View Full Version : Prioritize your lives

09-03-2014, 07:56 PM
I have had the fortune and misfortune,of lets say spending time with a number of BTG's on and off this site.What seems to shock,disappoint,and turn me off completely,is how (some) of them choose to live.Even though their polled by site members and placed in the top 100.In my experience obsession with augementation,treatments ect.. seem to overshadow cleanliness.I've been to some apartments that smell so bad,it turns your stomach cause they have one more pets, and the the place reaks of urine and feces.There is lil to no furniture couches looking to nasty to sit on.Mattress on the floor no frame or boxspring.50 inch Smart HD TV's sitting on the floor.I carry a travel kit with wipes disinfectant and 91% alcohol.to fend of bed bugs.I have dated a few off and on this site and was very interested in dating one this sites top favorites.we met at a TG party and exchanged numbers. she invited me to her place in NJ. when she opened the door, she looked as gorgeous as ever,but her apartment looked like a crack den.Ladies you can spend thousands on enhancements,but you cant spend a few hundred dollars at walmart, and get some items to fix up your homes.

09-03-2014, 11:10 PM
I have had the fortune and misfortune,of lets say spending time with a number of BTG's on and off this site.What seems to shock,disappoint,and turn me off completely,is how (some) of them choose to live.Even though their polled by site members and placed in the top 100.In my experience obsession with augementation,treatments ect.. seem to overshadow cleanliness.I've been to some apartments that smell so bad,it turns your stomach cause they have one more pets, and the the place reaks of urine and feces.There is lil to no furniture couches looking to nasty to sit on.Mattress on the floor no frame or boxspring.50 inch Smart HD TV's sitting on the floor.I carry a travel kit with wipes disinfectant and 91% alcohol.to fend of bed bugs.I have dated a few off and on this site and was very interested in dating one this sites top favorites.we met at a TG party and exchanged numbers. she invited me to her place in NJ. when she opened the door, she looked as gorgeous as ever,but her apartment looked like a crack den.Ladies you can spend thousands on enhancements,but you cant spend a few hundred dollars at walmart, and get some items to fix up your homes.

its a possibility that you might have just went to her trap house.......its not that uncommon for a group of t-girls to pitch all their money in together to rent out a really cheap place for all their escorting needs

09-03-2014, 11:19 PM
its a possibility that you might have just went to her trap house.......its not that uncommon for a group of t-girls to pitch all their money in together to rent out a really cheap place for all their escorting needs

"Never do your dirt where you lay your head." One of the fundamentals of hustling, legitimate or not.

09-04-2014, 08:29 AM
"Never do your dirt where you lay your head." One of the fundamentals of hustling, legitimate or not.your right that is the hustlers rule of thumb.But I mentioned dating a few and tried to talk them into fixing up there places while we were dating. this one particular gurl i was seeing was into the Pageant scene.she'd spend thousands of dollars on custom gowns, swimsuits ect,,, but would not buy a garbage can for her apartment, just stuck smelly garbage in a plastic bag an hung it on the doornob, her place smelled like hot garbage

09-07-2014, 05:21 PM
That's just how they are dude.. Even their hotel rooms suck. I have never met one that keeps a tidy spot. NEVER!!!!!!!

Crona Valentine
09-08-2014, 06:01 AM
Not all of us live that way... I try to keep my house pretty damn tidy. I'd make a fantastic house wife :D

All of these photo's were takin at _My_ house, that I pay for by myself. ;3
No 50 inch TV's on the floor here. But there is a 70 inch HD on a TV stand ;D

09-09-2014, 06:30 AM
Not all of us live that way... I try to keep my house pretty damn tidy. I'd make a fantastic house wife :D

All of these photo's were takin at _My_ house, that I pay for by myself. ;3
No 50 inch TV's on the floor here. But there is a 70 inch HD on a TV stand ;DThat's nice.I did say (some) and clearly not all.I also said in my experience.I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you at all,so my comments are not directed at you.But again there are some that choose not to keep up their places the way you do.

09-13-2014, 12:30 AM
That's just how they are dude.. Even their hotel rooms suck. I have never met one that keeps a tidy spot. NEVER!!!!!!!

I always marvel at the ignorance of people who think their little anecdotal knowledge comprises some major truth.

I know girls who are slobs but I also know lots of ladies who live in neat, beautiful well kept apartments or homes.

Sounds like your problem is the girls you select.

09-13-2014, 11:07 AM
I always marvel at the ignorance of people who think their little anecdotal knowledge comprises some major truth.

I know girls who are slobs but I also know lots of ladies who live in neat, beautiful well kept apartments or homes.

Sounds like your problem is the girls you select.And so do I.I keep mentioning the fact that I stated in my thread, I said (some) not all choose to live that way.And when you meet a BTG in a club setting, or off the net,how would you know what there place looks like? wether it's well kept, or a filthy mess until you step through the door.I'm not saying saying this to brag, but I've met in clubs ,patronized, and dated some of the top favs on this site, and some of the most attractive passible BTG's off the site.And the point was that (some) choose to spend the bulk of there income on enhancements as appose to furnishing their places.You'd be surprised as to how many (In my experience) I've
have come across.Oh and BTW, I'm gonna give you a pass on the way you tried to eloquently articulate a jab,because its seems you too did not read my thread properly.

09-13-2014, 11:56 PM
its basically living prep my dude! I know some ladies with very well kept houses, and some with train wreck apts. If life circumstances had you on your own since teenage years, your most likely not gonna be the most orderly person. What i have noticed is those who have a more supportive family tend to have better living situations.