View Full Version : How would feel if your girlfriend started receiving expensive gifts from a Rapper?

01-14-2015, 07:40 PM
I need you guys honest opinion......ok I honestly don't know how to feel about this shit cuz right now i feel all fucked up about this situation. I could go on here and write a whole paragraph about how it happened an say how completly fucked up the situation is.....but im not b/c i still do love this girl.
But what i will say is; she is a Tgirl, and this dude is a kinda well-known rapper who bought her a $2000 Chanel handbag and a couple of other things that i dont know of.

Idk man it just feels like alot of people don't really believe in unconditional love anymore, b/c it honestly does feel like the words of Chris Brown start to seem sadly true ... "When a rich nigga want you, and ya nigga cant do nothing for you...These hoe's aint loyal"....smfh

My question is....how would you guys feel and or react if this happened to you in your relationship? and more importantly, what would you do?

01-15-2015, 01:59 AM
It's time to move on. If your woman puts material things from another man before your feelings, wishes and desires, then it's time to let her go. Not saying she likes the rapper, but she likes things. Being self-centered has no place in a serious relationship. I'm quite sure this rapper guy isn't buying her expensive gifts just for kicks. They are, most likely, involved sexually. I wouldn't deal with it, no matter how much I liked a girl. Find another girl. Don't make other girls suffer just because of one girl who chose to throw your relationship away.

01-15-2015, 02:18 AM
I need you guys honest opinion......ok I honestly don't know how to feel about this shit cuz right now i feel all fucked up about this situation. I could go on here and write a whole paragraph about how it happened an say how completly fucked up the situation is.....but im not b/c i still do love this girl.

And this is going to be your biggest pitfall. Have you ever heard the saying “Love is blind?”

But what i will say is; she is a Tgirl, and this dude is a kinda well-known rapper that bought her a $2000 Chanel handbag and a couple of other things that i dont know of.

If the girl has the same feelings (I would imagine not) towards you as, you do for her, she would have not accepted the gifts. The fact of the matter is, for it to escalate into such a relationship for this “Rapper” to buy your girlfriend multiple gifts, should indicate to you that, she is having an affair and, reaping the benefits of doing so.

Idk man it just feels like alot of people don't really believe in unconditional love anymore, b/c it honestly does feel like the words of Chris Brown start to seem sadly true ... "When a rich nigga want you, and ya nigga cant do nothing for you...These hoe's aint loyal"....smfh

Such behavior has been going on before anyone knew who Chris Brown was. Possibly you do not understand the mentality of a woman. She will always be drawn to those who are in a higher position than she is. Whether it is, Academically, Financially or a combination of the two, she looks at it as Success. And, she wants to be a part of that success.

Of course, you may find a few that don’t fall into that category but, the majority of them will not stay with a person in the same or lower position than themselves for very long.

My question is....how would you guys feel and or react if this happened to you in your relationship? and more importantly, what would you do?

If it is a true relationship as you say, it would have never escalated this far for, she would have known better. If it were I, I would just let nature take its course and let the relationship drift away. Of course, there are some girls that purposely like a means of excitement (having two guys trying to win her over) but, that is usually in the early stage of getting to know one another better.

If your relationship has time on its hands (close to 2 years) it would show how immature she really is and it would make logical sense for you to end it quickly so your feelings won’t become more damaged trying to win over someone that chose to move on.

01-18-2015, 05:02 PM
can u hint at who the rapper is

01-24-2015, 02:44 AM
@Juan & @Vidman Thanks alot for your input and honest opinions.........yea, as much as I hate to say it, our relationship is pretty much over....an the sad part is i feel so much like a chump b/c i completely retired my playa Jersey for her....stayed faithful to her ass for over 6 years, and i left a lot of beautiful girls alone just to be shitted on by her in the end! Smfh

It's such a shame to....what a complete waste of time, money, love, and effort.

The vast Majority of these girls are hoes and all these hoe's truly care about is your money! So fuck these hoes and just focus on gettin ya money up b/c in the end these hoes dont give a shit about you if you cant do much for them....LESSON LEARNED!

@ Rozay


Magna Carta
01-25-2015, 11:26 AM
Trying to be in an actual relationship with a TS, especially a black one, is pretty naive. With them, it's all about money and sex. Those flock to those two things, no matter what kind of relationship they claim to be in. Many of them with whom I deal talk to me about wanting a relationship with me but they think I'm supposed to be okay with them prostituting if we are gonna be together. For some reason, they think that it's okay since they claim it's only for the money. LOL

01-26-2015, 05:54 AM
Let's face it; it's hard to find a decent person ...period... especially a transgendered person. It's difficult to engage with tgirls on a relationship level. It's about the money.

01-29-2015, 08:30 PM
Magna, I definitely understand where you are coming from, but I think we have to understand the life of a a transsexual woman; especially a black transsexual. The reason it's "all about the money" is because money is hard to come by for a transgendered woman or any person is this society. Society shits on the girls, not offering jobs and often making it hard to pursue an education due to discrimination. So anyone, regardless of gender, must do what they can to survive. I disagree with the notion that transsexuals are all about sex. Most transsexuals I've spoken with don't enjoy working in the sex industry, but they do what they must to live. Admit it or not, but money makes the world go around and transsexuals are human beings too that need what any man or woman needs to survive. I respect transsexual people to the fullest because despite how society downs and degrades them, they are still true to who they are and continue to try to achieve whom they aspire to be. Hats off to transsexuals, both mtf and ftm. They are truly brave soldiers in their fight for equal rights and their right to exist. I am a coward in comparison.

Magna Carta
01-30-2015, 11:24 PM
Magna, I definitely understand where you are coming from, but I think we have to understand the life of a a transsexual woman; especially a black transsexual. The reason it's "all about the money" is because money is hard to come by for a transgendered woman or any person is this society. Society shits on the girls, not offering jobs and often making it hard to pursue an education due to discrimination. So anyone, regardless of gender, must do what they can to survive.
That's nonsense. There are plenty of black TS holding respectable jobs within prestigious firms. Most black TS never even give the honest way a shot. They jump straight into prostitution and when queried on their reason, they claim that no one will give them a chance...when in truth, they never even tried to get a job. It's nothing but an excuse. The few who do try to get a job, they somehow believe they can take their loud, ghetto, flamboyant behavior onto a job.

02-02-2015, 09:07 PM
I disagree. I have many upon many transsexual friends, lots of which I've dated. I can honestly tell you that it's hard for them. I've driven transsexual women to job interviews only for them to come out 10 mins later because the hiring manager "just filled the position an hour ago with a previous candidate". Yeah right, the real reason is because Paul Wilson walked in looking like Paulina Wilson and she got turned away. I even have transsexual friends who have gone through the courts to have their names and identities changed legally and they are discriminated against. So, although what you say is partially true, I disagree that MOST of the girls don't try. That's flat out false. Your mention of loud, ghetto and flambouyant behaviour is very incendiary and visceral at best. At the end of the day, transsexual women do not have the same chance at opportunity as you and I have. I have transsexual friends that have been killed and beaten just for being who they are. That alone tells you that discrimination and hatred does clearly exist and is very prominent among the transgendered community. I've certainly never had anyone beating me up for being a male that appears to be a male. I agree, there are a few black transsexuals holding respectable jobs. I used to date a transsexual who is now a brain surgeon. She went to medical school and specialized in Neurology. I also dated a transsexual who works as a financial advisor for one of the biggest financial firms in the world. BUT, the ratio of girls that "make it", you know, those Janet Mocks of the transgendered community, compared to those that don't is immensely disproportionate. It sounds to me that you have a strong disdain for transsexuals, especially black transsexuals based on your previous submissions. If that's the case, then you may be the one with issues that need resolving and therefore, your advice to the original poster is null and void because of your slanted personal angle. Maybe transsexuals are only a sexual fetish for you and nothing else but it's obvious that you have already formed your own negative opinion about transsexuals based on the very few that you have encountered, especially those of Black origin.

02-16-2015, 09:22 AM
I disagree. I have many upon many transsexual friends, lots of which I've dated. I can honestly tell you that it's hard for them. I've driven transsexual women to job interviews only for them to come out 10 mins later because the hiring manager "just filled the position an hour ago with a previous candidate". Yeah right, the real reason is because Paul Wilson walked in looking like Paulina Wilson and she got turned away. I even have transsexual friends who have gone through the courts to have their names and identities changed legally and they are discriminated against. So, although what you say is partially true, I disagree that MOST of the girls don't try. That's flat out false. Your mention of loud, ghetto and flambouyant behaviour is very incendiary and visceral at best. At the end of the day, transsexual women do not have the same chance at opportunity as you and I have. I have transsexual friends that have been killed and beaten just for being who they are. That alone tells you that discrimination and hatred does clearly exist and is very prominent among the transgendered community. I've certainly never had anyone beating me up for being a male that appears to be a male. I agree, there are a few black transsexuals holding respectable jobs. I used to date a transsexual who is now a brain surgeon. She went to medical school and specialized in Neurology. I also dated a transsexual who works as a financial advisor for one of the biggest financial firms in the world. BUT, the ratio of girls that "make it", you know, those Janet Mocks of the transgendered community, compared to those that don't is immensely disproportionate. It sounds to me that you have a strong disdain for transsexuals, especially black transsexuals based on your previous submissions. If that's the case, then you may be the one with issues that need resolving and therefore, your advice to the original poster is null and void because of your slanted personal angle. Maybe transsexuals are only a sexual fetish for you and nothing else but it's obvious that you have already formed your own negative opinion about transsexuals based on the very few that you have encountered, especially those of Black origin.

You're really just making excuses for them. The whole "woe is me I couldn't find a job" is BS. Life is hard on almost everyone in some way. Not every one turns to sucking a dick for a living because of it. You simplify your life to what's important and budget through the hard times. We are talking about some pretty empty lives if that's your only resort. Nerdy kids are also beaten for being who they are. They don't suck dicks for a living as a result.

Magna Carta
02-16-2015, 06:27 PM
You're really just making excuses for them. The whole "woe is me I couldn't find a job" is BS. Life is hard on almost everyone in some way. Not every one turns to sucking a dick for a living because of it. You simplify your life to what's important and budget through the hard times. We are talking about some pretty empty lives if that's your only resort. Nerdy kids are also beaten for being who they are. They don't suck dicks for a living as a result.
Well said. Dude is brainwashed by the fact that he's attracted to them....not being at all objective. By his logic, not only should I prostitute for a living just because things aren't easy, I guess I'd be justified in robbing and stealing also.

02-19-2015, 08:02 PM
Oh wow. So you're actually comparing nerdy kids to transsexuals? LOL! Dude, you need to get out of the 19th century. Nerd is in. Women find nerdy men very attractive. Not only that, but that nerd will be the one with the executive job 10 years from now making 6 figures so your comparisons are quite disproportionate. You can not compare the struggles of a transsexual person with some nerdy kid. You don't see assemblies of people on the news holding up signs saying "God hates nerds." You don't hear about nerds getting assaulted and killed on the streets. But you do see that with people of the LGBT community. I'm not even certain why you're on this forum or transsexual websites. How could you be attracted to people you have so little respect for? Is it that you're only hear to satisfy sexual fantasies? Because if that's the reason, then I understand why you speak the way you do. All I can say to you is I would hate it for you if you had a child that turned out to be LGBT.

Like I said in a previous post........I have many mtf transsexual friends that are in the sex profession. Trust me, they aren't doing it because they want to. If you have a transgendered friend who works in the industry, which I'm quite sure you dont, ask her if she actually enjoys performing random sexual acts with strangers for money. Then ask her if she has attempted other avenues besides the sex industry. Let me know what she says.

02-20-2015, 03:19 AM
I do believe survival is the key why some do it. There comes a time when one needs to grow up and fend for them selves. Many are forced to do so at an early age particularly when they have no one to turn to. It is common to use your natural resources (physical attributes) in order to attain certain things in a world where everything is based on aesthetics.

Magna Carta
02-20-2015, 11:13 AM
LOL. These guys are plain ole simps who are speaking with their dicks, not with their minds. I've always told women....if you want a loyal simp, get yourself a black man because black men will adamantly defend anyone they believe they have a chance of sticking their dick in, even if they have no basis for their defense....and once again I've been proven.

02-20-2015, 04:26 PM
It appears you are misunderstanding a few things. Possibly, you were never broke to the point that you could not even buy food to put in your refrigerator why, you feel the way you do. A Woman can bat her eyes offer a sob story and some Man will give her Grocery money. A Man is not as fortunate.

It has nothing to do with a particular race for every race have people that are so broke that they will take desperate measures in order to survive. If someone is willing to pay you money to have sex in which you are penniless are you going to turn it down and starve based on pride?

Pride is the biggest pitfall known to man and, many transsexuals have learned to swallow their pride in order to survive. In the Latin community we are more open to transsexuals than the African American community. However, it does not mean there are not some Latin transsexuals prostituting for the sheer means of survival.

Some transsexuals prostitute discretely make their money and, never return whereas others continue 5, 10, 15 years later. It really depends on the transsexual and what they choose to do with their lives.

02-20-2015, 08:16 PM
Good point Juan. Some guys let their ignorance take control of their thought process like Magna. His only use for a transsexual is to pleasure his penis. He has no interest in anything that concerns getting to know the woman as a person. I have many transsexual friends that are PURELY friends. No sexual involvement whatsoever. No desire to sexually involve myself. So his notion that I'm only being compassionate because my dick is influencing me to be is bullshit. I don't have to be a sucker-for-love guy to show compassion for a human being. If Magna were to put on a wig and a skirt one day because he felt that he was a woman, watch how fast he would suck a penis after his job lets him go. lol. So at the end of the day, as humans, we do what we have to do as we attempt to make things better. It all depends on how bad of a situation you're in and how much support you have. Society surely isn't supporting the girls and in most cases, their families don't support. So you're talking about a young person out here in the world on their own. If you've never experienced that then you would have a hard time understanding the premise. Lucky for Magna he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to deal with such quagmires.

02-21-2015, 08:02 PM
Oh wow. So you're actually comparing nerdy kids to transsexuals? LOL! Dude, you need to get out of the 19th century. Nerd is in. Women find nerdy men very attractive. Not only that, but that nerd will be the one with the executive job 10 years from now making 6 figures so your comparisons are quite disproportionate. You can not compare the struggles of a transsexual person with some nerdy kid. You don't see assemblies of people on the news holding up signs saying "God hates nerds." You don't hear about nerds getting assaulted and killed on the streets. But you do see that with people of the LGBT community. I'm not even certain why you're on this forum or transsexual websites. How could you be attracted to people you have so little respect for? Is it that you're only hear to satisfy sexual fantasies? Because if that's the reason, then I understand why you speak the way you do. All I can say to you is I would hate it for you if you had a child that turned out to be LGBT.

Like I said in a previous post........I have many mtf transsexual friends that are in the sex profession. Trust me, they aren't doing it because they want to. If you have a transgendered friend who works in the industry, which I'm quite sure you dont, ask her if she actually enjoys performing random sexual acts with strangers for money. Then ask her if she has attempted other avenues besides the sex industry. Let me know what she says.

What are the "struggles" of a transsexual person that you speak of? Since I can't compare them to anything you tell me about them and how they are dif from the struggles of everyone else on the planet and unique. The nerds were one single example. It wasn't a comprehensive comparison of every aspect of a transexual's life. And the Nerdy kid who goes on to make 6 figures does so because of the choices they made during their struggle. You are seing the result and not the struggle
How can I be attracted to someone I have little respect for? I respect myself. I'm attracted to women and some transsexuals. (Let's not go into a big deal about whether Tgirls are women or not either please. I'm one individual. My view that someone born male is a male doesn't harm or discriminate against anyone, it's merely my viewpoint)

I dont direspect Tgirls for being who they are. Many women I don't have respect for either because of how they carry themselves. Transexuals don't get a special pass on hard times. You make it seem like nobody else struggles. I haven't disrespected anyone. I don't have to share your viewpoint and seeing it as I do isn't disrespectful. I don't sleep with prostitutes. I 've been broke. I changed my situation. That's what you do when you're in a bad place financially.

As far as people in the LGBT community being killed. People kill people That's not exclusive to trans people. There were many more black men killed than TS. I'm sensiitive to humanity. I don't want to see anyone killed. I don't want to kill anyone. But TS aren't walking around constantly in fear of being killed and being hunted down constantly. Please let's not over dramatize. Why are you bringing up who was killed/assaulted. That's not exclusive to trans individuals. People kill people. It's a sad thing. I wish I could make it go away. BUT it has nothing to do with the huge part of a community deciding to sell their assholes and suck dicks for a living. My dignity doesnt have a price, does yours?

As I stated life has ups and downs. It's hard on most everyone. BUT not everyone sucks a dick to survive.

You're making excuses. Thinking someone doesn't have to resort to sucking a dick and turning tricks to survive is hardly "disrespecting" them.

Saying someone results to the sex industry because they have no other choice is hardly true in almost all cases. Humans have other talensts. There are ways to make money without stealing credit cards/shop lifting/sucking dicks. Seriously. saying that is not being disrespectful.

EVERYONE struggles in some way.

Those who have the desire to improve their lives will do so. Sucking dicks for a living while lining your closet with Red bottoms/Saks tags is not working to improve your life, it's a misguided soul. (I'm not speaking of trans people only. I'm speaking of the many people who have messed up priorities thinking they are so special the world should stop because they had to start from nothing).

Dude you're making excuses.

02-21-2015, 08:21 PM
It appears you are misunderstanding a few things. Possibly, you were never broke to the point that you could not even buy food to put in your refrigerator why, you feel the way you do. A Woman can bat her eyes offer a sob story and some Man will give her Grocery money. A Man is not as fortunate.

It has nothing to do with a particular race for every race have people that are so broke that they will take desperate measures in order to survive. If someone is willing to pay you money to have sex in which you are penniless are you going to turn it down and starve based on pride?

Pride is the biggest pitfall known to man and, many transsexuals have learned to swallow their pride in order to survive. In the Latin community we are more open to transsexuals than the African American community. However, it does not mean there are not some Latin transsexuals prostituting for the sheer means of survival.

Some transsexuals prostitute discretely make their money and, never return whereas others continue 5, 10, 15 years later. It really depends on the transsexual and what they choose to do with their lives.

My GOD you just said pride was a bad thing and sucking a dick to survive was in essence better because it avoids the pitfall of pride.

I have been homeless. I lost everything I owned in a fire. EVERYTHING outside of the drawers on my ass. Not buying food to put in a refrigerator? LMAO WHAT refrigerator? I didn't bat my eyes and have anybody give me anything.

I washed my ass in the rest room of an office building. And here you're telling me about someone not being able to bat their eyes and have men pay their bills

Dude. Don't tell me that prostituting is the positive and pride is the negative. Let's stop using pride because there's all kinds of cliche's that go with that.

Let's use dignity. I didn't suck dicks to survive.

You're making excuses.

You guys claim to "honor" t girls but that's not what you're doing. You are attracted so you are ignoring dysfunctional lifestyle choices. It's an insult to all the transgendered people who struggle to not be associated with that and those choices.

I'm not one to salivate over a backpage hoe lol. I don't care if that person is trans or female.

In most cases whatever that money was to bring wasn't a necessity of life. Many give away their dignity to buy bullshit. That goes for tgirls and everyone else. I choose to live differntly and I don't make excuses like what' s being done here.

02-21-2015, 09:03 PM
Good point Juan. Some guys let their ignorance take control of their thought process like Magna. His only use for a transsexual is to pleasure his penis. He has no interest in anything that concerns getting to know the woman as a person. I have many transsexual friends that are PURELY friends. No sexual involvement whatsoever. No desire to sexually involve myself. So his notion that I'm only being compassionate because my dick is influencing me to be is bullshit. I don't have to be a sucker-for-love guy to show compassion for a human being. If Magna were to put on a wig and a skirt one day because he felt that he was a woman, watch how fast he would suck a penis after his job lets him go. lol. So at the end of the day, as humans, we do what we have to do as we attempt to make things better. It all depends on how bad of a situation you're in and how much support you have. Society surely isn't supporting the girls and in most cases, their families don't support. So you're talking about a young person out here in the world on their own. If you've never experienced that then you would have a hard time understanding the premise. Lucky for Magna he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to deal with such quagmires.

If you think the loss of a job is a direct road to sucking dicks, we probably don't need to continue. Tgirls are a small % of the population. There's PLENTY of people in the world on their own. There's a bunch of people between born with a silver spoon and sucking a dick.

You're doing a disservice to the many tgirls who make better choices.

02-22-2015, 03:07 AM
My GOD you just said pride was a bad thing and sucking a dick to survive was in essence better because it avoids the pitfall of pride.

Please quote exactly where I said that for it is obvious you are not reading what I wrote properly.

I have been homeless. I lost everything I owned in a fire. EVERYTHING outside of the drawers on my ass. Not buying food to put in a refrigerator? LMAO WHAT refrigerator? I didn't bat my eyes and have anybody give me anything.

You do know that you can get help from the Red Cross under such natural disasters so I am uncertain why you would not take advantage of it.

I washed my ass in the rest room of an office building. And here you're telling me about someone not being able to bat their eyes and have men pay their bills.

So you became homeless because of a fire, chose to wash yourself in an office building rather than seeking help from your local natural disasters agency in which, they will provide food and shelter? Was it your pride why you did not sign up or you have no idea why you are paying taxes?

Dude. Don't tell me that prostituting is the positive and pride is the negative. Let's stop using pride because there's all kinds of cliche's that go with that.

Again, please quote me where I stated that. Don’t compare yourself to teenage kid that got thrown out their parent’s home for being a transsexual. For you are a full fledged adult that held a job that allowed you to own or rent a home before your house or apartment caught on fire.

Let's use dignity. I didn't suck dicks to survive.

You're making excuses.

What you just shown is how a full fledge adult did not have a bank account more so credit cards to help them when an emergency strikes. I should hope you got your Money Management in order by now and you learned from your mistakes.

02-22-2015, 11:22 AM
LMAO still making excuses. Knowing nothing about me you say perhaps I've never been broke to where I couldn't eat. I give an example and you criticize my choices. You assume I was a full fledge adult who should have had a bank account and credit cards. Yet when it's tgirls your story is a
teenager who is thrown out of their parents home. As if all the tgirls on a stroll are teenagers with no other options but sucking dick. In my case you will go line for line on why I should have done , something different. But in theirs it's perfectly ok to suck dick for a living because there is absolutely no other choice.

Not worth the discussion Seriously. You will excuse any behavior they have. And you will criticize any example given from my life.

Enjoy yourself excuse maker. For generations black people had shit done to them for being black in America. They wern't allowed to attend schools and when they were, the schools were underfunded. There were places blacks couldn't go. They couldn't get jobs. They went through unimaginable oppression, but they didn't start sucking dicks and walking strolls for a living.

Don't tell me that tgirls have it worse than any group that every walked the Earth and sucking dick for a living is understandable. That's BS excuses.

Earler someone said that many TS went to job interviews to be turned down. EVERYONE has had a hard time getting a job before. What was the education level of those who got turned down? What did they do to better themselves when turned down? Rejection is part of life. Don't tell me about "survival" and how I've never had to survive, then suggest I shouldn't have when I did.

Any excuse to allow for sucking dick for a living I guess.

What you said was "Pride is the biggest pitfall known to man and, many transsexuals have learned to swallow their pride in order to survive." You said it in a discussion where you were justifying sucking a dick for a living. Let's analyze what you said. Pride is the biggest Pitfall. (That says that pride is a negative. It's a pitfall.

But then you said " Transsexuals have learned to swallow their pride in order to survive. (So they avoided the biggest pitfall for their survival. That's a positive.

So yes I did read what you said exactly.

02-22-2015, 02:19 PM
i don't understand the point of this discussion. i don't care why people make the decision they make, its there life and they can do what they want with it.

02-23-2015, 12:26 AM
Very well stated vidman.

02-23-2015, 03:31 AM
All newtothisphilly is doing here is showing who he really is. He is a stereotypical person that only browses transsexual sites for mere perversions. He has no interests whatsoever in getting to know transsexual women, the community or their struggles. To say that a person who society deems a freak has the same struggle as a person who society does not deem a freak is idiotic. Their is a visual perspective here. If I am a gay man, unless I act feminine or show myself in a feminine light, no one knows. Therefore, making my struggle a bit easier than a transsexual who society sees as a man in a wig. Only those of us who truly has an appreciation of what transsexualism is all about knows that transsexuals are not men in wigs. They actually feel as if they are women born with a defect. So to walk around in society feeling a certain way about yourself but society is treating you like you're an abomination is a far cry from a person that society feels is "normal". You're damn right it's harder for transsexuals to get ahead in society based on society's ignorance and the fact that there is a physical appearance pressure put on all transsexuals. Society is visual and this is what fuels the ignorance and hatred. Society doesn't care about what kind of person you are on the inside, it just judges you for what it sees on the outside. So newtothisphilly, I really think you are out of your realm when it comes to these issues and like I said earlier......the only thing a transsexual can do for you is suck your dick and bend you over, or bend over for you. That's all you're interested in.

02-23-2015, 01:01 PM
All newtothisphilly is doing here is showing who he really is. He is a stereotypical person that only browses transsexual sites for mere perversions. He has no interests whatsoever in getting to know transsexual women, the community or their struggles. To say that a person who society deems a freak has the same struggle as a person who society does not deem a freak is idiotic. Their is a visual perspective here. If I am a gay man, unless I act feminine or show myself in a feminine light, no one knows. Therefore, making my struggle a bit easier than a transsexual who society sees as a man in a wig. Only those of us who truly has an appreciation of what transsexualism is all about knows that transsexuals are not men in wigs. They actually feel as if they are women born with a defect. So to walk around in society feeling a certain way about yourself but society is treating you like you're an abomination is a far cry from a person that society feels is "normal". You're damn right it's harder for transsexuals to get ahead in society based on society's ignorance and the fact that there is a physical appearance pressure put on all transsexuals. Society is visual and this is what fuels the ignorance and hatred. Society doesn't care about what kind of person you are on the inside, it just judges you for what it sees on the outside. So newtothisphilly, I really think you are out of your realm when it comes to these issues and like I said earlier......the only thing a transsexual can do for you is suck your dick and bend you over, or bend over for you. That's all you're interested in.

NONE of this has anythig to do with our discussion How an individual feels inside and is judged by society doesnt say that after not finding a job you suck a dick. Yes society is ignorant. Yes you will experience discrimination no matter who you are. For them it is a different type. There is ignorance everywhere. TS aren't the only people in the world viewed as freaks. There are plenty of people with birth defects that you don't see on a stroll. Yes society is ignorant and they stereotype. Hell you don't know me and you've just in your ignorance assigned a bunch of stereotypical views to me. All I did was say you were making excuses because you are. So much is made of this is it a man or a woman. I see them as I see all human beings. Whether you call yourself male or female has nothing to do with the respect you get from me as one of God's children. Sexuality aside, they are human beings as we all are and that is how I treat them (and everyone else). Yes there is ignorance and hatred. But you obviously know nothing about humanity if this is how you are limited in your thinking

It seems you'll sterotype my view of them as what you want it to be and there is no room for me to disagree with you or else I'm all of the other things you say I am and they are only a sexual fetish to me and this is simply because I've disagreed with your excuses. I actually told you I don't deal with prostitutes female or trans but you ignored the fact that you know nothing about me to tell me about myself So wallow in your excuses. Give your people you call friends more excuses and there will still be transgendered individuals who work, go to school and better themselves without doing all of the things you've made excuses for.

Much of the struggle of TS is mental and folks like you are not making it better. Because many go through life feeling alone because of how society portrays them they don't know the struggles of the rest of people. They think they are their sexuality when there is a whole lot more to a person than that.

You are defending participation in an industry that makes that portrayal actual life while claiming to care, help and understand.

You are making excuses. Do you know how many people are out of work? Do you know how many people have been on 100s of interviews with no call back? It's not exclusive to trans people. Life is tough. You press on. If you are greater than your problems you get passed them. But it depends on your value system and how you value yourself

02-25-2015, 04:00 AM
So now you're righteous? You first degrade the girls and now you want to soften up the tone. lol. Too late man. Anyone reading your original posts can tell what side of the tracks you live on as it relates to your feelings about transgendered society. You keep trying to find different types of people to include to attempt to validate your point. So now it's people with birth defects? Listen, if there was any sexual attraction about a person born with a foot growing from his head and he was struggling to make ends meet, he would be exploiting that too in the sex industry, so you can't compare transsexuals to people with birth defects. Transsexuals are sexual attractions. Most men, whether they will admit it or not, find Mia Isabella gorgeous and would lay down with her at the drop of a hat. You can't put Mia Isabella in the same category as the guy born with three arms or woman born with 3 breasts. Midgets work in the sex industry too. Why? Because there are lots of people out there that have a sexual attraction to midgets. So before you attempt to loosely use "birth defects" as your disclaimer, think about what you're saying.

What I'm telling you is the struggle for transsexuals is real and the opportunities that you or I get are not as plentiful for transsexuals. I'm not saying that there aren't any transsexuals who haven't transcended the struggles of her community; look at Janet Mock. She's a beautiful woman who, at one point, was in the sex industry too. Now she's a contributor for MSNBC. Go Janet!! She made it out. The glaring statistic is the percentage of transgendered women who achieve Janet's status. Most transsexuals rely or have relied on the sex industry at some point or another to achieve their success; again, Ms. Mock being an example. Now, how many non-transgendered males or females have visited the sex industry? Percentage-wise, sure as hell not as many as people in the transgendered community. That speaks volumes my friend.

This is my last comment about this topic as I have clearly made my point and I refuse to listen to you dog transgendered women while perusing transgendered sites.

02-25-2015, 06:10 PM
Dude YOU said they feel as if they were born with a defect, but you criticize me for comparing to people with birth defects lol. Continue your excuse making for perfectly capable individuals to sell themselves as if that's their best and most marketable talent. It's idiotic and self defeating, but go rightahead

02-26-2015, 07:31 PM
I will continue to be understanding and compassionate to people who are treated far worse than people like you and me. If that makes me an idiot then so be it.

02-26-2015, 08:52 PM
This is so entertaining! As a transgendered woman who works in the sex industry and maintains a quote on quote straight job, this is a tough lifestyle to live and isn't survived by many.We are all imperfect people here so I simply say never judge a person till you have walked a mile in their shoes.

02-27-2015, 01:14 AM

02-27-2015, 05:08 PM
This is so entertaining! As a transgendered woman who works in the sex industry and maintains a quote on quote straight job, this is a tough lifestyle to live and isn't survived by many.We are all imperfect people here so I simply say never judge a person till you have walked a mile in their shoes.

Exactly! This is the point I was simply trying to make.

02-28-2015, 04:52 PM
You can keep telling someone they have no other choice and selling BJs is their fate when it's not. It's their choice. Last I checked, they don't deny Pell Grants to people for being transgendered. There are ways to advance beyond selling your body. Plenty of TS do it

02-28-2015, 06:27 PM
So now you're righteous? You first degrade the girls and now you want to soften up the tone. lol. Too late man. Anyone reading your original posts can tell what side of the tracks you live on as it relates to your feelings about transgendered society. You keep trying to find different types of people to include to attempt to validate your point. So now it's people with birth defects? Listen, if there was any sexual attraction about a person born with a foot growing from his head and he was struggling to make ends meet, he would be exploiting that too in the sex industry, so you can't compare transsexuals to people with birth defects. Transsexuals are sexual attractions. Most men, whether they will admit it or not, find Mia Isabella gorgeous and would lay down with her at the drop of a hat. You can't put Mia Isabella in the same category as the guy born with three arms or woman born with 3 breasts. Midgets work in the sex industry too. Why? Because there are lots of people out there that have a sexual attraction to midgets. So before you attempt to loosely use "birth defects" as your disclaimer, think about what you're saying.

What I'm telling you is the struggle for transsexuals is real and the opportunities that you or I get are not as plentiful for transsexuals. I'm not saying that there aren't any transsexuals who haven't transcended the struggles of her community; look at Janet Mock. She's a beautiful woman who, at one point, was in the sex industry too. Now she's a contributor for MSNBC. Go Janet!! She made it out. The glaring statistic is the percentage of transgendered women who achieve Janet's status. Most transsexuals rely or have relied on the sex industry at some point or another to achieve their success; again, Ms. Mock being an example. Now, how many non-transgendered males or females have visited the sex industry? Percentage-wise, sure as hell not as many as people in the transgendered community. That speaks volumes my friend.

This is my last comment about this topic as I have clearly made my point and I refuse to listen to you dog transgendered women while perusing transgendered sites.

It does speak volumes that so many TS have been in the sex industry compared to those in non transgendered communities. It speaks of a culture. Janet decided she wanted to be beyond that culture. . Just because they won't all end up on MSNBC doesn't mean it shows discrimination Most people wont end up on MSNBC. There's millions of journalists that dont. But your whole "TS have it so hard that they wind up hoeing because theyre kicked ouf of their families isn't real. I know a few that are nurses that hoe on the side. It would be different if strolls were full of young folks with no where to turn. That's not the case. It's a choice. It's a culture that says this is an acceptable avenue.

I haven't dogged anyone. I've merely disagreed with you.

03-02-2015, 07:09 PM
It does speak volumes that so many TS have been in the sex industry compared to those in non transgendered communities. It speaks of a culture. Janet decided she wanted to be beyond that culture. . Just because they won't all end up on MSNBC doesn't mean it shows discrimination Most people wont end up on MSNBC. There's millions of journalists that dont. But your whole "TS have it so hard that they wind up hoeing because theyre kicked ouf of their families isn't real. I know a few that are nurses that hoe on the side. It would be different if strolls were full of young folks with no where to turn. That's not the case. It's a choice. It's a culture that says this is an acceptable avenue.

I haven't dogged anyone. I've merely disagreed with you.

The only thing I will clear up from your response is I never said TS have it so hard that they wind up hoeing because they're kicked out of their families...... Go back and show me where I said that verbatim please. So my question to you is why did you put that in quotations as if that's what came exactly from my mouth?

Have a good day sir. Keep bashing transsexual women while getting your rocks off to them on the transsexual websites.

03-04-2015, 11:38 AM
How did this become a straight up anti-whore thread?

The OP just wanted know if his girl's actions were suspect.

03-06-2015, 07:30 AM
How did this become a straight up anti-whore thread?

The OP just wanted know if his girl's actions were suspect.

Indy, whats up! Haven't talked in a while. Glad to know you're still around.

But to answer your question.....I think when Magna came in spinning the whole "transsexuals being prostitutes" thing, people quickly jumped on the bash transsexual wagon. But you're right, the question was answered by me and one other guy in the beginning.

03-19-2015, 07:18 PM
To answer original question: I would be hurt and upset, no doubt. The first thing i would do is ask her about everything? What is her "relationship" with the rapper, and why is he giving her $2K gifts??? I would not make any decisions until I heard what was in her head and in her heart. Realistically, I can't see your relationship surviving--at least as it had been for the past 6 years..... Good luck bro.

For the rest of this crazy conversation....I'm with Vidman on this. Not exactly sure where all the other stuff (hatred?) is coming from (Magna; NTTPhilly...). You guys sound pretty heartless and cold describing how black TS women are simply complainers and whiners in the world. Or whores. Really? So the murder and assault rates against TS women matches the rates for cisgendered women? No way my friend. I lived with a black TS woman for nearly a year who was not in the industry, had a regular job, lived independently and was making her way in life. It has not been easy for her. And she would take great issue with your words. She would also be greatly offended and hurt by many things you have said. Not that you would care, as indicated by your comments. THEY ARE NOT ALL WHORES. Even the women working in the industry--do you really know their true story? You may think you do, but no sir....you don't. You have no idea what life is really like mentally, physically, financially and most important, emotionally for a black TS woman. Most are simply trying to survive. Can you have some compassion?
Sorry for the rant, but this little conversation hit a nerve. To the women in the industry, I wish you all the best.Peace.

03-21-2015, 04:45 PM
To answer original question: I would be hurt and upset, no doubt. The first thing i would do is ask her about everything? What is her "relationship" with the rapper, and why is he giving her $2K gifts??? I would not make any decisions until I heard what was in her head and in her heart. Realistically, I can't see your relationship surviving--at least as it had been for the past 6 years..... Good luck bro.

For the rest of this crazy conversation....I'm with Vidman on this. Not exactly sure where all the other stuff (hatred?) is coming from (Magna; NTTPhilly...). You guys sound pretty heartless and cold describing how black TS women are simply complainers and whiners in the world. Or whores. Really? So the murder and assault rates against TS women matches the rates for cisgendered women? No way my friend. I lived with a black TS woman for nearly a year who was not in the industry, had a regular job, lived independently and was making her way in life. It has not been easy for her. And she would take great issue with your words. She would also be greatly offended and hurt by many things you have said. Not that you would care, as indicated by your comments. THEY ARE NOT ALL WHORES. Even the women working in the industry--do you really know their true story? You may think you do, but no sir....you don't. You have no idea what life is really like mentally, physically, financially and most important, emotionally for a black TS woman. Most are simply trying to survive. Can you have some compassion?
Sorry for the rant, but this little conversation hit a nerve. To the women in the industry, I wish you all the best.Peace.

Does the murder rate for TS match cisgendered women? If it does or doesn't why is disagreement with your POV deemed hatred? I don't think their should be outrage because TS are murdered. Who cares what gender a person is? The outrage should be because people are being killed. How many people of color from low income neighborhoods have been killed? How many of the TS murdered fall in that category?

Again, the outrage shouldnt be because a person who was TS was killed, it should be because a human being was killed.

I didn't say that all TS were whores. i said that life is hard for people in general and I don't make a special acknowledgement for TS women. It seems just the mere mention that they are male and different from biological females draws the term hatred here. That's factual.

There are TS that have fathered children. Are they any more/less TS than a TS who has never been with a woman? Are you going to tell me that the child was born to 2 mothers?

I'm sorry to hit a nerve. I view TS as people with the same faculties for intelligence as everyone else. I see them as capable of much more than sucking dicks for survival.

They are not a monolithic group no more than any other group is. It's not easy for most anyone. But it seems that around here you either put TS on a pedestal and say that they have no choice in their lives that their actions and choices are not theirs to make, or you hate them lol

Obviously, nobody on Earth has it as hard as TS do, so making a comparison to anyone else's suffering/hard times is out of the question lol.


Like almost everyone on Earth that has advanced in their lives, the Ts that have done so were able to do so because they sacraficed and educated themselves and did something. Sadly, that's not the majority. This isn't because Library's don't allow Trannys or because schools don't admit them. It's people's choices that determine their ultimate outcome.

If you think sucking a dick for a living is a recipe for career success, carry on. My opinion differs.

I haven't expressed a hatred for anyone. I just see things differently from the way you do. I treat people with respect and my opinion harms no one.

03-21-2015, 10:34 PM
Hey man, fair response. I think I see what you are saying or at least see your point of view. You are absolutely right--murder is murder and a loss of anyones life is indeed tragic. Life is hard for everyone--we see that everyday. For me and what I have seen with many TS women, life can be even harder for them. I'll leave it at that. Peace.