View Full Version : Has anybody tried to stop themselves from liking Transgenders?

10-08-2013, 11:54 PM
I tried it for about a week. I struggle often with it because I know my family will NEVER accept this fact about my life. Yet my attraction for a TS woman is 3x or 4x as strong than a GG. Often the more I try to suppress my desires the more I push back raging for TS women even more. Even the lines are becoming more blurred now bcuz I love feminine bottoms and crossdressers that are shaped and act like a women. Anyway here are examples of feminine bottoms or even drag queens I'm attracted to the more I suppress the more lines blur.have you ever tried to stop liking TS women before and what made you not stop

10-09-2013, 02:24 AM
Never messed with crossdressers "not that i know of", although i have found some attractive even some fem guys like the one on xtube name "balletrocks15". But to get to the topic of "have i tried to stop myself from liking trannys." Lets take away the word like BECAUSE ALL IM DOING IS FANTASIZING AND HAVING SEX WITH THEM now have i tried to stop doing that YES. But this goddamn porn is killing me. EVERYTIME I TRY TO STOP MESSING WITH TRANNIES AND WATCHING TRANNY PORN my mind always think "i wonder what the updates on black-tgirls is lookin like" and it fucks me up EVERYTIMEEEEEE. Goddamn black-tgirls.com :(

10-09-2013, 05:02 AM
i aint gon lie num 2 3 can get it num 4 maybe hell no 2 the others

10-09-2013, 09:47 AM
The third girl is the type figure I find attractive. Unless it is how the Camera is positioned and she is not as skinny as the photo suggest.

As for your question, I believe many felt self-conscience about being attracted to Transgenders in the beginning. I never concerned myself on what family would think. I consider myself a full-fledged adult. I have to live my life how I want not what my family wants.

10-09-2013, 03:05 PM
bro I thought about that numerous of times but then I think about it like this what is forbidden in nature is desired in nature, transsexuals are the taboo no one wants to talk about no one really, now compare that with being beautiful what the hell you're supposed to do as a man when you see a transsexual more beautiful and feminine then a gg... you can't help it...

its the question why does a fat kid eat cake when he knows he supposed to be on a diet but he eats it anyways .... you are a man you are wired to be attracted to the feminine form ...............you are wired that way

its just society shames men for liking transsexuals .. women are way to intimated by the beauty of ts women and gay men are jealous and compare that with the male macho ego we have here in the states.. all those people will shame you ......when deep down they know what time it is

also most Americans are sexually ignorant and are not educated on transsexual and gender identity because their not teaching it in school, people actions that shame you for your desire come from ignorance, jealous and lack of educational understanding for sexuality... never the less im more educated and confident then I ever was... and I feel no shame for my attraction for transsexuals because I educated my self.. self knowledge is the key to no shame ....by they way I might fuck number 3 but the rest not my type .... but ill fuck nody ... lol


10-09-2013, 06:12 PM
its just society shames men for liking transsexuals .. women are way to intimated by the beauty of ts women and gay men are jealous and compare that with the male macho ego we have here in the states.. all those people will shame you ......when deep down they know what time it is.

Many women are intimated by good looking heterosexual men getting all the attention while, they remain in the shadows. This is why many women in their late 20's and up will find every excuse in the book to not date a good looking man. This generally does not happen with girls in their early 20's and under.

10-09-2013, 08:49 PM
To start I'll hit 1 thru 4 and the last if she had a different head. But im an ass man so if the ass is right im in. Having said that you would think I could do both man and women or for that much anything with an ass right?? But no I need that one or two of those GG qualities that makes it whole in my opinion I'm not attracted to men qualities, traits , or characteristics. I like the sweet smell of a women the curves and definition to her body its like a piece of art, the feel to her skin, her walk. But point is I never go down a path I cant get myself out of, how else can you safeguard yourself to those bad things in life. Im not that heavy into the lifestyle so I think I can stop; funny story, I met up with Star years ago and we had a great time together I was talking to her and ask her to do a few things for me because I was trying to recreate my fantasy and I indicated to her that I wasnt going to be into this long and she calmly said "no yes you will" she said "it is what it is you paying for something you like and when you want it again you will come back". Which I agree when you stop wanting it you will stop until then happy trails. Me personally I dont have long the game is changing as I once said about GG's I cant deal with the bullshit this is partly why I pay for the service.....