View Full Version : The Knockout Game (aka Polar Bear Hunting)

11-20-2013, 12:51 PM
"The Knockout Game" is also known as "Polar Bear Hunting" (for obvious reasons), but Asians, Indians and Jews will also suffice:


That piece, by world renowned economist and thinker Thomas Sowell, makes reference to a book called "White Girl Bleed A Lot"... It's a very shocking book.... but, not really surprising :(

Ohhh America...

Amerika, Amerikka, Amerikkka

...the racist "redneck" zombie fake-angry fake-alienated filth is as strong and vibrant as ever...

I say: all of us, regardless of our shape/size/color/creed etc, join spirits and SMASH the zombies... without mercy... Smite them... And then smite them again.

"The truth is that most of us decide what lies we want to believe"
Noah ben Shea

blue eyed devil

11-20-2013, 01:24 PM
...Meanwhile, in our skools, lets not address phenomena like that filth in the above post... Instead, lets just keep forcing dry-bread, lily-white, self-loathing insipid liberal pious pc trash like this down our childrens throats and into their mushy brains LMAO

http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Jacket-Andrew-Clements-ebook/dp/B003YCPDDA%3FSubscriptionId%3D0ACM1RC83GP83JK10M02 %26tag%3Dauthordatabase%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D 2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB003YCPD DA


Eughhh.... Amerikkka is so deluded, so fukked.

blue eyed devil

11-20-2013, 01:33 PM

11-21-2013, 05:05 AM
This game doesn't just happen to white people, this has been going on in the black community for a while. And the number one VICTIM of this is black people, its just now getting the attention because IT HAPPEN TO SOME WHITE JEWISH MAN. But Niggashit "one word" has been at a all time high these past 10 years and it's a shame that our elders are scared of these young negros and can't even walk the streets like they want to. But the American system CREATED THOSE TERRORIST so i say THEY DEAL WITH THEM

11-21-2013, 12:14 PM
I can see some of these Thugs biting the dust..sooner or later the knock out punch is gonna come from one of their victims. http://www.radiofacts.com/teenager-fails-attempting-knockout-game-philadelphia-vid/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Radiofacts+%28Radio+Facts+Hea dlines%29&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail

11-22-2013, 12:42 AM
This game doesn't just happen to white people, this has been going on in the black community for a while. And the number one VICTIM of this is black people, its just now getting the attention because IT HAPPEN TO SOME WHITE JEWISH MAN. But Niggashit "one word" has been at a all time high these past 10 years and it's a shame that our elders are scared of these young negros and can't even walk the streets like they want to. But the American system CREATED THOSE TERRORIST so i say THEY DEAL WITH THEM

Obviously the "number one" victims of lawlessness in and police "no-go" areas in areas categorized as "black" are peolpe categorized as "black"

.... that should go without saying; it is very obvious that the vast majority of people categorized as "black" have to put up with living in a chaos because of the filthy scummy sellout uncle tom gangstas and gangstars and wanna-be's around such areas that turn such areas into a hell.

But the knockout game is not an ordinary crime; it does not revolve around $$$s or "turf"..... It is a joyful and frivolous representation of HATE towards other people..... And if there's one thing I will say for your average black zomie, shit kunt racist, uncletom sellout kunt, wanna-be gangstar, fake angry, fake drop-out, fake alienated it is this: AT LEAST THEY ONLY PICK ON PEOPLE WHO DO NOT REMIND THEM, HOWEVER VAGUELY, OF THEIR OWN MUMS AND DADS, GRANDMUMS AND GRANDDADS, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, UNCLES AND AUNIES ETC ETC.....

In other words, they are not just "thugs"... They are racist thugs who cherry pick their victims...

And you know it.

You say ".... it's only now getting the attention cos it just happened to a white jewish man"????

Are you kidding me?

First of all it hasn't just happened... It's been happening to non-black people who have suffered the misfortune of being who they are in the wrong place at the wrong time for many decades.

Secondly, despite this random unprovoked racist lynch-mob wilding nastiness going on for sooo long now, it isn't even getting the attention you seem to be whining about! Mainstream media hardly ever report these crimes.... And even on the rare occasions that they do report, they almost always contrive to NOT report on the racial phenomena involved!!!! They actively shy away from it, as if it would be wrong to point out that there is some kind of trend or phenomenon going on here....

Even though EVERYONE knows there is.

If I lived in Amerikkka I would carry a gun...

And if I saw this happening I would shoot the shitkunt zombie trolls in their FACE...

And you know what would happen next?

Cmon, we all know what would happen next, lol....

I would be arrested and represented as a horrible nasty man who likes to go around randomly murdering young black guys lol

"THE AMERICAN SYSTEM CREATED THOSE TERRORISTS"??? you say... I'm glad you refer to them as "terrorists", because it shows you have a grasp of the situation at hand...... But I will not relieve any person or group of people of their basic human responsibilty, nor lower my expectations of them just because of their "race".... Instead, when people behave like SHIT I will hold them accountable for that.....

There is (and has been for some time) a horrible trend happening here... It has nothing to do with $$$s or robbery or material gain or poverty or terrirtory... It is the simple projection of HATE/VIOLENCE at people who are seen as "other"

You only have to reverse the "racial categorization" of the lone victims with that of the attakkkers, and you would see this phenonema reported somewhat more enthusiastically in the media...

As it stands, the lone victims verbally tell the racist nature of their unprovoked attakkkers to their family and friends and friends-of-friends and work colleagues and associates.... They say how they didn't "do anything" to justify the attakkk... They didn't deserve to be attakkked... These are the things they say to their family and friens when they speok about their attakkk....

And that is why very very large numbers of "non-black" people (and "black" people as well) feel nervy around "black" areas, or when a large group of young "black" guys get on the train or bus etc....

Meanwhile I still gotta hear self-pitying shit about people moaning that "...a little old white lady moved away when I got in the lift"... or stuff like "... a little old white lady moved her bag a bit closer to her side when I got ont the bus" !!!!????? OHHHHH booo-hooo, did it make diddums feel all alienated??? Awwww gimmeee a lickle cuddle, make diddums feel better lol

FUKKKKKOFFF LOL.... That's what people are MEANT to do when ANYONE hets inan enclosed space like a lift or elevator or bus.... They're MEANT to move to the side a little as an acknowledgement that we all have our own personal space....

I'm fukkin tired of hearing this lame shit... Especailly when theres some GENUINE race-hate nastiness and ultra-violence happening on regular basis in the real world...

But drybread lilywhite liberal panty boys and girls in education and the media have twistedeveryones perception of reality... Particularly people who are categorized as "black"! These liberal shitkunts will never report on the blatant hatefull racism going on here... Shit, you got more chance of Jackson and Sharpton and Walters and Farakkkhan et al admitting that lol


In the above link none of the people involved, not the (so-called) reporters or the public, has the COURAGE or conviction to speak of a racial phenomena in this trend.... Fukkin COWARDS!!!!

At least the hillbilly redneck filth of the past would talk about "nigger" this and "nigger" that... letting you know EXACTLY what racist scum they were/are.....

But this new crowd... This bunch of sell out traitors and fake-alienated trolls and monsters... They're too spineless to even represent themselves on that honest level....

Everyone should carry in amerikkka.... I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

blue eyed devil

11-24-2013, 05:31 PM
yea its fucked up but be happy you kept your wallet, id, cards n jewelry. (could have been worse). "Knockout Game" been around for years, except they used to take your shit LOL.

11-25-2013, 01:29 PM
This was a TKO in the 2nd round. http://news.awfbase.com/content/knockout-game-turns-deadly-60-year-old-woman-shoots-and-kills-2-teens-after-being-punched#.UpLAOCfA2z4

11-25-2013, 06:07 PM
If the above report turns out true.......

...then it is one of the most beautiful things I have read in a long time!

Truly, truly beautiful!

I place no special interest in the "race" of the attakkkers or the little-old-lady who was "randomly" attakkked.... I am simply moved with great and sincere joy that she shot and killed some of her attakkkers.

I would only add, as a demon, that for true justice to be served, a bullet is not ideal; chloroform, kidnap, torture with mind-bending beg-for-your-mama pain and slooooow death is more appropriate for such "youths".

I celebrate their industrial scale removal from among us!

blue eyed devil

11-26-2013, 02:17 AM
While I was waiting for this to hit the national news..it didn't so I dug a little deeper into this story. This is what I found. http://www.snopes.com/politics/crime/montgomery.asp

11-26-2013, 08:48 PM
While I was waiting for this to hit the national news..it didn't so I dug a little deeper into this story. This is what I found. http://www.snopes.com/politics/crime/montgomery.asp

U got this up before I did..kudos my man. I wasn't buying into this whole game as a trend from the get go. To the poster who made reference to "wilding"u do know that the whole ideal and word was a creation of the very reactionary and fairly racist ny post. Seemingly this trend is big among the so called same or to be honest worst mindset offered by your run of the mill Christian right wing patriot teabagger set

11-27-2013, 12:07 AM
I don't know why the self-loathing bourgeois liberal media feels awkward to report on the obvious racial-hate phenonomen of this crime "trend", which, as I have pointed out, has nothing to do with poverty/material gain (i.e. robbery) or turf/territory (i.e. gang wars) or any other "conventional" cause of crime.... These crimes, commited by BRAVE gangs of youths (not lone rabid individuals) are commited purely out of a toxic mix of HATE and FUN... They are usually filmed so that they can be celebrated after the event... The actual attakkks are often posted on the internet, such is the pride of their "achievement" of the BRAVE youths involved....

It is too easy for me to say: hey lets imagine a brown skinned 86 year old woman PUNCHED and SMASHED to the ground on a bus, train or pavement by a pack of white attakkkers....... And then see how certain people feel?

There are numerous parts of "white" America ravaged by poverty, joblessness, drugs and alcohol issues etc..... And yet where are the stories of packs of white attakkkers making brutal attakkks on lone, unsuspecting ebony victims.... If they existed..... I rather feel they would be reported on, no?.... Not only would they be reported on, along with the whole racial angel, but what is more they would be reported on with absolute fukking gusto!... "Civil rights leaders" would be tripping over eachother to report on the HATE within the white community... And, of course, the lilywhite self-loathing liberal media would be only too happy to lap it all up....

But it's not happening like that...

What is happening is what is happening.

And it has been happening for decades... I'm talking about totally UNPROVOKED attakkks.

Just because the media and law have chosed to ignore the racial hate involved in these crimes (just as they did in 1913) it doesn't mean "white "people ignore it too!....

Does anyone here really think that when an 86 year old "white" woman is brutally punched to the ground and knocked out, that her whole family, and all their extended family, and all her friends, and all her family friends, and all her extended family's friends, and all their work colleagues DON'T talk about it?? Wrong! They ALL talk about it... They all talk about her horrible experience... And guess what? They all talk about it with reference to the UNPROVOKED nature of the attakkk AND INEVITABLY reference is made to the racial angle involved.... Then, when similar/exactly the same stories evolve around the same city, region, state and across the whole country, then guess what? It gets to the stage where "white" people don't need the media to report these cases honestly, because it gets to the stage where, as per 6-degrees-of-seperation, everyone knows someone who has been brutally victimised in this same racist way.... So the authorities can keep on failing to charge attakkkers with a "hate crime", and the police can keep on only levelling a charge of "unlawful assault" so that this trend keeps on getting swallowed up in the general crime stats, and the media can keep on referring to the attakkkers as "boisterous youths", and make absolutely no reference to the racial angle which keeps repeating itself again and again and again... BUT, despite all this conspiracy to misreport and misrepresent let me ASSURE you of this one thing: "non-black" people across the whole country are TALKING and TALKING and TALKING about this, and they are talking about it with regard to the racist hate angle...

I would go as far to say that for LONE people who are categorized as "non-black" (this crime also befalls asians, indians and latinos, but mostly whites) to be in a "black" area they should be every bit as nervy and on-edge as a "black" human was back-in-the-day, particularly in the Southern and rural areas... Why? Because they don't have to do ANYTHING "wrong" to be picked on in the most brutal fashion... They were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time... while being "non-black".

There was even a story on this very forum, on this very site, that reported on a TS girly being severely beaten in a MCDonalds... She is categorized as "white" and her attakkkers "black"... She was beaten so bad she went into shock... her unconcious body shaking as if in an epilectic fit..... To my amazement, EVEN ON THIS FUKKIN SITE, A TS FUKKING SITE, many people refused to condemn the attakkk because they did not (and could not) know the "back-story" behind what "caused" the attakkk and the savage beating... One of the people who blatantly refused to condemn the attakkk without knowing the back/front/side insideout fukking story is a regular contributor here, and on the vast majority of matters I respect her opinion immensely, even if I disagree with her.... But on this matter, involving a TS girly being beaten unconcious in public for fuks sake, she would not make a judgement???

So I ask:

What should it gain a man if he has all the Melanin in the world.... But it costs him his Soul?

PS The only racist thing about the "wilding" cases was the attakkkers and their disgusting motives... We really are going onto la-la land if we take a case like that, as disgusting and brutal and racist as that, and manage to keep a straight face while declaring that the "terminology" is racist, not the actual events.....

PPS If you can manage to keep a straight face while maintaining that the term" wilding" is racist (not the events) then congratulations! Well done!..... But now take a look at your guts.... Your face might still be ok... but ooooh, your poor poor guts; there'll be a painting of you in the attic somewhere... and it aint looking pretty lol

blue eyed devil

Ms Remy M
11-27-2013, 03:17 AM
This is clearly an incendiary topic, but regardless who the victims are and how long it has been going on with/without the news broadcasting of it, it is vile and low base actions. There is no bigger picture here, as some people try to rationalize drug dealers as "they have to feed their family". I don't see what all the poorly spelled shock value language is meant to accomplish, but I'm fairly sure everyone on this forum agrees that these perpetrators are heinous individuals indeed.

11-27-2013, 02:16 PM
This is clearly an incendiary topic, but regardless who the victims are and how long it has been going on with/without the news broadcasting of it, it is vile and low base actions. There is no bigger picture here, as some people try to rationalize drug dealers as "they have to feed their family". I don't see what all the poorly spelled shock value language is meant to accomplish, but I'm fairly sure everyone on this forum agrees that these perpetrators are heinous individuals indeed.

Indeed indeed, I'm glad you agree; you are considered the voice of reason here.

I use the spelling "attakkk" and "attakkkers" in order to properly represent, on a gutteral level, the base motives of the brave warriors and predators involved....

These are not simple cases of "unlawful assault", simply to be swept under the rug of a whole generality of everyday crime, absobed into meaningless data; the victims are cherry-picked, clearly.

We can lie to our brains if we choose (the vast majority of us do)... but not to our guts and souls.

blue eyed devil

Ms Remy M
11-27-2013, 06:18 PM
Indeed indeed, I'm glad you agree; you are considered the voice of reason here.

I use the spelling "attakkk" and "attakkkers" in order to properly represent, on a gutteral level, the base motives of the brave warriors and predators involved....

These are not simple cases of "unlawful assault", simply to be swept under the rug of a whole generality of everyday crime, absobed into meaningless data; the victims are cherry-picked, clearly.

We can lie to our brains if we choose (the vast majority of us do)... but not to our guts and souls.

blue eyed devil

And your use of the term Uncle Tom? How does that even apply toward anything concerning these perpetrators?

I'm not actually sure, what is the factual legal crime that these kids are being charged under? All crime stats are collected and analyzed, why do you feel it is meaningless data? Criminals commit rape, murder, theft, assault, and kidnapping everyday, what exactly makes this different from any other 'everyday crime'. All crime is bad and the criminals need to be stopped point blank.

Aren't most all victims of crime cherry picked? Women are cherry picked when people run up and steal their purse, commuters are cherry picked for their iPhones, kids are cherry picked for kidnappings. I think it a bit redundant to state victims are cherry picked, that's exactly why they were victimized versus the person that walked past the perpetrators 5 minutes before the victim, in some capacity they are seen as a easier mark. Hence why big 6'5 dudes weighing 250lbs aren't going on the news crying about being a victim of the knockout game, these kids would have a hard time not getting their own head knocked off themselves. Conversely, that same 6'5" dude may get shot by those kids and robbed the next day. Hopefully the police will eventually get a grasp on things, but judging by their history of dealing with crimes I wouldn't hold my breath.

11-28-2013, 11:50 PM
(sighs) ...well, I suppose we're gonna have to agree to disagree on the cherry-picking thing?... The kkk of back in the day lynched many "white" victims, but quite properly we associate the cherry-picking aspect of their nastiness with "black" people...

...But you know what, maybe you're right... maybe the kkk didn't cherry pick anybody, racially speaking; maybe they just picked on "easier marks"?

Maybe these same zombie racist shitkunts will also parade their true warrior spirit by also smashing in old ebony victims as well? (In which case no one can allege a racist angle to their sickness)...

Or maybe all those never-ending clips of such attakkks are actually taking place in Alaska, or Finland, and therefore, hey (shrugs), the attakkkers have no choice but to pick on "white" people?...

Or maybe, in the not-to-distant future, packs of hunchback/caveman red-eared white boys will go around smashing in the face of (exclusively) ebony grandmothers as they carry their shopping home... They will post their "achievements" online because they feel no shame in their actions; on the contrary, they are proud of attakkking the "other".... But if/when this happens, I doubt the authorities will try to maintain a conspiracy of silence because it makes them feel all "icky" to talk about the mere possibility that there is a "hate crime" being committed, as opposed to a standard "common assault" ("Hate crimes", of course, are set apart from other crimes and carry a tougher sentence)

I refer to these pieces of shit as sell-outs for this simple reason: "white" America (or if you prefer, Amerikkka) has contrived to misrepresent and ultimately create a "Frankenstein's monster" out of "black" people, particularly young black males.... So these fake-angry, fake-alienated hateful youths and young men (who never seem to grow up!) are actually dancing to the tune of a racist master.... They are doing exactly the things this master wants them to do... They are behaving, and walking, and talking, and dressing in exactly the way the "master" instructs them... At best they have been duped... At worst they are mere puppets; enthusiastically embracing their dead-end lifestyle.

I subscribe to the theory that we (all of us) are at war, literally, with people like this; they need removal, regardless of their color or creed.

I have to admit though, it still stuns my mind when I realise there are many people who fail to see these people, these toxic zombie-slavekunts, for what they are... They cannot, or will not, see the kontent of their kharakter... often because they share similar visual characteristics... Now, how sad is that?

That's what you call a proper con trick!

But I belong to a race that will always call a zombie a zombie! I don't check the visuals of their hair, nose, lips, posture etc, first, before making a judgement (or cowardly not making a judgement... which, btw, is still a judgement in itself lol)... I don't check to see if there is high unemployment in the area they live, or if they come from a single-parent family; I don't feel these are pertinent considerations when it comes to beating the shit out of a frail old woman and then hi-fiving your brethren afterwards, laughing and whooping... oh the joy, the joy!...

I simply call it as my guts and soul see it, come one come all.

blue eyed devil

Ms Remy M
11-30-2013, 05:13 PM
(sighs) ...well, I suppose we're gonna have to agree to disagree on the cherry-picking thing?... The kkk of back in the day lynched many "white" victims, but quite properly we associate the cherry-picking aspect of their nastiness with "black" people...

...But you know what, maybe you're right... maybe the kkk didn't cherry pick anybody, racially speaking; maybe they just picked on "easier marks"?

You missed my point. I'm not saying any particular victim isn't cherry picked, I'm saying that almost all victims of any crime are cherry picked. You keep trying to infer that this is primarily happening to white people. I disagree, it is simply that people are reporting the crime more now, perhaps now with the prevalence of digital video easily uploaded to the masses the game is coming to light, but gangs have perpetrated this same game amongst inner city lower class residents for years. Their fault then, in having been unlucky enough to have the crime committed against them where cameras have yet to have been placed and reviewed by police. Unlike a city like London, most places in America are only within the last 5 years are gaining the watchful eye of cameras throughout the entirety of the city.

Maybe these same zombie racist shitkunts will also parade their true warrior spirit by also smashing in old ebony victims as well? (In which case no one can allege a racist angle to their sickness)...

Or maybe all those never-ending clips of such attakkks are actually taking place in Alaska, or Finland, and therefore, hey (shrugs), the attakkkers have no choice but to pick on "white" people?...

Or maybe, in the not-to-distant future, packs of hunchback/caveman red-eared white boys will go around smashing in the face of (exclusively) ebony grandmothers as they carry their shopping home... They will post their "achievements" online because they feel no shame in their actions; on the contrary, they are proud of attakkking the "other".... But if/when this happens, I doubt the authorities will try to maintain a conspiracy of silence because it makes them feel all "icky" to talk about the mere possibility that there is a "hate crime" being committed, as opposed to a standard "common assault" ("Hate crimes", of course, are set apart from other crimes and carry a tougher sentence)

I refer to these pieces of shit as sell-outs for this simple reason: "white" America (or if you prefer, Amerikkka) has contrived to misrepresent and ultimately create a "Frankenstein's monster" out of "black" people, particularly young black males.... So these fake-angry, fake-alienated hateful youths and young men (who never seem to grow up!) are actually dancing to the tune of a racist master.... They are doing exactly the things this master wants them to do... They are behaving, and walking, and talking, and dressing in exactly the way the "master" instructs them... At best they have been duped... At worst they are mere puppets; enthusiastically embracing their dead-end lifestyle.

I subscribe to the theory that we (all of us) are at war, literally, with people like this; they need removal, regardless of their color or creed.

I have to admit though, it still stuns my mind when I realise there are many people who fail to see these people, these toxic zombie-slavekunts, for what they are... They cannot, or will not, see the kontent of their kharakter... often because they share similar visual characteristics... Now, how sad is that?

That's what you call a proper con trick!

There is a term for this that most all intelligent black americans know, it's called Institutionalized Racism. It's something we all live with all the time you are preaching to the choir.

But I belong to a race that will always call a zombie a zombie! I don't check the visuals of their hair, nose, lips, posture etc, first, before making a judgement (or cowardly not making a judgement... which, btw, is still a judgement in itself lol)... I don't check to see if there is high unemployment in the area they live, or if they come from a single-parent family; I don't feel these are pertinent considerations when it comes to beating the shit out of a frail old woman and then hi-fiving your brethren afterwards, laughing and whooping... oh the joy, the joy!...

I simply call it as my guts and soul see it, come one come all.

blue eyed devil

You also belong to a race that has (historically) no issues referring to a black person a slave/uncle tom, as you so eloquently like to use the term, euphemism or not.

12-01-2013, 03:12 AM
And it is green: Black and Indian alike were both exploited by it. It enslaved us then with help of the Caucasian and still does today with the assistance of other races. Shaun you set tripping on the wrong set. This country was founded in violence.......you have come along a little too late to want to complain. There is a long line of folks who if complaining was going to help you my friend would be behind...... so in all your failed attempts at the various comparisons please know that there isn't any. How can you compare events of this nation when the nation itself has not acknowledged the enormity of many of those events and it's involvement in them directly or indirectly. But at the end of the day we all have an opinion.

12-02-2013, 07:38 PM
I will always call it as I see it, and if some idiot takes on the role of a dead-end angry slave then I have no problem labelling them as such...

Please try and appreciate the infinity of difference between a "prisoner" and a "slave"; like KRS1 has reminded us, the West Africans who were dragged here against their will were NOT slaves.... they were prisoners.... Likewise, most of their decendants were born into a environment of constant threat to themselves and loved ones.... Again, these people are prisoners, or hostages.....not slaves.

Anyone who is forced to act by threats against them or their loved ones is a prisoner, kept against their will...

A slave, on the other hand, effectively "volunteers" their subservience... Now, this might appear as something of a paradox.... but unless you believe that certain people are just "natural, born slaves" (which I do not) then you will hopefully see through this? It's a clumsy comparison, but consider the role of "slave" in a BDSM scenario; he or she can walk away from that "act" at any time... but chooses not to (If there was no choice, then they would be a prisoner)

So I maintain my choice of words is correct: slaves, zombie-slaves, slave-kunts, sell-outs, attakkkers etc etc... I feel it is quite correct to speak of these "people" with very clear loathing and hate in my words.... I am speaking (very clearly, in my opinion) about a very very specifikkk group of people..... I absolutely struggle to appreciate how any other humans who just happen to share similar levels of melanin and the most basic visual characteristics with the "people" I'm condemning can, on any level, rationalise some of the things that are happening: Again, I am talking about unprovoked violence that is NOT linked to turf, territory, poverty or material gain.... These aren't stick-up kids.... These are guys having fun!


1. From Atlanta to Seattle, this is happening and being celebrated regularly and widely on new technologies (which is why it has now reached breaking point, and a liberal konspiracy of silence just cant contain it anymore)

2. I sincerely hope these blackkk "people" do NOT also go around smashing old "black" people to the ground, randomly and UNPROVOKKKED, as some claim they do.... Because that is even more victims to add to their vile list.

3. I also hope that packs of white boys don't exclusively play their own pick-out game, smashing up vunerable, lone "black" people, old and young, male and female.... because that is also more terrible victims of race-hate.

Of the above three points, one is a definite phenomenon, happening regularly and impossible not to identify as a "trend" with a racial aspect to how the victims are cherry-picked... The other two points, in my opinion, are not happening in any way that can or should be identified as a phenonomen... And I sincerely hope that remains so!

This is not about racial kkkarma... So dream-the-fuk on if that concept kinda sorta bakes your cookie.... These are free people, with choices, with options, with a future..... making some vile decisions based on HATE.... And then using (or rather, abusing) their racial heritage as a rationalising fakkktor....

How much longer will they be allowed to use you all as camoflage for their atrocious life choices, scuttling back into the wagon-circle of your very very misguided "solidarity"?

I think it's time they were given up!..... And everbody else, ALL of us, not one person/group excluded, declare WAR on these zombies... whatever their visuals.

blue eyed devil