...? Well initially that whole scandal revolved around an "OPEN INVESTIGATION" in which he was charged with solicitation. DL or not even his lawyer cautioned him to keep his mouth shut. Only problem with that is that Mr. Cee is a dumb ass who clearly has no limits on what he'll fuck for cash.

That's on him though....

Now my comment was based on you making a broad generalization on people who's taste in transsexual may differ considerably. Down low is a gay term. I don't adhere to it. To me you're either the woman that you say you are or you're not. So to me you blurring the lines between what Mr. Cee does by projecting his man in a wig fetish on all trans-attracted men as well conforming to a misinformed society who doesn't know the difference between a gay man and a transsexual woman and doesn't care to. So you're essentially jumping from one foot to the other regarding this topic.

Sex work is at the core of this discussion so my comment on it stands. I don't solicit sex personally but the Trans-women I encounter are prostitutes. And that's what I based my comment on.

the down low than was/is a side discussion spurred by another posters comment.
while I agree that "dl" is a gay term it is convenient to describe a particular type of man that will have sexual relations with a ts but would be ashamed to be seen with or have it be known that he associates with her.
now just because all the ts woman you know escort it doesn't mean all ts woman do. also just cause one escorts it doesn't mean that one can't have relationships with men outside of work.
I'm an escort and while I dont care if my clients are on the "dl" or not ( cause I dont enteract with them socially),I would never give a dl man the time of day in my personal life.to me there is no such thing as being my friend or lover if you are ashamed of me.

09-15-2013, 10:02 PM
I know I saw you in harlem that time, you gave me that look too. :)
Like you wanted me!;)

I'm telling you I never lived in Harlem and I never owned a dog,I don't like animals

09-16-2013, 03:06 AM
Nothing she said had anything to do with 'escorts'. That statement was about a woman of any color not wanting to be seen with a black man in public, strictly the bedroom (i.e. the woman is on the down low). Anyone can be 'down low' not just gay men. The phrase can be appropriated from one group to another, just like how bigoted people called blacks 'nigga' and now all manner of idiots call themselves and friends 'nigga'

Nope you are wrong about this and the analogy you used. The term down low was just for gay men. And the way you folks trying to coin it here is with a different meaning. Hence ni&&er is what the white establishment successfully named us to say we were not people, nigga is what we have coined ourselves in ignorance and love which is now universal. And these 2 words have two different meanings. But you would have us believe down low is one phrase and has two different meanings. Na.... bad analogy and every one you guys use with color turns out to not be such a good analogy, very different beast. And in your very own words I would have to be an idiot if I believed your logic

09-16-2013, 06:42 AM
awww I'm sorry if we are insensitive to a man who will lie, manipulate and just about do anything BUT stand proudly next to the person that he desires.
there is no feeling worst than realizing that someone is ashamed of you ( or ashamed of themselves) and only want to socialize with you if no one knows. paint it any color you want to but it's a very cruel and insensitive thing to do to someone.
imagine it this way, what if a chick fucked with you specifically cause you were black but didn't want to be seen with you anywhere cause she didn't want to be seen associating with a negro? I imagine that shit wouldn't make you feel good

i was not talking about a dl man having a serious relationship with a lgbt person & refusing to owning up to it. im talking bout having a causal association with that lgbt person & them blowing him up for their own personal agenda. just like the person in this video, he/she did not have a relationship with mr cee. mr cee picked him/her up off the street for a causal encounter, but he/she did not care about him or his life/career & he/she blew him up, for he/she 15 minute of fame. im sorry sweetheart but that disgusting. its just like the kerry rhodes situation: for those who do not know kerry rhodes is a NFL player, who isa damn good one at that. kerry hired an assistant to handle his personal off the field matters & the dude was flamboyant gay dude. apparently they had some type of sexual relations & since then this little gay dude been blowing kerry up. kerry was on his final year of his arziona cards contract & since then they did not resign him nor any other NFL team. while (he) kerry is one of the best safety in the whole league. this little gay dude basically ruin this man career. for what? i ask you. to gain a little fame for blowing up a professional NFL player.
thats my beef with the lgbt community. you should not judge a dl man for the life he lives yet hate the judgment of the heterosexual community for the life you live.
that is being hypocritical

09-16-2013, 10:03 AM
i was not talking about a dl man having a serious relationship with a lgbt person & refusing to owning up to it. im talking bout having a causal association with that lgbt person & them blowing him up for their own personal agenda. just like the person in this video, he/she did not have a relationship with mr cee. mr cee picked him/her up off the street for a causal encounter, but he/she did not care about him or his life/career & he/she blew him up, for he/she 15 minute of fame. im sorry sweetheart but that disgusting. its just like the kerry rhodes situation: for those who do not know kerry rhodes is a NFL player, who isa damn good one at that. kerry hired an assistant to handle his personal off the field matters & the dude was flamboyant gay dude. apparently they had some type of sexual relations & since then this little gay dude been blowing kerry up. kerry was on his final year of his arziona cards contract & since then they did not resign him nor any other NFL team. while (he) kerry is one of the best safety in the whole league. this little gay dude basically ruin this man career. for what? i ask you. to gain a little fame for blowing up a professional NFL player.
thats my beef with the lgbt community. you should not judge a dl man for the life he lives yet hate the judgment of the heterosexual community for the life you live.
that is being hypocritical

like I said before I dont believe in "outing" people because of my own personal integrity but if being put in that situation is so serious than why engage in sexual relations in the first place?
as far as the Kerry Rhodes situation I can't comment because I'm not familiar but do you know the nature of their relationship? when people act ashamed than you allow for the possibility to be victimized. athletes have come out before of their own free will and haven't lost their careers.
any who I'm sorry but your just not going to gain any sympathy from a ts for dl men. we go through so much just to be who we are ( the woman yall desire) and while you guys want to sleep with us you can't work up just a fraction of the courage we had to? I'm sorry but I just don't have time for that sort out thing in my personal life

09-16-2013, 06:07 PM
I just go places like anyone else lol.I don't live this social ostracized life where I need to be aware of certain places... well no more aware than any woman (gg or ts) would need to be. luckily I'm passable enough that I don't worry about harassment or anything like that

You're most certainly passable, that's an understatement! lol xx

I was thinking more in terms of some snake who knew you to be a TS Woman (perhaps from this site) and who wanted to make trouble for you, perhaps because you declined his advances... (Don't mean to sound negative, but safety and security is a consideration for all Women)

blue eyed devil

09-16-2013, 07:26 PM
You're most certainly passable, that's an understatement! lol xx

I was thinking more in terms of some snake who knew you to be a TS Woman (perhaps from this site) a witho wanted to make trouble for you, perhaps because you declined his advances... (Don't mean to sound negative, but safety and security is a consideration for all Women)

blue eyed devil

hasn't happened.. usually theres a guy or two who either can't take a hint to leave me alone or disrespected my date by trying to kick it to me despite clearly seeing I'm with someone.
well... actually there was one time that a family friend who obviously knew I was ts told a guy who wanted to buy me drinks. that back fired for him tho big time lol

09-16-2013, 08:45 PM
It is obvious if this girl knew that Mr. Cee was not an established Radio DJ, she would not have exposed him… for there would be nothing to expose. Possibly she was looking for some means of financial security in order to keep her mouth shut in which Mr. Cee chose not to oblige.

Ms Remy M
09-17-2013, 04:08 PM
i was not talking about a dl man having a serious relationship with a lgbt person & refusing to owning up to it. im talking bout having a causal association with that lgbt person & them blowing him up for their own personal agenda. just like the person in this video, he/she did not have a relationship with mr cee. mr cee picked him/her up off the street for a causal encounter, but he/she did not care about him or his life/career & he/she blew him up, for he/she 15 minute of fame. im sorry sweetheart but that disgusting. its just like the kerry rhodes situation: for those who do not know kerry rhodes is a NFL player, who isa damn good one at that. kerry hired an assistant to handle his personal off the field matters & the dude was flamboyant gay dude. apparently they had some type of sexual relations & since then this little gay dude been blowing kerry up. kerry was on his final year of his arziona cards contract & since then they did not resign him nor any other NFL team. while (he) kerry is one of the best safety in the whole league. this little gay dude basically ruin this man career. for what? i ask you. to gain a little fame for blowing up a professional NFL player.
thats my beef with the lgbt community. you should not judge a dl man for the life he lives yet hate the judgment of the heterosexual community for the life you live.
that is being hypocritical

lol Outing is wrong, I don't think anyone is arguing that. However; there would be nothing to 'out' if the person would just be comfortable with himself and not hide the fact that he also like men (in the case of Rhodes) or trans women.

09-17-2013, 06:54 PM
lol Outing is wrong.

If you think its wrong, there's no need for a 'however'...if you don't approve of how someone lives their lives, DONT DEAL WITH THEM. Period point blank. No ifs ands or buts.

if you do decide to deal with them, even in a business capacity, then you're deciding to deal with how they live their lives...the two aren't mutually exclusive. Play your position.

09-18-2013, 05:20 AM
Also , as i said before and i'll say it again,BEING A TRANNY IN 2013 is a hustle , these gay guys know dudes like trannys so they try to dress up and get these niggas RATHER IT'S FOR MONEY, OR FOR OTHER REASONS. Tranny porn is almost becoming the most watched type of porn on the netttttt and these gay guys know this. No offense to homosexuals JUST SAYING. Trannys are like the new drug, but that dude in the video is not a tranny. And it has me thinkin alot of trannys HAVE THE SAME GAY MANNERISMS AS THIS GUY. I Understand they come from the same community but come on now BE REAL THIS TRANSSEXUAL SHIT IS A HUSTLEEEE.

LOL this is the realest shit I've read in awhile. I can't stand niggas in a wig. I'm not gonna lie tho, I've beat my meat to some cross dressers, but they were pretty passable for a shemale beginning a transition. That's rare though, because most of the time cross dressers look horrid lol.

Either way, gay dudes will def. try to hustle you these days. I had one horrible experience with that and it's why I don't trust escort ads. Well, I don't get excited over a listing without some research. So many DL gays just post fake pics and hope you're so dick hungry by the time you show up, they can get your money and their dick wet regardless. It's bull shit lol.

I don't think they understand a dick on a dude's body and a dick on a feminine body are two different universes LOL. I'm a big dick chaser myself when it comes to shemales, but seeing a dude with a 10 inch dick does absolute jack shit for me arousal wise. Meanwhile a shemale with a 10 incher is gonna make me nut pretty quick. These things don't overlap lol. This is why I don't consider myself bi. At the end of the day, I still want you to look, sound, act, smell, feel, and live like a lady.

I guess they think trannies are gate way porn? I've been looking at shemales since 2003 and I haven't even had to urge to look at gay porn.

09-18-2013, 06:31 AM
LOL this is the realest shit I've read in awhile. I can't stand niggas in a wig. I'm not gonna lie tho, I've beat my meat to some cross dressers, but they were pretty passable for a shemale beginning a transition. That's rare though, because most of the time cross dressers look horrid lol.

Either way, gay dudes will def. try to hustle you these days. I had one horrible experience with that and it's why I don't trust escort ads. Well, I don't get excited over a listing without some research. So many DL gays just post fake pics and hope you're so dick hungry by the time you show up, they can get your money and their dick wet regardless. It's bull shit lol.

I don't think they understand a dick on a dude's body and a dick on a feminine body are two different universes LOL. I'm a big dick chaser myself when it comes to shemales, but seeing a dude with a 10 inch dick does absolute jack shit for me arousal wise. Meanwhile a shemale with a 10 incher is gonna make me nut pretty quick. These things don't overlap lol. This is why I don't consider myself bi. At the end of the day, I still want you to look, sound, act, smell, feel, and live like a lady.

I guess they think trannies are gate way porn? I've been looking at shemales since 2003 and I haven't even had to urge to look at gay porn.

lol, it's ton of these black-tgirls who are part-time trannys at night and a straight up THUG NIGGA in the day. I'VE SEEN IT!!!And alot of them are very convincing as a tgirl. MAKE-UP IS A MUTHA FUCKA. Now im the sameway i love seeing a tgirl with a huge dick PREFERABLY BLACK TGIRLS , and no i can't say it's a gateway to liking gay porn. I've came across some gay porn before, and it's like how do they do it, two hairy ass thug niggas drilling each other , hot ass breath , saying YEAH NIGGUH every 5 seconds, i was like man this shit is sick. But i can watch tranny porn ALL DAMN DAY rather the tranny is a top or bottom, and it don't gross me out at all. Kinda strange , cause it's the same activity but one turns me on the other makes me wanna vomit :confused:.

Ms Remy M
09-18-2013, 02:58 PM
If you think its wrong, there's no need for a 'however'...if you don't approve of how someone lives their lives, DONT DEAL WITH THEM. Period point blank. No ifs ands or buts.

if you do decide to deal with them, even in a business capacity, then you're deciding to deal with how they live their lives...the two aren't mutually exclusive. Play your position.

Exactly, DL guys have problems with Transwomen so don't deal with them! lol Just stick to dealing with people that you are comfortable with your friends and family knowing about that way there is no risk to your status quo. That's what I am saying, if DL men stop dealing with trans women they can't out them about anything at all because they wouldn't even know the DL men in the first place.

Ms Remy M
09-18-2013, 02:59 PM
LOL this is the realest shit I've read in awhile. I can't stand niggas in a wig. I'm not gonna lie tho, I've beat my meat to some cross dressers, but they were pretty passable for a shemale beginning a transition. That's rare though, because most of the time cross dressers look horrid lol.

Either way, gay dudes will def. try to hustle you these days. I had one horrible experience with that and it's why I don't trust escort ads. Well, I don't get excited over a listing without some research. So many DL gays just post fake pics and hope you're so dick hungry by the time you show up, they can get your money and their dick wet regardless. It's bull shit lol.

I don't think they understand a dick on a dude's body and a dick on a feminine body are two different universes LOL. I'm a big dick chaser myself when it comes to shemales, but seeing a dude with a 10 inch dick does absolute jack shit for me arousal wise. Meanwhile a shemale with a 10 incher is gonna make me nut pretty quick. These things don't overlap lol. This is why I don't consider myself bi. At the end of the day, I still want you to look, sound, act, smell, feel, and live like a lady.

I guess they think trannies are gate way porn? I've been looking at shemales since 2003 and I haven't even had to urge to look at gay porn.

Cross dressers don't transition, they just cross dress. DL men are not the ones you are meeting from the ads, the people you are meeting from the ads are open.

09-18-2013, 03:55 PM
Cross dressers don't transition, they just cross dress. DL men are not the ones you are meeting from the ads, the people you are meeting from the ads are open.

Na I beg to differ. DL dudes and crossdressers are both impostors. I don't think there is a difference when it comes to posting fake ads you can get either and you'd never know. No absolutes.

09-21-2013, 06:37 AM
like I said before I dont believe in "outing" people because of my own personal integrity but if being put in that situation is so serious than why engage in sexual relations in the first place?
as far as the Kerry Rhodes situation I can't comment because I'm not familiar but do you know the nature of their relationship? when people act ashamed than you allow for the possibility to be victimized. athletes have come out before of their own free will and haven't lost their careers.
any who I'm sorry but your just not going to gain any sympathy from a ts for dl men. we go through so much just to be who we are ( the woman yall desire) and while you guys want to sleep with us you can't work up just a fraction of the courage we had to? I'm sorry but I just don't have time for that sort out thing in my personal life

thats fine, its understandable if you choose not to have relations with a DL man. your beautiful on the outside and the inside. which leads us back to the outing and judging part. we agree that outing is a wrong but i guess we disagree on the judging of a DL man. imo a DL man should not be looked down by lgbt community as long as he not hurting anybody; just my own humble opinion.

09-21-2013, 06:50 AM
lol Outing is wrong, I don't think anyone is arguing that. However; there would be nothing to 'out' if the person would just be comfortable with himself and not hide the fact that he also like men (in the case of Rhodes) or trans women.

but what your not understanding is him being open to his sexuality, may cause a negative affect to his professional and personal career. its obvious that the rumors have had a negative affect on kerry, he can not get a job and that may even lead him to not having any opportunities outside of the NFL

Ms Remy M
09-24-2013, 03:33 PM
but what your not understanding is him being open to his sexuality, may cause a negative affect to his professional and personal career. its obvious that the rumors have had a negative affect on kerry, he can not get a job and that may even lead him to not having any opportunities outside of the NFL

Do you know for a fact that he still is unable to get a job? Could it be that maybe he doesn't have a degree/experience in a field that is hiring?

You guys just want excuses for thinking with your dicks instead of your heads. I still say if you are worried about repercussions of dealing with a transsexual the answer is simple, don't deal with a transsexual. You know if you jump in a cage with a pride of lioness you likely to get hurt so you don't do it. Conversely, if you scared people finding out you like to be with transsexuals is going to destroy your life, than don't be with transsexuals. This isn't rocket science...

Trust trans women wont be hurt by DL men vanishing from the scene, that makes it all the more easier for them to find men that will respect them, so that a Win/Win. DL men keep their attractions safely hidden away and transwomen get exposed to men that do care about them.

09-28-2013, 07:24 AM
Do you know for a fact that he still is unable to get a job? Could it be that maybe he doesn't have a degree/experience in a field that is hiring?

You guys just want excuses for thinking with your dicks instead of your heads. I still say if you are worried about repercussions of dealing with a transsexual the answer is simple, don't deal with a transsexual. You know if you jump in a cage with a pride of lioness you likely to get hurt so you don't do it. Conversely, if you scared people finding out you like to be with transsexuals is going to destroy your life, than don't be with transsexuals. This isn't rocket science...

Trust trans women wont be hurt by DL men vanishing from the scene, that makes it all the more easier for them to find men that will respect them, so that a Win/Win. DL men keep their attractions safely hidden away and transwomen get exposed to men that do care about them.

its obvious kerry rhodes can not get a job in the NFL due to him being outed by the gay dude. like i said kerry is a top player at his position. the media has even asked a few current players on their team signing him, and they all gave no comment or said something in affect as no we do not want him.

i do not understand dl man using our dicks over our head comment. if anything its using our heads, most believe it will cause problems with our family,friends and careers. and repercussions only occur when the dl man is outed. which i assume you believe is wrong.

i had my fair share of tgirls association and always been up front about being on the down low, as far as i know none of them had an issue with that. if not they would have stop it. i think you and amber are more or less referring to a dl man having a serious relationship with lgbt individual. my comments were directly to the person in the video and any lgbt person whom so sign with that mentality.

09-28-2013, 02:36 PM
its obvious kerry rhodes can not get a job in the NFL due to him being outed by the gay dude. like i said kerry is a top player at his position. the media has even asked a few current players on their team signing him, and they all gave no comment or said something in affect as no we do not want him.

i do not understand dl man using our dicks over our head comment. if anything its using our heads, most believe it will cause problems with our family,friends and careers. and repercussions only occur when the dl man is outed. which i assume you believe is wrong.

i had my fair share of tgirls association and always been up front about being on the down low, as far as i know none of them had an issue with that. if not they would have stop it. i think you and amber are more or less referring to a dl man having a serious relationship with lgbt individual. my comments were directly to the person in the video and any lgbt person whom so sign with that mentality.

dl men always have 99 excuses and I'm not trying to hear none. I've dated plenty of guys both seriously and casually ( none of them jobless losers) with out all the negative consequences you listed.
there are tons of employed lgbt that have successful careers and hold positions of power. being lgbt or being associated with the lgbt community isn't social or career suicide in 2013'
not to put you on blast but if I recall aren't you a client? most girls aren't going to care if their clients are on the low. it not as if it has any impact on their social life.
trust tho that a girl who is pretty, passable and has something going for themselves (the sheebas, the victoria porches, etc) aren't going to deal with a dl man on a social level because there are men out there who don't have all these hang ups.

09-28-2013, 03:36 PM
I just got out of a relationship with a ts woman for 8 months. If anyone asked I told them the truth but I didn't overtly go about telling everyone our business. It was our business what happened in the bedroom, outside of that she was every bit a lady. People told me I was on the dl because I didn't tell them when they first met her. Not their business and I let her make her own impression. She was also a vegetarian but I didn't broadcast it because it wasn't their business lol. The problem is you gotta pick a higher quality of tgirl. Some of these working girls do not know what else they want in life so they scheme to make it big. Some people will do anything to get rich and not ever care on who gets destroyed in the process and that comes in every walk of life. Dope boys made it big stringing out communities, tgirls made it big outing celebrities, GG's made it big getting pregnant by someone rich, and big business made it big by crushing the little guys. Stop jumping in with just anybody who looks good but choose wisely. If you are just trying to get a quick nut then you open yourself up to lots of risks dl or not

09-29-2013, 07:55 AM
dl men always have 99 excuses and I'm not trying to hear none. I've dated plenty of guys both seriously and casually ( none of them jobless losers) with out all the negative consequences you listed.
there are tons of employed lgbt that have successful careers and hold positions of power. being lgbt or being associated with the lgbt community isn't social or career suicide in 2013'
not to put you on blast but if I recall aren't you a client? most girls aren't going to care if their clients are on the low. it not as if it has any impact on their social life.
trust tho that a girl who is pretty, passable and has something going for themselves (the sheebas, the victoria porches, etc) aren't going to deal with a dl man on a social level because there are men out there who don't have all these hang ups.

its not excuses, its reality. i gave you an example of that reality with kerry rhodes the NFL player. dont get me wrong, im not implying its social/career suicide especially in 2013; but its still a problem in today society. we all was sadden to hear the news where the young tgirl was beaten and killed in harlem and that was only a few months ago.
yes im a client but i've met plenty of tgirl online via chat rooms or bgc and like i said when we hookup to hang out weather for drinks, smoke or just me driving them around none of them had an issue with me being a dl man.
and for the those pretty passable tgirls that have things going for them, well some of them indeed deal with dl man. you really think those high end girls dont have some sort of causal relationship with famous rich man who are on the down low as well?
amber and to remy as well, im not trying to argue with yous. both of y'all are beautiful intelligent girls. i just dont think im a bad person because i choose not to share my personal lifestyle with my family friends and co workers.

no beef
we :cool:

09-29-2013, 04:54 PM
its not excuses, its reality. i gave you an example of that reality with kerry rhodes the NFL player. dont get me wrong, im not implying its social/career suicide especially in 2013; but its still a problem in today society. we all was sadden to hear the news where the young tgirl was beaten and killed in harlem and that was only a few months ago.
yes im a client but i've met plenty of tgirl online via chat rooms or bgc and like i said when we hookup to hang out weather for drinks, smoke or just me driving them around none of them had an issue with me being a dl man.
and for the those pretty passable tgirls that have things going for them, well some of them indeed deal with dl man. you really think those high end girls dont have some sort of causal relationship with famous rich man who are on the down low as well?
amber and to remy as well, im not trying to argue with yous. both of y'all are beautiful intelligent girls. i just dont think im a bad person because i choose not to share my personal lifestyle with my family friends and co workers.

no beef
we :cool:

there are always going to be instances of ignorance in the world but that is by no means a reflection of general society. for example, there was a black man who was gunned down by the cops for no reason what so ever in charlotte, north carolinia. if we went off of that incident than one would have to believe that racism is flourishing in america when that simply isnt the reality. the reality is that yes some people have their heart filled with hate but the world is a much more accepting and tolerant place theses days. as ive said many times on this forum we need to stop just focusing on the negative (the stories of ts woman getting murdered) but also focus on the positive advancements that ts woman are making (the ts actresses, models, judges, government officials and etc). when you only focus one on side of an issues it gives you an unbalanced perception.
as far as the kerry rhodes situation other factors have to be taken into account for his unemployment such as his age (he's over 30) and how much money he's asking for. apparently he was offered a 3 million deal but he passed over it. there are several openly gay sport professionals like orlando cruz or jason collins.
i cant speak for whatever girls you deal with but i know myself and the girls i know personally (which included the late Sheeba) dont deal with dl men on a social level.
while i dont think your a bad man for being dl per i just dont have room in my life for guys like you.i find it personally insulting that someone can think that im good enough to fuck but not to be seen or associated with.you can sugar coat it a zillion different ways from sunday but thats what being dl is saying.
my attitude toward dl men is,if im not good enough for you to be associated with than your not good enough for me to acknowledged

09-29-2013, 04:59 PM
I just got out of a relationship with a ts woman for 8 months. If anyone asked I told them the truth but I didn't overtly go about telling everyone our business. It was our business what happened in the bedroom, outside of that she was every bit a lady. People told me I was on the dl because I didn't tell them when they first met her. Not their business and I let her make her own impression. She was also a vegetarian but I didn't broadcast it because it wasn't their business lol. The problem is you gotta pick a higher quality of tgirl. Some of these working girls do not know what else they want in life so they scheme to make it big. Some people will do anything to get rich and not ever care on who gets destroyed in the process and that comes in every walk of life. Dope boys made it big stringing out communities, tgirls made it big outing celebrities, GG's made it big getting pregnant by someone rich, and big business made it big by crushing the little guys. Stop jumping in with just anybody who looks good but choose wisely. If you are just trying to get a quick nut then you open yourself up to lots of risks dl or not

i wouldnt consider you dl for not telling people your girl was trans.you are completely right that its yall business.as long as you treated her just like any other woman you dated than your good homie

Ms Remy M
09-29-2013, 05:34 PM
its obvious kerry rhodes can not get a job in the NFL due to him being outed by the gay dude. like i said kerry is a top player at his position. the media has even asked a few current players on their team signing him, and they all gave no comment or said something in affect as no we do not want him.

i do not understand dl man using our dicks over our head comment. if anything its using our heads, most believe it will cause problems with our family,friends and careers. and repercussions only occur when the dl man is outed. which i assume you believe is wrong.

i had my fair share of tgirls association and always been up front about being on the down low, as far as i know none of them had an issue with that. if not they would have stop it. i think you and amber are more or less referring to a dl man having a serious relationship with lgbt individual. my comments were directly to the person in the video and any lgbt person whom so sign with that mentality.

The point is, if you believe it is wrong to mess with trans women, just don't mess with them. Is the fear of one day being outed that important to you that you still rather run around getting your nut off instead of playing it safe and keeping your 'life in order'. lol That's thinking with your dick instead of your head. Yeah no escort is going to give a damn about you being dl.

Ms Remy M
09-29-2013, 05:47 PM
I just got out of a relationship with a ts woman for 8 months. If anyone asked I told them the truth but I didn't overtly go about telling everyone our business. It was our business what happened in the bedroom, outside of that she was every bit a lady. People told me I was on the dl because I didn't tell them when they first met her. Not their business and I let her make her own impression. She was also a vegetarian but I didn't broadcast it because it wasn't their business lol. The problem is you gotta pick a higher quality of tgirl. Some of these working girls do not know what else they want in life so they scheme to make it big. Some people will do anything to get rich and not ever care on who gets destroyed in the process and that comes in every walk of life. Dope boys made it big stringing out communities, tgirls made it big outing celebrities, GG's made it big getting pregnant by someone rich, and big business made it big by crushing the little guys. Stop jumping in with just anybody who looks good but choose wisely. If you are just trying to get a quick nut then you open yourself up to lots of risks dl or not

I agree with you and wouldn't consider you DL at all. The one thing I would point out is that no trans woman made it big 'outing' celebrities lol Out of all the successful trans women in US history not a single one has outed a person, there are trans Authors, Doctors, Actresses, Musicians, and Politicians, please name one that has outed a person and was even more successful after it.

Ms Remy M
09-29-2013, 05:50 PM
its not excuses, its reality. i gave you an example of that reality with kerry rhodes the NFL player. dont get me wrong, im not implying its social/career suicide especially in 2013; but its still a problem in today society. we all was sadden to hear the news where the young tgirl was beaten and killed in harlem and that was only a few months ago.
yes im a client but i've met plenty of tgirl online via chat rooms or bgc and like i said when we hookup to hang out weather for drinks, smoke or just me driving them around none of them had an issue with me being a dl man.
and for the those pretty passable tgirls that have things going for them, well some of them indeed deal with dl man. you really think those high end girls dont have some sort of causal relationship with famous rich man who are on the down low as well?
amber and to remy as well, im not trying to argue with yous. both of y'all are beautiful intelligent girls. i just dont think im a bad person because i choose not to share my personal lifestyle with my family friends and co workers.

no beef
we :cool:

lol You do realize, every situation you named with a trans woman dealing with a DL man, it was still at the end of the day the girl getting something out of the man. She ceases to see him as friend and now becomes opportunity for whatever material thing there may be to gain.

No beef at all, I just know that there are multiple factors toward the Rhodes situation not getting employment and it didn't end with a 'outing'. That's just the one factor that you care to focus on.

09-30-2013, 02:11 PM
lol You do realize, every situation you named with a trans woman dealing with a DL man, it was still at the end of the day the girl getting something out of the man. She ceases to see him as friend and now becomes opportunity for whatever material thing there may be to gain.

No beef at all, I just know that there are multiple factors toward the Rhodes situation not getting employment and it didn't end with a 'outing'. That's just the one factor that you care to focus on.

I don't understand the whole kerri rhodes thing. He liked boys on the dl not trans. Many dudes mess with fem boys on the dl. I spent 2 years locked up as a youngin and I know first hand of some of the hardest mofos who fucked fem boys in the box. That shit just doesn't goaway when you leave the yard.

I was never a dl dude. I have dated or taken out 2 trans women on dates in my life. I view them as women not dudes. Not women with dicks. Just women so I treated them accordingly. I'm just out to have fun and have a good time. I'm also not out there holding rainbow colored flags and marching at lgbt events. I don't understand why people feel the need to label shit. Just do what you do.

Ms Remy M
09-30-2013, 05:20 PM
I don't understand the whole kerri rhodes thing. He liked boys on the dl not trans. Many dudes mess with fem boys on the dl. I spent 2 years locked up as a youngin and I know first hand of some of the hardest mofos who fucked fem boys in the box. That shit just doesn't goaway when you leave the yard.

I was never a dl dude. I have dated or taken out 2 trans women on dates in my life. I view them as women not dudes. Not women with dicks. Just women so I treated them accordingly. I'm just out to have fun and have a good time. I'm also not out there holding rainbow colored flags and marching at lgbt events. I don't understand why people feel the need to label shit. Just do what you do.

Don't ask me, I'm not the one who brought Kerri Rhodes into the conversation.

10-01-2013, 06:10 AM
there are always going to be instances of ignorance in the world but that is by no means a reflection of general society. for example, there was a black man who was gunned down by the cops for no reason what so ever in charlotte, north carolinia. if we went off of that incident than one would have to believe that racism is flourishing in america when that simply isnt the reality. the reality is that yes some people have their heart filled with hate but the world is a much more accepting and tolerant place theses days. as ive said many times on this forum we need to stop just focusing on the negative (the stories of ts woman getting murdered) but also focus on the positive advancements that ts woman are making (the ts actresses, models, judges, government officials and etc). when you only focus one on side of an issues it gives you an unbalanced perception.
as far as the kerry rhodes situation other factors have to be taken into account for his unemployment such as his age (he's over 30) and how much money he's asking for. apparently he was offered a 3 million deal but he passed over it. there are several openly gay sport professionals like orlando cruz or jason collins.
i cant speak for whatever girls you deal with but i know myself and the girls i know personally (which included the late Sheeba) dont deal with dl men on a social level.
while i dont think your a bad man for being dl per i just dont have room in my life for guys like you.i find it personally insulting that someone can think that im good enough to fuck but not to be seen or associated with.you can sugar coat it a zillion different ways from sunday but thats what being dl is saying.
my attitude toward dl men is,if im not good enough for you to be associated with than your not good enough for me to acknowledged

fair enough, as i said i totally respect you & girls like you for not dealing with a dl man on a social level
but i would like to ask (not to open up a can of worms) but whats the differences for not dealing with a dl man on a social level yet its ok on a business level ?

big dick bitch comes to mind, heard she dose not prefer white men on a social level and when offered to do a scene for her site with a white man, she turned him down. that seems consistent then the latter

The point is, if you believe it is wrong to mess with trans women, just don't mess with them. Is the fear of one day being outed that important to you that you still rather run around getting your nut off instead of playing it safe and keeping your 'life in order'. lol That's thinking with your dick instead of your head. Yeah no escort is going to give a damn about you being dl.

i never said i believe its wrong, i said its nobody business but minds
and for the dl comment, see above. im just little confused on the differences. hopefully you & amber can enlighten me

10-01-2013, 06:22 AM
lol You do realize, every situation you named with a trans woman dealing with a DL man, it was still at the end of the day the girl getting something out of the man. She ceases to see him as friend and now becomes opportunity for whatever material thing there may be to gain.

No beef at all, I just know that there are multiple factors toward the Rhodes situation not getting employment and it didn't end with a 'outing'. That's just the one factor that you care to focus on.

how so? how is meeting up with a girl online just to chill, is some sort of opportunity for her to gain material things form me

really, just one factor. let me know if you still agree with that after reading & hearing this

10-01-2013, 06:53 AM
fair enough, as i said i totally respect you & girls like you for not dealing with a dl man on a social level
but i would like to ask (not to open up a can of worms) but whats the differences for not dealing with a dl man on a social level yet its ok on a business level ?

big dick bitch comes to mind, heard she dose not prefer white men on a social level and when offered to do a scene for her site with a white man, she turned him down. that seems consistent then the latter

when I'm with a client I'm there for the money only, I don't need to like or be attracted to the person.i would be one broke chick if I only saw clients who I thought were sexy lol.I'm there to provide a service , you pay me for it and then we both go our own ways. the client has no effect on my day to day life what so ever.I have a strict separation between my personal life and work.I have regulars I've seen for years but they don't know my last name, what school I go to, where my family is from etc.
when I deal with someone on a social level ( I'm not being payed to be there) not only do I find that person interesting but worth my time and effort.I'm inviting that person to be apart of my life.i can't consider someone a friend or lover but they're ashamed to be seen with or associated with me. that's not a real friend or person for that matter

10-01-2013, 07:00 AM
[QU havety-c two630]how so? how is meeting up with a girl online just to chill, is some sort of opportunity for her to gain material things form me

really, just one factor. let me know if you still agree with that after reading & hearing this

I gave you two factors including him passing up on a 3 mil deal... again some people will always be ignorant no matter what the factor, it could be race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc

Ms Remy M
10-01-2013, 07:04 PM
In an earlier post you also said this

i just dont think im a bad person because i choose not to share my personal lifestyle with my family friends and co workers.

I took that to mean you would never introduce a trans woman that you were dealing with relationship wise or just chilling to family or friends. Say for instance you were getting together for a cookout with family or friends, would you take a trans woman along and introduce her as your date for the evening? How about friends going out for couples night, would you invite a trans woman?

how so? how is meeting up with a girl online just to chill, is some sort of opportunity for her to gain material things form me

really, just one factor. let me know if you still agree with that after reading & hearing this

She is getting to smoke your weed, gets a ride to where ever she needs to go to etc. Those are all material things.

Those were two comments by football 'players' correct? Not the actual people who sign football players... You also said he can't get a job outside of the NFL, could that not have more to do with education, economy, etc than him being gay? There is no shortage of gay men working jobs lol

10-01-2013, 11:55 PM
when I'm with a client I'm there for the money only, I don't need to like or be attracted to the person.i would be one broke chick if I only saw clients who I thought were sexy lol.I'm there to provide a service , you pay me for it and then we both go our own ways. the client has no effect on my day to day life what so ever.I have a strict separation between my personal life and work.I have regulars I've seen for years but they don't know my last name, what school I go to, where my family is from etc.
when I deal with someone on a social level ( I'm not being payed to be there) not only do I find that person interesting but worth my time and effort.I'm inviting that person to be apart of my life.i can't consider someone a friend or lover but they're ashamed to be seen with or associated with me. that's not a real friend or person for that matter

An interesting point about your clients, and not really on topic but I wanted to ask a few questions about this.

I find it interesting that you can separate work and social relationships so easily (or maybe not) when it comes to your clients, especially when you are 'intimate' with them. Ok granted sex does not always bring an emotional connection but it's an interesting point none the less. I'm sure your clients often share a lot of shit with you other than being there to get their nut. I presume some guys will tell you about there likes, dislikes, dreams and so on. Have you ever let that strict separation cross over? Have you developed social relationships with any of your clients? And a more childish question.. what if one of your clients is some hot dude that pushed all your buttons, would you still look at him as a business transaction? :p

10-04-2013, 06:33 AM
when I'm with a client I'm there for the money only, I don't need to like or be attracted to the person.i would be one broke chick if I only saw clients who I thought were sexy lol.I'm there to provide a service , you pay me for it and then we both go our own ways. the client has no effect on my day to day life what so ever.I have a strict separation between my personal life and work.I have regulars I've seen for years but they don't know my last name, what school I go to, where my family is from etc.
when I deal with someone on a social level ( I'm not being payed to be there) not only do I find that person interesting but worth my time and effort.I'm inviting that person to be apart of my life.i can't consider someone a friend or lover but they're ashamed to be seen with or associated with me. that's not a real friend or person for that matter

cool, very informative

[QU havety-c two630]how so? how is meeting up with a girl online just to chill, is some sort of opportunity for her to gain material things form me

really, just one factor. let me know if you still agree with that after reading & hearing this

I gave you two factors including him passing up on a 3 mil deal... again some people will always be ignorant no matter what the factor, it could be race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc[/QUOTE]

your kerry factor is a little off
since you stated your not a sport fan, ill try to explain in the simplest way.
the nfl has a hard salary cap meaning that every team must have a full roster of its players salary below the number of the cap. after each season teams make a decision on who they going to keep, cut or renegotiate player deals. kerry was one of the players who his team the arizona cardinals decided to renegotiate his contract. kerry was in his final year of his deal which he was going to make about 6 million dollars & his team requested him to take half of it, which is where you got that 3 million dollars from. kerry and his agent decided not to, figuring he still could get that money plus more years from another team. teams can not sign free agents till several weeks after the nfl draft which is spring. and just before that time the gay rumors surface then the pictures and more pictures then the gay dude went on his outing tour doing interviews after interviews. so before the signing period begun the damaged was already done. no team even offered him a try out, ota, mini camp, regular camp etc. it got to the point where he was willing to except the league mininuim which is 800k for a player of his experience and still not one single team was interested.
i understand that you and many others may refuse to believing he was blackballed by the gay rumors, but its the only reason that makes sense

10-04-2013, 06:47 AM
In an earlier post you also said this

I took that to mean you would never introduce a trans woman that you were dealing with relationship wise or just chilling to family or friends. Say for instance you were getting together for a cookout with family or friends, would you take a trans woman along and introduce her as your date for the evening? How about friends going out for couples night, would you invite a trans woman?

She is getting to smoke your weed, gets a ride to where ever she needs to go to etc. Those are all material things.

Those were two comments by football 'players' correct? Not the actual people who sign football players... You also said he can't get a job outside of the NFL, could that not have more to do with education, economy, etc than him being gay? There is no shortage of gay men working jobs lol

to be honest, i most likely wouldnt. but thats why im up front with it

dont understand how me providing weed or drinks has anything to do with it. a lot of the time the girl has those things, i'll just bring the dutches snacks and beverages for the chaser. still dont know whats your point, im pretty sure when a man takes you out on a date he pays for the entire or most of the date

yes, the comments were by players not the GM or people who run the team, but you have to understand, the chemistry of a locker room is very important to a team. pretty much sure these GM would talk to the captions, leaders of these teams to see if it would be a problem for them signing a openly gay player. its not fair but its reality

10-04-2013, 11:56 AM
cool, very informative

I gave you two factors including him passing up on a 3 mil deal... again some people will always be ignorant no matter what the factor, it could be race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc

your kerry factor is a little off
since you stated your not a sport fan, ill try to explain in the simplest way.
the nfl has a hard salary cap meaning that every team must have a full roster of its players salary below the number of the cap. after each season teams make a decision on who they going to keep, cut or renegotiate player deals. kerry was one of the players who his team the arizona cardinals decided to renegotiate his contract. kerry was in his final year of his deal which he was going to make about 6 million dollars & his team requested him to take half of it, which is where you got that 3 million dollars from. kerry and his agent decided not to, figuring he still could get that money plus more years from another team. teams can not sign free agents till several weeks after the nfl draft which is spring. and just before that time the gay rumors surface then the pictures and more pictures then the gay dude went on his outing tour doing interviews after interviews. so before the signing period begun the damaged was already done. no team even offered him a try out, ota, mini camp, regular camp etc. it got to the point where he was willing to except the league mininuim which is 800k for a player of his experience and still not one single team was interested.
i understand that you and many others may refuse to believing he was blackballed by the gay rumors, but its the only reason that makes sense

I've actually done a bit a research on this subject.kerry was actually a free agent for a month before the rumors came out.during that time he still didnt receive any offers while many other nfl players were signed in 5,8, or 10 days.
am I saying that the gay rumours arent a factor? no, I can admit that it might be but there are clearly other things going on as well

10-04-2013, 11:59 AM
to be honest, i most likely wouldnt. but thats why im up front with it

dont understand how me providing weed or drinks has anything to do with it. a lot of the time the girl has those things, i'll just bring the dutches snacks and beverages for the chaser. still dont know whats your point, im pretty sure when a man takes you out on a date he pays for the entire or most of the date

yes, the comments were by players not the GM or people who run the team, but you have to understand, the chemistry of a locker room is very important to a team. pretty much sure these GM would talk to the captions, leaders of these teams to see if it would be a problem for them signing a openly gay player. its not fair but its reality

wow, so messed up.I feel bad for these girls lacking in self esteem.how can someone deal with someone knowing thst they're ashamed of them smh

Ms Remy M
10-06-2013, 06:55 PM
wow, so messed up.I feel bad for these girls lacking in self esteem.how can someone deal with someone knowing thst they're ashamed of them smh

I was just talking to a girl on facebook this morning and I was telling her that she shouldn't put up with anything a person represents or does that she doesn't agree with, just because they feel like he is the only one giving her some attention at the moment. The USA is a big place and someone else will come along and treat her the way she deserves to be treated given time. Sadly, a lot of girls do settle for less because that simply is what is in front of them right now, their situation may make it seem better, or they have something to gain by being with that person for the time being.

Ms Remy M
10-06-2013, 07:02 PM
to be honest, i most likely wouldnt. but thats why im up front with it

dont understand how me providing weed or drinks has anything to do with it. a lot of the time the girl has those things, i'll just bring the dutches snacks and beverages for the chaser. still dont know whats your point, im pretty sure when a man takes you out on a date he pays for the entire or most of the date

yes, the comments were by players not the GM or people who run the team, but you have to understand, the chemistry of a locker room is very important to a team. pretty much sure these GM would talk to the captions, leaders of these teams to see if it would be a problem for them signing a openly gay player. its not fair but its reality

lol well, that's were going to college and getting an education before the NFL comes into play. It's called a fall back plan, a player can become injured and never able to play again professionally, or get 'outed' and not be able to play professionally and still be able to get a job elsewhere. If he is still unemployed that is his own fault because if he was 'out' about his sexuality from the beginning it would have never been an issue, and if he had career plans outside of NFL he would be able to land on his feet and give the bigoted players the Bird.

I find it interesting that the NBA players that have came 'out' as gay are still playing basketball. They spend time in locker rooms with team mates and GM etc as well I imagine... Same with soccer

10-09-2013, 05:29 AM
wow, so messed up.I feel bad for these girls lacking in self esteem.how can someone deal with someone knowing thst they're ashamed of them smh
wow, so your still judging people like that! what makes you feel they have low self esteem because of your our own personal issue with dl men. btw dont assume a man thats on the down low is ashamed of tgirls. dl is just slang term for meaning discreet, jayz and beyonce was very much this way early in there relationship, do you think they both was ashamed of each other? NO, they felt its was nobodies business

lol well, that's were going to college and getting an education before the NFL comes into play. It's called a fall back plan, a player can become injured and never able to play again professionally, or get 'outed' and not be able to play professionally and still be able to get a job elsewhere. If he is still unemployed that is his own fault because if he was 'out' about his sexuality from the beginning it would have never been an issue, and if he had career plans outside of NFL he would be able to land on his feet and give the bigoted players the Bird.

I find it interesting that the NBA players that have came 'out' as gay are still playing basketball. They spend time in locker rooms with team mates and GM etc as well I imagine... Same with soccer
how can you say if he was out and about his sexuality he wouldnt be in the same predicament.
what nba players are you talking about, cause the only ones that came out. did it after they retired. jason collins who was the latest, knew his career was just about over, he had nothing to lose
i know im sounding overly negative about this, but its reality. it would be a great day when a sufficient male pro player can come out, i just aint holding my breathe

10-09-2013, 06:01 AM
wow, so your still judging people like that! what makes you feel they have low self esteem because of your our own personal issue with dl men. btw dont assume a man thats on the down low is ashamed of tgirls. dl is just slang term for meaning discreet, jayz and beyonce was very much this way early in there relationship, do you think they both was ashamed of each other? NO, they felt its was nobodies business

how can you say if he was out and about his sexuality he wouldnt be in the same predicament.
what nba players are you talking about, cause the only ones that came out. did it after they retired. jason collins who was the latest, knew his career was just about over, he had nothing to lose
i know im sounding overly negative about this, but its reality. it would be a great day when a sufficient male pro player can come out, i just aint holding my breathe

a. if someone wouldnt bring me around family or friends simply because im trans than yea you are ashamed.could you imagine someone telling you..."yea I would invite you to the cook out but your black and I wouldn't want people to think im cool with african Americans".if you would deal with someone like that than not only do you not think very highly of yourself (low self esteem) but your also a fool lol.
b. Orlando Cruz is a openly gay boxer who not only went to the olympics but still competes in his sport

Ms Remy M
10-09-2013, 05:00 PM
wow, so your still judging people like that! what makes you feel they have low self esteem because of your our own personal issue with dl men. btw dont assume a man thats on the down low is ashamed of tgirls. dl is just slang term for meaning discreet, jayz and beyonce was very much this way early in there relationship, do you think they both was ashamed of each other? NO, they felt its was nobodies business

The difference is that Jay-Z and Beyonce even in the early stages had no problem with family and friends knowing. Yes, they waited to announce to media and the world at large, but friends and family still knew. You are comparing apples and oranges, discretion is completely different from never wanting family and friends to know period, simply because a person is TS.

I also agree that it is a girls low self-esteem that allows them to deal with a man who will never introduce to friends and family under any circumstance, like yourself. They either feel like they can't do any better at the moment or they could be looking for a distraction, or some perceived material gain they hope to accomplish. I've seen it time and time again, but with more and more girls dealing with educated people that hang with intellectual friends this becomes less of an issue. In general, intelligence breeds a higher level of open minded thinking opposed to the simple minded that tend to be the most bigoted and afraid of what others think, who travel in the same circles with other closed minded and less intelligent people.

how can you say if he was out and about his sexuality he wouldnt be in the same predicament.
what nba players are you talking about, cause the only ones that came out. did it after they retired. jason collins who was the latest, knew his career was just about over, he had nothing to lose
i know im sounding overly negative about this, but its reality. it would be a great day when a sufficient male pro player can come out, i just aint holding my breathe

I did some research on Mr Collins and it does seem that his career was on a downward swing long before his announcement, so he may not get picked up after the regular season starts, but he still could... Again, there is also soccer where more than a few players have been open about their sexuality. In Collins case and others I don't think 'coming out' has as much to do with their career status so much as the changing social climate and the huge influx of other celebrities who have also came out.

10-10-2013, 05:57 PM
The difference is that Jay-Z and Beyonce even in the early stages had no problem with family and friends knowing. Yes, they waited to announce to media and the world at large, but friends and family still knew. You are comparing apples and oranges, discretion is completely different from never wanting family and friends to know period, simply because a person is TS.

I also agree that it is a girls low self-esteem that allows them to deal with a man who will never introduce to friends and family under any circumstance, like yourself. They either feel like they can't do any better at the moment or they could be looking for a distraction, or some perceived material gain they hope to accomplish. I've seen it time and time again, but with more and more girls dealing with educated people that hang with intellectual friends this becomes less of an issue. In general, intelligence breeds a higher level of open minded thinking opposed to the simple minded that tend to be the most bigoted and afraid of what others think, who travel in the same circles with other closed minded and less intelligent people.

I did some research on Mr Collins and it does seem that his career was on a downward swing long before his announcement, so he may not get picked up after the regular season starts, but he still could... Again, there is also soccer where more than a few players have been open about their sexuality. In Collins case and others I don't think 'coming out' has as much to do with their career status so much as the changing social climate and the huge influx of other celebrities who have also came out.

If lebron james came out and said he was gay. ..he would still get picked ip on any nba team without a doubt. Marginal players resort to rabbit tricks in order to get attention and stay relevant. T.o. did it ochocinco did it and the list goes on.

Ms Remy M
10-10-2013, 11:31 PM
If lebron james came out and said he was gay. ..he would still get picked ip on any nba team without a doubt. Marginal players resort to rabbit tricks in order to get attention and stay relevant. T.o. did it ochocinco did it and the list goes on.

Interesting point of view on the matter, of course, we will never truly know until a current star does so I reckon. :cool:

10-13-2013, 05:54 AM
a. if someone wouldnt bring me around family or friends simply because im trans than yea you are ashamed.could you imagine someone telling you..."yea I would invite you to the cook out but your black and I wouldn't want people to think im cool with african Americans".if you would deal with someone like that than not only do you not think very highly of yourself (low self esteem) but your also a fool lol.
b. Orlando Cruz is a openly gay boxer who not only went to the olympics but still competes in his sport

we are debating 2 different things. im talking about a casual thing you are talking about a serious thing. if you meet a guy who is a chill partner -drinks, smoke whatever, im sure your not fully interested into meeting his family & love ones, now if the relationship starts getting deeper that another story. so calling them girls with low self esteem is not fair.

orlando cruz is not a sufficient pro athlete to use as an example, plus he a boxer. its totally different for a person to come out in the open in a team sport where he would have to deal with teammates in the locker room

10-13-2013, 06:36 AM
The difference is that Jay-Z and Beyonce even in the early stages had no problem with family and friends knowing. Yes, they waited to announce to media and the world at large, but friends and family still knew. You are comparing apples and oranges, discretion is completely different from never wanting family and friends to know period, simply because a person is TS.

I also agree that it is a girls low self-esteem that allows them to deal with a man who will never introduce to friends and family under any circumstance, like yourself. They either feel like they can't do any better at the moment or they could be looking for a distraction, or some perceived material gain they hope to accomplish. I've seen it time and time again, but with more and more girls dealing with educated people that hang with intellectual friends this becomes less of an issue. In general, intelligence breeds a higher level of open minded thinking opposed to the simple minded that tend to be the most bigoted and afraid of what others think, who travel in the same circles with other closed minded and less intelligent people.

I did some research on Mr Collins and it does seem that his career was on a downward swing long before his announcement, so he may not get picked up after the regular season starts, but he still could... Again, there is also soccer where more than a few players have been open about their sexuality. In Collins case and others I don't think 'coming out' has as much to do with their career status so much as the changing social climate and the huge influx of other celebrities who have also came out.

its not apple & oranges, they both wanted privacy as far as their relationship goes. and do you really know if their family members knew at that time, beynoce sister was ask by a reporter if they were an item and solange said she didnt know. now she could have been lying for them or maybe she really didnt know.

its just not fair to say these girls have low self esteem. you and amber are referring to a serious relationship im not. their are plenty of educated successful women who date thugs / low life's but would you call them women with low self esteem? if thats what they like or dont have a problem with the men they desired if shouldnt be an issue with you nor anybody else.

soccer is more of an international sport so its much easier for them to come out, but in america its totally on another level

10-13-2013, 08:29 AM
we are debating 2 different things. im talking about a casual thing you are talking about a serious thing. if you meet a guy who is a chill partner -drinks, smoke whatever, im sure your not fully interested into meeting his family & love ones, now if the relationship starts getting deeper that another story. so calling them girls with low self esteem is not fair.

orlando cruz is not a sufficient pro athlete to use as an example, plus he a boxer. its totally different for a person to come out in the open in a team sport where he would have to deal with teammates in the locker room

no we are not debating two different things, we are talking about someone being ashamed of a person for who they are rather they be a friend or more.
you can not be my friend if you think its okay to smoke a blunt with me on monday but if i see you at the corner store of thursday with your homie you pretend like you dont know me.that shit is fucked up no matter how you cut it.
you never answered my question about if you would be okay with being friends with a person who didnt want to be known friends with you because you are black.you play ball with this dude, yall kick it watch the game and drink beers but he never invited you to the supe rbowl parties or cook outs because he didnt want his circle to think he was cool with negros...im very interested in your answer....

10-13-2013, 08:34 AM
its not apple & oranges, they both wanted privacy as far as their relationship goes. and do you really know if their family members knew at that time, beynoce sister was ask by a reporter if they were an item and solange said she didnt know. now she could have been lying for them or maybe she really didnt know.

its just not fair to say these girls have low self esteem. you and amber are referring to a serious relationship im not. their are plenty of educated successful women who date thugs / low life's but would you call them women with low self esteem? if thats what they like or dont have a problem with the men they desired if shouldnt be an issue with you nor anybody else.

soccer is more of an international sport so its much easier for them to come out, but in america its totally on another level

you keep thinking we're just talking about a serious relationship but is that the only time you bring people around?you never invited a friend to a cook out, party or get together?
straight up if me and you chilled a few times, had some laughs, shared some drinks and i ran into you at the mall with your cousin would you speak? would you pretend to not know me? run??
would you invite me to the party that your throwing, not even as your girl but as a homie??

Ms Remy M
10-13-2013, 08:43 PM
its not apple & oranges, they both wanted privacy as far as their relationship goes. and do you really know if their family members knew at that time, beynoce sister was ask by a reporter if they were an item and solange said she didnt know. now she could have been lying for them or maybe she really didnt know.

its just not fair to say these girls have low self esteem. you and amber are referring to a serious relationship im not. their are plenty of educated successful women who date thugs / low life's but would you call them women with low self esteem? if thats what they like or dont have a problem with the men they desired if shouldnt be an issue with you nor anybody else.

soccer is more of an international sport so its much easier for them to come out, but in america its totally on another level

All the people close in their life would respect their privacy and respond to media that way until the couple announced themselves. There is hardly anything that goes on in a celebrity life that the close entourage doesn't see, whether that person be the hair stylist, planner, PA, MUA, assistant, family, friends, someone in the group is seeing stuff that happens that the media never knows.

I wasn't referring to serious relationships, I asked in an earlier post specifically to negate the 'serious relationship' equation saying this:

I took that to mean you would never introduce a trans woman that you were dealing with relationship wise or just chilling to family or friends. Say for instance you were getting together for a cookout with family or friends, would you take a trans woman along and introduce her as your date for the evening? How about friends going out for couples night, would you invite a trans woman?

and you replied this

to be honest, i most likely wouldnt. but thats why im up front with it

So you clearly understood that I was just referring to casually. Amber and I go out with friends all the time both guys and girls to cook outs, get together etc no one at the party automatically assumes that because we are invited along that we must be romantically involved with the person that invited us. Even if you go out on a date, most people don't automatically consider that a serious relationship, it's just a date.

Soccer is played in America too, just like Basketball.

Regarding these girls low self esteem, which is a term used in psychology to reflect person's overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. You see, self-esteem is the sum of self-confidence (a feeling of personal capacity) and self-respect (a feeling of personal worth). It exists as a consequence of the implicit judgment that every person has of their ability to face life's challenges, to understand and solve problems, and their right to achieve happiness, and be given respect.

You sir, refuse to give them respect outside of the closed in scenario where no one knows that you two socialize. According to your own words, you let them know that you would never allow them to hang with you in your regular life because you are DL which hinders their ability to achieve any form of real happiness or real respect from you. By them continuing to tolerate your presence is a false friendship that they've built around themselves to have some temporary feeling of happiness that really doesn't even exist, they are merely disillusioned and refusing to reflect upon their own self worth to see it.

10-16-2013, 05:51 AM
All the people close in their life would respect their privacy and respond to media that way until the couple announced themselves. There is hardly anything that goes on in a celebrity life that the close entourage doesn't see, whether that person be the hair stylist, planner, PA, MUA, assistant, family, friends, someone in the group is seeing stuff that happens that the media never knows.

I wasn't referring to serious relationships, I asked in an earlier post specifically to negate the 'serious relationship' equation saying this:

and you replied this

So you clearly understood that I was just referring to casually. Amber and I go out with friends all the time both guys and girls to cook outs, get together etc no one at the party automatically assumes that because we are invited along that we must be romantically involved with the person that invited us. Even if you go out on a date, most people don't automatically consider that a serious relationship, it's just a date.

Soccer is played in America too, just like Basketball.

Regarding these girls low self esteem, which is a term used in psychology to reflect person's overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. You see, self-esteem is the sum of self-confidence (a feeling of personal capacity) and self-respect (a feeling of personal worth). It exists as a consequence of the implicit judgment that every person has of their ability to face life's challenges, to understand and solve problems, and their right to achieve happiness, and be given respect.

You sir, refuse to give them respect outside of the closed in scenario where no one knows that you two socialize. According to your own words, you let them know that you would never allow them to hang with you in your regular life because you are DL which hinders their ability to achieve any form of real happiness or real respect from you. By them continuing to tolerate your presence is a false friendship that they've built around themselves to have some temporary feeling of happiness that really doesn't even exist, they are merely disillusioned and refusing to reflect upon their own self worth to see it.

casual / serious -is small potatoes to this discussion. guess our views are different, cause in minds, i'm not going to invite someone who i know on a casual level to a event with my fam & love ones. regardless of that person being a tgirl or not.

soccer maybe played in america, but its not regarded on that level

again you are judging these girls unfairly. plenty of people would say anybody partaken into the sex industry porn, stripping, escorting, street walking etc.has low self esteem. and im pretty much sure you would disagree! those people who believe that are being judgmental toward those individuals whom they dont know. just like you, on tgirls who do not have an issue with dl men.

10-16-2013, 06:36 AM
you keep thinking we're just talking about a serious relationship but is that the only time you bring people around?you never invited a friend to a cook out, party or get together?
straight up if me and you chilled a few times, had some laughs, shared some drinks and i ran into you at the mall with your cousin would you speak? would you pretend to not know me? run??
would you invite me to the party that your throwing, not even as your girl but as a homie??

if i saw you at a mall with my peoples i would acknowledged you.
invite you to a party im throwing... see my answer below

no we are not debating two different things, we are talking about someone being ashamed of a person for who they are rather they be a friend or more.
you can not be my friend if you think its okay to smoke a blunt with me on monday but if i see you at the corner store of thursday with your homie you pretend like you dont know me.that shit is fucked up no matter how you cut it.
you never answered my question about if you would be okay with being friends with a person who didnt want to be known friends with you because you are black.you play ball with this dude, yall kick it watch the game and drink beers but he never invited you to the supe rbowl parties or cook outs because he didnt want his circle to think he was cool with negros...im very interested in your answer....

actually i currently work with a few people whom im very cool with. we even have drinks after work occasionally -but i would never expect them to invite me to their home with their families. few months back i was talking with one of them after work in a bar, a few drinks in he began to talk about his mother and aunt on how much they both hated president obama -they believe he a double agent mulsim working for some middle eastern group brought here to destroy the united states of america. when he told me we just bust out laughing. now should i not be his friends cause his family are blatantly racist?

which leads into me -im not ashamed of being attractive to tgirls. more or less im ashamed of the portions of family members & love ones that are too religious or ignorant to accept them. and i just would not want to put any girl in harms way or in a uncomfortable situation

10-16-2013, 06:52 AM
if i saw you at a mall with my peoples i would acknowledged you.
invite you to a party im throwing... see my answer below

actually i currently work with a few people whom im very cool with. we even have drinks after work occasionally -but i would never expect them to invite me to their home with their families. few months back i was talking with one of them after work in a bar, a few drinks in he began to talk about his mother and aunt on how much they both hated president obama -they believe he a double agent mulsim working for some middle eastern group brought here to destroy the united states of america. when he told me we just bust out laughing. now should i not be his friends cause his family are blatantly racist?

which leads into me -im not ashamed of being attractive to tgirls. more or less im ashamed of the portions of family members & love ones that are too religious or ignorant to accept them. and i just would not want to put any girl in harms way or in a uncomfortable situation

why wouldn't you invite me to the party? we homies right? you don't invite your friends over for "get togethers"?
how about you let me decide what I'm comfortable with cause everything else sounds like an excuse.although based on this statement you made it sounds less like you care about the girl but saving you own ass:
"i do not understand dl man using our dicks over our head comment. if anything its using our heads, most believe it will cause problems with our family,friends and careers. and repercussions only occur when the dl man is outed. which i assume you believe is wrong."

im kinda done with this convo cause it's not going anywhere. good night yall

Ms Remy M
10-17-2013, 02:42 PM
again you are judging these girls unfairly. plenty of people would say anybody partaken into the sex industry porn, stripping, escorting, street walking etc.has low self esteem. and im pretty much sure you would disagree! those people who believe that are being judgmental toward those individuals whom they dont know. just like you, on tgirls who do not have an issue with dl men.

Apples and oranges, a woman being told that she can never be seen with you in certain places is a far cry from a woman choosing to do porn and someone looking down on her profession, look up sex positive feminism. Now, if you said you wouldn't take Montana Fishburne to hang with your friends, strictly as a friend, then I would also say she has low self esteem.

Ms Remy M
10-17-2013, 02:48 PM
actually i currently work with a few people whom im very cool with. we even have drinks after work occasionally -but i would never expect them to invite me to their home with their families. few months back i was talking with one of them after work in a bar, a few drinks in he began to talk about his mother and aunt on how much they both hated president obama -they believe he a double agent mulsim working for some middle eastern group brought here to destroy the united states of america. when he told me we just bust out laughing. now should i not be his friends cause his family are blatantly racist?

which leads into me -im not ashamed of being attractive to tgirls. more or less im ashamed of the portions of family members & love ones that are too religious or ignorant to accept them. and i just would not want to put any girl in harms way or in a uncomfortable situation

That is the perfect example of a time to bring your tgirl friend along for drinks with your other friends that we are talking about lol

Not liking Obama isn't racist, it's bigoted and ignorant, there's a difference. This is a perfect example of people not socializing with intelligent people and thus are closed minded, sounds like you should be educating your friends and family members instead of just laughing along as if their views are perfectly acceptable to you. That is how you support trans issues, when you encounter ignorance, you speak out about it and educate.

10-19-2013, 08:04 PM
why wouldn't you invite me to the party? we homies right? you don't invite your friends over for "get togethers"?
how about you let me decide what I'm comfortable with cause everything else sounds like an excuse.although based on this statement you made it sounds less like you care about the girl but saving you own ass:
"i do not understand dl man using our dicks over our head comment. if anything its using our heads, most believe it will cause problems with our family,friends and careers. and repercussions only occur when the dl man is outed. which i assume you believe is wrong."

im kinda done with this convo cause it's not going anywhere. good night yall

like i said i wouldnt want to put you nor any girl in harms way or in a uncomfortable situation, now if you want to decide on that -i have no answer. unless your into drama why would anybody want to be around all that

the dicks over head comment was regarding being outed, i dont see how that has anything to do with a dl taking a tgirl to meet his fam & loves ones

no beef no drama just convo. so in closing i'll leave this


10-19-2013, 08:21 PM
Apples and oranges, a woman being told that she can never be seen with you in certain places is a far cry from a woman choosing to do porn and someone looking down on her profession, look up sex positive feminism. Now, if you said you wouldn't take Montana Fishburne to hang with your friends, strictly as a friend, then I would also say she has low self esteem.

apple & oranges how so ? im referring the judging
people unfairly judge the sex industry, like your doing to girls who dont have problem with the type dl men

if you prefer another analogy, like i stated before -dose a successful educated women have low self esteem if she desires thugs, criminals, hoodlums etc.

10-19-2013, 08:33 PM
That is the perfect example of a time to bring your tgirl friend along for drinks with your other friends that we are talking about lol

Not liking Obama isn't racist, it's bigoted and ignorant, there's a difference. This is a perfect example of people not socializing with intelligent people and thus are closed minded, sounds like you should be educating your friends and family members instead of just laughing along as if their views are perfectly acceptable to you. That is how you support trans issues, when you encounter ignorance, you speak out about it and educate.

yes it is racist! not liking the president is someone who argues against his policy but calling them muslim & a double agent terrorist makes them a blatant racist.

im not sure how to respond to the 2nd half of your comment. i never said i laughed at the views of my family & friends

Ms Remy M
10-25-2013, 08:47 PM
yes it is racist! not liking the president is someone who argues against his policy but calling them muslim & a double agent terrorist makes them a blatant racist.

im not sure how to respond to the 2nd half of your comment. i never said i laughed at the views of my family & friends

Being muslim and/or a double agent has nothing to do with race. Do you really believe all muslims are black? That is a religion issue, and it's fair to assume that they say he is muslim because of his name, not his skin color. You think if Jesse Jackson was the president they would still say he is muslim? lol

Here is where you said you laughed with friends:

few months back i was talking with one of them after work in a bar, a few drinks in he began to talk about his mother and aunt on how much they both hated president obama -they believe he a double agent mulsim working for some middle eastern group brought here to destroy the united states of america. when he told me we just bust out laughing