View Full Version : Backpage switch up game....

10-12-2015, 03:27 AM
So Friday I decided to take a chance on a new t-girl i've seen posting on my local BP for a few days, I did some research on the number and it seemed legit (consistent pictures-same name posted months ago). So i called the number her voice sounded soft and feminine enough. We negotiated a price and she gave me a address, I knew the area since its close to where I stay. At first I assumed she might be staying at a hotel because the other ads were from different cities (touring?). I called when I was nearby and she told me she actually was in an apt. Now Im thinking WTF? I don't like 1st time apartment dates because too many things can go wrong. I decide to go anyway because I'm probably being paranoid...lol. I also a have a CHL and I'm strapped. I get to the apt door, knock and a nice looking brown female opens the door. She is not the woman from the ad but not bad looking at all. My "chaser-sense" is telling me to turn around but I didn't, thinking the girl from the ad was in another room. The girl leads me pass a pitch black living room into a well lit bedroom. She instructs me to make myself comfortable but Im steady staring at her hard and she asks me "what??" and I say you not the girl from the ad. She starts groaning "cmon man don't start that shit, I don't get any complaints" This time my "chaser-sense" says if she lying about the ad what else she up to... So I listened this time and said "Naw I'm straight" and started walking towards the bedroom door. I open that door to that dark living room and turn the corner towards the apartment door. From my peripheral vision I saw someone in the corner moving. Scared the shit outta me, I jumped back and was ready to pull and fire (hand was on the grip) I saw it was some ugly girl or gay dude on a phone, screaming "i just got here, I just got here, I'm sorry" I said "Don't fucking move, I'm just leaving" I was able to leave unscathed, and didn't have to do anything crazy. Just wanted to put this out here to let you guys know be safe out there because that scenario could have played out much differently. Peace

10-13-2015, 03:31 AM
you gotta google the number to check out pics on different sites to make sure it is the girl in the pix. been scammed too often with the chick not being who was in the ad.

10-13-2015, 01:53 PM
Sounds like you almost shot somebody and were about to goto jail!

If she isn't the girl at the door I AM NOT GOING INSIDE.

10-13-2015, 03:54 PM
For any TS escort newbs, yes, if the girl at the door is not the girl from the ad, turn around and leave. Look, I'm guilty of being a chaser myself in the past and still struggle with it. It's hard to turn down dick, esp. if the fake tgirl doesn't even look that bad. At this point, when she's answered the door and I clearly see the ad was false, I'm hard as a mother fucker. You gotta understand -- me seeing an escort is like pulling down the emergency alarm of sex. I'm unbelievably horny for she-dick ALL DAY in these moods. I've already sat through 8 hours of work hard as a rock because I was stupid and looked at BP before clocking in. If there's an ad that tickles my fancy, it's reeeeal difficult to get that out of my brain. I'm literally at my desk dick drunk and low key looking at my phone to day dream about this hot shemale in my area I'm gonna suck dry later. So here I am, flying out of work to hit up the ATM to withdraw nearly $300 because "I'm fucking doing this" lol.

I fall into such a routine at this stage. I come home, brush my teeth, shave my nuts, shower with burning hot water, and then I call the girl when I'm getting dressed. I remember I use to be so nervous about calling, but now I don't give a shit. It's a damn rush to hear a voice on the other end. You want to believe it because you're horny as hell, but you're skeptical. I tell myself "well, if it's not the chick from the ad, I'm turning around and putting my money back in my bank".

I drive to the spot.

I'm usually so hard by now I'm already drippin pre-cum. I try to calm down in case I have to walk through the hotel lobby to get to the room -- don't need the staff seeing a tall black man with a visible erection running to the stairs in excitement lmao. I go to the room number instructed and I knock. I hear somebody in there.. the anticipation is building to a fever pitch. After a few moments of silence, somebody answers.

It's not the girl from the ad. Not even by a long shot. She is clearly trans and not a cross dresser though, so now what? I'm brick hard and she's there. She looks decent and SHE'S HARD, TOO. I've yet to turn around and this has happened to me at least 4 or 5 times now. I haven't had an experience with fake ads yet that would make me outright avoid the situation, either. These experiences have made me cautious; my guard is always up, but I stay bustin' nuts.

As I move on to conquering ATL in the next few years, I need to change this mindset. If you're not the ad, you don't deserve my $$$$. At the very least I need to start negotiating the price to a much, much, lower number. Still, much of this can be avoided by doing research. I only fall into these traps when my dick takes over my brain.

Don't be like me, kids lol. Look for a tumblr page linked to the ad so you can see how active it is. You might see video, more so than you would on BP. Also google the number and see what ads pop up and what pics are used. Look for reviews too, although not everyone is gonna have one. Google Image search her pics, too. I've found MANY FAKES like that alone. Some ad was for a supposed tgirl with a 10 inch cock, but after Googling it, turns out it was a GG who was into fitness. The image was stolen from an instagram account. I trolled "her" after by texting the number given and saying "nice try".

All this work and risk almost makes you wanna just date a tgirl so you got that shit at home lol.

Prettboy Floyd
10-13-2015, 06:25 PM
Smuzik was this in Dallas?

10-13-2015, 06:33 PM
Yeah it was

10-13-2015, 06:35 PM
I would rather go to trial if it was somebody trying to hurt me than be six feet under

10-13-2015, 06:38 PM
Good story, thanks for sharing

10-22-2015, 11:26 AM
Funny stories, love being a fly on the wall here!

10-26-2015, 02:31 AM
Yeah "Kang" you sound like me some years ago but I had much more control over my brain than my other head did. So in all I only smashed one trans like that. The other time I just left with the dude yelling something and slamming the door. The last time I thought it was about to get ugly and I didn't have my piece but I sized the two up and I could've taken them both. Not only that but they saw how fucking disappointed I was that it was a scam, they did not want it.
But I've scaled down a lot and its not even worth it. I just mess with the ones I've seen before that's it. And check this out! I went to see this baby on the outskirts of the city. A shorty I've seen like 4 times already. Nice fine and sexy as hell. So I meet her at the spot. And she has a nice little ass with a sweet hole and a nice piece in the middle. Normally she's already stripped down to just a bra just walking and swinging that thing around. she would get on the bed ass up and just spread them knees. I would feast on her sweet ass from the back and then hit it, etc, etc, etc. So getting back to the story...... I gets there she has some tight shorts on and we chat briefly. I give her the dough (normal shit for us) get my clothes off she takes her shit off and wants to sit me on the couch. That was the second out of the norm thing with this broad. Then I had to piss so I was like hold on let me use your bathroom and she didn't want me to use the bathroom so I was like okay something is really up. So after we take a walk to the lobby cause she was not trying to give me my dough back. We get back to the room we get undressed again and she wants to sit me on this couch again. Normally we on the bed! So I'm like hold on shorty like you know how I get down turn that sweet ass around and let me GET-THAT. Homegirl was like na, I was like what, she was like na I don't do that. Oh shit! I'm like since when you changed on a ................ then I thought maybe this is my sign. So I was like you know what I'm out shorty, keep that little $120 my parting gift. Have a good night. And I was good with that seemed like everything was off about the encounter from the step in the door. I mean even leading up to calling her. So I bowed out graciously for $120 :)

10-26-2015, 05:16 PM
These stories scare the hell outta me.....cause i want to try for my first tgirl experience but i already know something like this will most likely happen. OR WORSE i might get robbed and kill looking for some tranny booty.

10-26-2015, 11:44 PM
These stories scare the hell outta me.....cause i want to try for my first tgirl experience but i already know something like this will most likely happen. OR WORSE i might get robbed and kill looking for some tranny booty.
Well I put my story up there to educate the masses here, most of the peeps here are experienced in the game and know how to spot a scam or a setup. Hopefully you can take some gems from these stories and if you ever decide to venture out there and find yourself in a bad scenario you will know to handle yourself.

11-12-2015, 02:34 PM
when I first started to act on my desires to see what the Tgirl experience was really like.Because of my lack of info on where to find them I too turned to BP as main main source and had more horror stories than success. the fake adds I can remember a stretch of time,where every time I saw an add of a TG that I had to try It turned to be the same exact fraud she kept posting different fake back pics.and i did the cardinal sin and this the reason we continue to have frauds.I patronized anyway she had about 4 of her friends hiding in the bathroom watching.once I realized, I asked for half of my money back she intially refused and thought that i would be easily intimated I told her point blank if you don"t give me half of my money back you wont make another nickle in this hotel.she gave me my money I left.that one of many horror stories people have been robbed by the one hustler who i myself had been with but i guess she felt I wasn't the one to try at the time maybe.But back to my point if men called an addd an once you've now realized the person is a fraud leave stop spending your money with them if they cant make money being frauds then they'll stop.I use to post and add just to call that fraud out repost their add and tell people they fake,