View Full Version : p4p. bad math?

12-16-2014, 02:28 PM
Okay I seen a lot of the "You pay for it one way another stuff around while exploring the forum. Personally I just don't get the reasoning behind it. It seems the price of a nice escort is at least $150 per hour. If you were to see an escort 4 times a month that's six hundred easy. Now let's say u had a lady you kick it with and you have "fun" together five days a week, ultimately 20 days out the month. Plus there is no by the hour clock. You go out frequently to restaurants, a little clubbing, maybe to the bowling alley or something. Not really hard to stay occupied without spending up the bank roll so let's say you spend a few hundred a month on dating. To do the same thing with an escort is a whopping $3000 if you only used a hour each time y'all meet up. Now I do see some people say they are paying an escort to essentially leave without all the strings and hangups that go alone with dating and I can understand where they are coming from but the whole we all pay one way or another statement looks pretty shaky. Welcome to hear others thoughts and perspectives. Maybe it's something I'm not seeing or comprehending.

12-16-2014, 05:09 PM
You are missing out on a lot of things. It is not planning to go out to restaurants, clubbing, what have you that the price increase. You usually plan to go to a restaurant or a club so financially you are prepared to spend a certain amount of money. It is the small little unexpected things in which the spending starts to accumulate. By nature women are cheap and rather spend someone else’s money than their own. You may find a few that are willing to treat a man out on the town but, the majority will not.

Escorts that command a high price are not directing their services to those who look at their price as expensive but more as reasonable based on what they provide. Those services may include anywhere from freakier sex to keeping their mouth shut from the customer’s wife. Secrecy is the main reason why a price can escalate. If you have nothing to lose, you are not the type of guy the escort is aiming their services towards in which you see as expensive.

12-16-2014, 08:46 PM
You are missing out on a lot of things. It is not planning to go out to restaurants, clubbing, what have you that the price increase. You usually plan to go to a restaurant or a club so financially you are prepared to spend a certain amount of money. It is the small little unexpected things in which the spending starts to accumulate. By nature women are cheap and rather spend someone else’s money than their own. You may find a few that are willing to treat a man out on the town but, the majority will not.

Escorts that command a high price are not directing their services to those who look at their price as expensive but more as reasonable based on what they provide. Those services may include anywhere from freakier sex to keeping their mouth shut from the customer’s wife. Secrecy is the main reason why a price can escalate. If you have nothing to lose, you are not the type of guy the escort is aiming their services towards in which you see as expensive.

Thank you!

12-16-2014, 10:58 PM
As far as the small expenses adding up man I'm be honest with you as a guy you really don't have to be fixing water heaters to go with a girl. Yes most women would rather spend some ones else money but who wouldn't just don't do it. I see what you saying about paying for secrecy or more kinky sexy but that still don't validate the "you pay one way or another" I here people going on about.... Thanks for the info though it did teach me a little something on the matter.

12-17-2014, 12:06 AM
But you do pay one way or another. Possibly, you are not seeing it that way for you are looking at the time spent with the person. Whether, you have sex with an Escort within 5 minutes or with a “lady” as you call it within 5 weeks of your first encounter, you are going to be spending money. I might add, the longer you have to wait to have sex with a “lady” as you call it, the more money you are going to spend in the long run.

How many “ladies” have you dated in which escalated into nothing? Have you ever tabulated the amount of money you invested under the given conditions?

Magna Carta
12-17-2014, 12:11 PM
LOL. Paying for sex is something I'll never do and no flawed reasoning like "you pay for it one way or another" will change my perspective. Even if you do take someone out and pay for dates, I think it's pretty lame to do that only for the purpose of trying to get sex from them. If that's your purpose, then yeah....you might as well buy a hooker. If I'm taking you out, it's personal. Therefore I refuse to let someone tell me that spending time with someone is the same as buying a hooker.

12-17-2014, 02:22 PM
LOL. Paying for sex is something I'll never do and no flawed reasoning like "you pay for it one way or another" will change my perspective. Even if you do take someone out and pay for dates, I think it's pretty lame to do that only for the purpose of trying to get sex from them. If that's your purpose, then yeah....you might as well buy a hooker. If I'm taking you out, it's personal. Therefore I refuse to let someone tell me that spending time with someone is the same as buying a hooker.

So you are saying it is perfectly fine on your behalf to spend an unprecedented amount of money and get nothing back in return? Surely the primary reason a man takes a woman out on a date is based on him finding her physically attractive.

Possibly you are the few, far and, between that, date a girl without, taking her physical attributes into factor but, that is not how the majority of men see things. Women know this which is why they will spend hundreds to thousands a dollars a year on beauty products in order to keep themselves physically attractive.

Magna Carta
12-17-2014, 02:40 PM
So you are saying it is perfectly fine on your behalf to spend an unprecedented amount of money and get nothing back in return? Surely the primary reason a man takes a woman out on a date is based on him finding her physically attractive.

Possibly you are the few, far and, between that, date a girl without, taking her physical attributes into factor but, that is not how the majority of men see things. Women know this which is why they will spend hundreds to thousands a dollars a year on beauty products in order to keep themselves physically attractive.
It's actually pretty immature, IMO, to think that just because you take someone on a date that you're owed something in return. Also, I wouldn't date someone just because I find them attractive. That's one factor but there has to be something about them as a person that would make me want to spend that kind of time with them.

12-17-2014, 10:30 PM
It's actually pretty immature, IMO, to think that just because you take someone on a date that you're owed something in return.

I think it is foolish to pay someone’s tab for a platonic date. There is a reason the term “Going Dutch” has been around for decades.

Also, I wouldn't date someone just because I find them attractive. That's one factor but there has to be something about them as a person that would make me want to spend that kind of time with them.

Right! However, it is the physical attributes of that person, that you found attractive that, drawn you to say… “Hi” in hopes to engage in a conversation in which, will lead to a date.

12-17-2014, 11:17 PM
I have been on a date or two where there is no connection there and I've paid for the date but I never viewed it as a lost. For one you are always taking that gamble on the first date however all is not lost! By taking this girl out you have just gained a new acquaintance that has homegirls ready for future pickings:D I just see as paying the money forward. For me this has nearly always held true. Secondly unless you just really have a lot of money the first date is usually somewhere cheap. Movies? IHOP?

12-18-2014, 04:13 PM
I look at someone I find physically attractive, in which, I choose to pursue, as a short term or long term investment. Pending on their mindset and if there is any baggage involved, I will either pursue the person from a long term or short term perspective.

You do not need to spend a dime to get to know a person better from a mental aspect once, you are very social able. The most you will spend is time phone calling and texting the person. That is the hold point of phone calling, texting in Juan’s eyes.

If that person and I end up going out on a date after numerous hours talking on the phone in addition to numerous hours of texting with, the occasion 10 minute face to face chats here and there, we have both drawn to the conclusion where this is going to lead to sooner or later. If it does not escalate to anything beyond phone calling and texting, both of us can look elsewhere for other options.

For those who do not want to go through the ordeal and want to get to the nitty gritty, Escorts are happy to oblige. It is no different than paying a monthly subscription to Black Tgirls and jerking off to your favourite model you find physically attractive. I would class that as the bullish way to not lose any money in your investment.

12-19-2014, 02:50 AM
I don't pay because I don't need to get an escort. Lets be honest, Trannies are not hard to get if you a cool dude.

Magna Carta
12-19-2014, 10:30 AM
I don't pay because I don't need to get an escort. Lets be honest, Trannies are not hard to get if you a cool dude.
Pretty much. I don't see what these guys don't understand about that. If anything, they'll probably ask to fuck before you even ask.

12-19-2014, 12:27 PM
Escorts that command a high price are not directing their services to those who look at their price as expensive but more as reasonable based on what they provide. Those services may include anywhere from freakier sex to keeping their mouth shut from the customer’s wife. Secrecy is the main reason why a price can escalate. If you have nothing to lose, you are not the type of guy the escort is aiming their services towards in which you see as expensive.

The more you have to lose, the more you will look at an escort. There are a lot of married men in addition to some men in very high positions that are not going to jeopardise their creditability with a woman that still has the mentality of a little girl (blabbing off at the mouth to her friends or more so making public announcements on the Internet).

I do believe some Hip Hop radio announcer had his career destroyed due to some girl who could not keep her mouth shut. Also, what may be easy for some may be most difficult for others when searching for a tranny that is not in that type of scene. And last but definitely not least is appearance. If you are not one of the most physically attractive males in the eyes of a woman, you are already fighting an uphill battle to get to the main course.

12-19-2014, 03:40 PM
If you married yeah but for all others that whole being outted with who sleep with will destroy your career is a myth and the paranoid mind of the dl brother. Young thug a really popular up and coming rapper is gay as all hell and everybody knows it. Come on the guy wears dress and have guys that he openly calls his lovers. Nobody gives a damn because he never tried to hide it nor did he care what others thought.

12-19-2014, 03:55 PM
Oh yeah and a far as being the most physically attractive we guys got it pretty damn good. Like, I believe myself to be fairly handsome but not like the most attractive thing strutting around but I've been with models and strippers without paying a dime. Girls care a lot less about looks than the mind. This might not apply to you Juan but for the guys that just pay because they feel that they aren't attractive enough to go get a pretty gg/tgirl or whatever they just got to have a little confidence and patiences. Hell all these women, tgirl or not, is just dying for a half decent man in their life esp. the ones crying they don't need a man.

12-19-2014, 09:49 PM
u know what guys maybe yall can help me... it's some fine ass escorts in dallas I see them on backpage allday and other spots... but I also see them on social media.. my problem is how do I go after them, but not as a trade, but as a cool dude in there eyes... being seeing simps all on their page n shit

how do I get one but don't come off as man trying to pay,, cause I have the escorts numbers and they post on tag but I know what they really doing on there.. how do I separate myself

12-20-2014, 02:11 AM
Yo james7 if I was in your situation I would just find out the general areas they be at if they have one. Then hang out in that area sometimes. When you finally meet up with one befriend her if y'all feeling each other make it happen. If not just make her your home girl and chances are you will start meeting other tgirls. But please don't try to play them, be a genuine dude and in the long term you can have lasting relationships and friendships along the way to hopefully finding the one. Plus if you dog a few of them out they gone label you amongst each other, not tons of tgirls compared to gg women. They talk and probably have more street sense than both of us combined. Happy hunting.

12-22-2014, 05:35 AM
Okay I seen a lot of the "You pay for it one way another stuff around while exploring the forum. Personally I just don't get the reasoning behind it. It seems the price of a nice escort is at least $150 per hour. If you were to see an escort 4 times a month that's six hundred easy. Now let's say u had a lady you kick it with and you have "fun" together five days a week, ultimately 20 days out the month. Plus there is no by the hour clock. You go out frequently to restaurants, a little clubbing, maybe to the bowling alley or something. Not really hard to stay occupied without spending up the bank roll so let's say you spend a few hundred a month on dating. To do the same thing with an escort is a whopping $3000 if you only used a hour each time y'all meet up. Now I do see some people say they are paying an escort to essentially leave without all the strings and hangups that go alone with dating and I can understand where they are coming from but the whole we all pay one way or another statement looks pretty shaky. Welcome to hear others thoughts and perspectives. Maybe it's something I'm not seeing or comprehending.

Agreed, it's pretty shaky, and I think a very cynical way to look at relationships. But money does come into the equation for most relationships in some degree -- now, escorts are pretty much 100% about money, while girlfriends or wives are a much lower percentage about the money (could be zero in some cases).

The escort game can't be more than an occasional luxury, unless you happen to be rich. You could go broke pretty quickly !

12-24-2014, 04:03 AM
If you married yeah but for all others that whole being outted with who sleep with will destroy your career is a myth and the paranoid mind of the dl brother. Young thug a really popular up and coming rapper is gay as all hell and everybody knows it. Come on the guy wears dress and have guys that he openly calls his lovers. Nobody gives a damn because he never tried to hide it nor did he care what others thought.

You are thinking on small levels for I was not talking about an up and coming rapper.

I was referring to those that are wealthy. Such Men have more to lose for their behavioural patterns can reflect how stock holders see such a man in a very high position running a company they are investing in. Such Men in high positions are the ones that will hire a high priced (in your eyes) escort.

Oh yeah and a far as being the most physically attractive we guys got it pretty damn good. Like, I believe myself to be fairly handsome but not like the most attractive thing strutting around but I've been with models and strippers without paying a dime. Girls care a lot less about looks than the mind. This might not apply to you Juan but for the guys that just pay because they feel that they aren't attractive enough to go get a pretty gg/tgirl or whatever they just got to have a little confidence and patiences. Hell all these women, tgirl or not, is just dying for a half decent man in their life esp. the ones crying they don't need a man.

Women are more concerned about looks than Men. They just don’t mention it in front of Men. The only thing that can override that in their eyes is money. A woman could careless being the other woman providing the man keeps her financially secure. Women also don’t like to feel left out. So if a good looking man is flirting with every woman in the office with the exception of the one sitting in the last cubical, that woman sitting in the last cubical wants the man to flirt with her as well.

12-30-2014, 01:08 AM
The price is high so you wont tell my wife?!? Lol!!! completely false, Your not telling my wife because you have no idea who my wife is! Are you dealing with escorts or secret agents? if you do find out and try to extort or blow my spot, well there are enough news stories that explain how that usually turns out. The bottom line is the fee depends on the client base. The same girls that charge $400 a session will take $150 if things get slow. For some guys $400 is equal to another guys $150.

01-02-2015, 02:10 PM
Okay Juan you have made some pretty good arguments but the last one is just completely false. Apple which is the most profitable company in the world is ran by an openly gay man... :confused: There are also many other gay CEOs in companies big and small so being with a transgender as an CEO isn't a problem. If anything shareholders would be more concerned about a CEO who uses escort a and lie about their sexuality. It shows them you are more than willing to lie and break the law for personal gain. Your argument does nothing but reinforce what I said about down low men being paranoid.

01-02-2015, 02:32 PM
Man, women are more willing to see past looks than men by a long shot. I will admit I'm handsome and come from a fairly good looking family but I've been with girls that look a lot better than myself. Prime example I'm handsome but my cousin is what people call a "pretty boy". He gets girls trying to get his number left and right. However I've always pulled more women than him. You want to know why? Because he is dumber than a bag of rocks when it comes to women. He just wants them to bend over at the earliest convenience.:D I actually enjoy their company and vice versa so without even trying I've dated and slept with more hot women than him by far. Now let it be a ugly girl I doubt half of the guys on here would give her the time of day no matter how interesting the conversation was. Damn one time I dated a girl that I really liked that had a super banging body(tennis player) but she had bad ache and nearly all my homeboys tried to clown me for it. Even the single ones that nearly never get play from any woman.

01-02-2015, 08:20 PM
this thread is sad. Just sad.

01-04-2015, 07:00 PM
I say people need to mind their own business and stop worrying about how the next man spends his money. (Ya'll are to grown for this shit lol).