View Full Version : I think most guys/girls seek excusivity

02-11-2009, 04:36 AM
I often read arguments from the ladies that state how guys are thirsty and since they are thirsty, they go after $$$. This is problematic because it's sort of like the chicken and the egg debate. Which came first, thirsty guys wanting dick/ass or thirst ts wanting money/favors?

I don't really think it's cool to put the weight of the world down on a guy who happens to dig ts because he doesn't know what it's like to be a ts. I mean, sure I may not know what it's like on a day to day basis but that doesn't mean I don't or am not capable of understanind their struggles.

Just like most guys don't care about the depth of a transsexual beyond her dick size and oral capabilities, most TS don't care to know about the depth of a guy...his profession, his interests, his hobbies, his education, etc. That's just the fine line we walk in this lifestyle.

The truth is, I am sure there of plenty of real men out here who would love to openly date, get to know, and chilll with a transsexual beyond just the physical part. Just as i'm sure there are plenty of transsexual women who really do want to be wanted for WHO they are, not what they do. Either requires a level of maturity. I do find however, that the burden is usually harder for a man seeking ts attention than a ts seeking a mans attention. Why? Well, if I talk to one too many ts, or I go to a gay club to find one, or I do any of a long list of "forbiden" things than I am labeled a tranny chaser, trade, etc. Again, it is what it is. However, it it's ok for her to "date" her way to the top.

The truth is, I think it all comes down to exclusivity. More so for TS than men. Whereas most admirers don't mind a girl who's been around the block, most TS won't be caught dead with a guy who's fucked more than 2 transsexuals as a serious partner. A weird game of my morality is better than yours if you ask me. Only until we get pass this childish idealogy, we will stay chasing the same chicken and egg theories of the past...

Just thought i'd change up the content a bit and get some discussion going...;)

02-11-2009, 12:13 PM
I think I know what you mean. People want to mean something to one another, but when it comes to a promiscuous partner you half expect they won't remember your face from one week to another, there are so many faces in their lives. And there's a lot of lying and hiding to make it seem you are exclusive to them. But it's a game to extract more of what they want or need. At least in my situations, neither party is innocent, and I think the only alternatives are to either quit the game or try to be completely honest.

Well, that was my interpretation of where this thread was going.


02-11-2009, 02:23 PM
I think I know what you mean. People want to mean something to one another, but when it comes to a promiscuous partner you half expect they won't remember your face from one week to another, there are so many faces in their lives. And there's a lot of lying and hiding to make it seem you are exclusive to them. But it's a game to extract more of what they want or need. At least in my situations, neither party is innocent, and I think the only alternatives are to either quit the game or try to be completely honest.

Well, that was my interpretation of where this thread was going.


mr f. i think thats an interesting approach to this topic. i wonder if the women who work in the escort lifestyle see the hypocrisy in their choice/beliefs. on one hand u want a totally committed and honest guy whose never been involved with another tranny, and on the other hand u want to continue to work via escorting, dating, fucking, and sucking the client (or not) with the deepest wallet? she demands exclusiveness yet she isnt willing to give it. thats an unrealistic burden of trust to lay on a guy....trust me baby, all these guys i have sex with are paying clients...how can u want something u really arent likely to reciprocate?

Ms Remy M
02-11-2009, 04:02 PM
Interesting topic. If a guy chooses to enter a relationship with an escort he is either going to have to accept her business or help her transition from the fast money lifestyle to the 9-5 job lifestyle (not an easy thing) which will probably mean taking care of her financially for a while.

Many ts claim not to want a guy who has had many ts sex partners because other ts will brag about how they have been with the guy. A lot of btg's tend to 'hate' on each other, so this proves as something to really rub in a girls face. I don't think anyone should care about what someone else might say, but that's just me. Also if a ts knows you've slept with other ts they tend to think that you're just bouncing from one hot ts to the other, rarely taking into consideration that this is the same conumdrum that females deal with. It all boils down to mutual trust and communication really.

I personally lean on the logic that a ts would be better suited with a guy who has been 'around the block' a bit and has come to understand what qualities they like in a ts and is finally ready to settle down with the right one. A guy new to the world of 'ts' is more likely to stray from home and test the waters elsewhere or feel uncomfortable being with a ts in public.

02-11-2009, 11:19 PM
i think u guys just spoke for alot of men out there who are appriciative of ts's
i'm really starting to like this forum.

02-12-2009, 03:07 AM
Interesting topic. If a guy chooses to enter a relationship with an escort he is either going to have to accept her business or help her transition from the fast money lifestyle to the 9-5 job lifestyle (not an easy thing) which will probably mean taking care of her financially for a while.

Many ts claim not to want a guy who has had many ts sex partners because other ts will brag about how they have been with the guy. A lot of btg's tend to 'hate' on each other, so this proves as something to really rub in a girls face. I don't think anyone should care about what someone else might say, but that's just me. Also if a ts knows you've slept with other ts they tend to think that you're just bouncing from one hot ts to the other, rarely taking into consideration that this is the same conumdrum that females deal with. It all boils down to mutual trust and communication really.

I personally lean on the logic that a ts would be better suited with a guy who has been 'around the block' a bit and has come to understand what qualities they like in a ts and is finally ready to settle down with the right one. A guy new to the world of 'ts' is more likely to stray from home and test the waters elsewhere or feel uncomfortable being with a ts in public.

Very interesting thoughts in this comment. I too believe this game is no different than the male/female, Dog/Cat chase. But that is the foundation and then you have the whole transitioning aspect that you put on top of it. Every dwelling is not going to be the same. And what i mean by that is every interaction between a man and woman or man and tranny or man and female- escort or man and trans-escort is different. I was just asking Jess in her post when does a man stop being the trick and become the treat like go from the john to being the man or jump-off, etc. But you got it on the nail with the experienced ts-dater than the newbie who doen't know what to expect or know how to treat a TS. The mere fact that i have been on a few dates, invested-dates of course and i still don't really know the ends and outs and all the game that goes on in the TS world is proof of what is mention above by Remy.
I will say though this whole relationship thing is based on communciation one based on honesty and realness. Cause i can honestly say i wouldn't front like I'm going to marry a TS and settle down and have a family, I'm not. But i've seen some that made me say damn I couldn't see it being too bad. To me i had to evaluate that thought and understand that i was basing my acceptance on physical features and not personality. Cause there was only two or three TS i been with had that good homegrown personality. I also know I obviously enjoy the company of beautiful women and if they hold more tools of love or use those tools with more versatility then they can ride with me, TS or not. Am i a tranny chaser, i don't chase anyone so the answer is no. I'm a business man whether it's love, sex, or war i like to handle my business and expect the same from any partner that does business with me .

02-12-2009, 04:27 AM
I hear what your saying. I stumble on a internet radio show a few weeks ago. Its called queens of media, a show that’s hosted by 2 well known black TG. Their show is about black TG and all the shit they go thru and how their feel about society and such. Well 1 of there shows was a 2 parter on tranny chasers. So, I listen to both shows and came to the conclusion that black TG seem not to respect man that adore them. Some of the callers on the show called man that like TG fags, homo and all sorts of derogatory names. It was a wake call for me, cause im at a point in my life, thinking well maybe its may be in my best interest to pursue a TG rather then a GG. I had many relationship with GG and some have been good while other been not so good. Any way the show was a turn off, after hearing the lack of respect from a overwhelming majority of the TG, I said fuck it. How can I have a relationship with someone that deep down inside dosnt respect me for being with them. I concluded my thoughts that most TG, well the black ones, seem to have a self hatred of themselves. How can a TG feel these ways toward straight men that admire them? they must have internal hate for themselves. It just like a client hooking up with an escort. If each of them doesn’t respect one another then they have serous issues. A client could not see an escort and say to himself that escort are dirty whore seeking money cause they don’t want to work a regular 9 to 5, just as a escort can not say to herself that clients are low life, scum bags trying to get their sexual fantasy off. it’s a catch 22

Well, if anyone wants to hear the show im talking about, just PM me. Or ill post the link in the forum, as long as seanchia says it cool.

02-12-2009, 04:36 AM
If anyone thinks there are a perfect symbiosis of t-girl and a transsexual fetish lover, they can buy a few bridges I have handy. This subject has been floating around this site for as long as there has been a Black T-girls site. We all know t-girls think of the “Dolla bills, dolla bills yall!”, first! A relationship is a distant second.
Foremost of all, these are not women, although we have made up our minds that they are; they are still genetically males with the same mind-set as any male animal in nature, sex. Human beings are not pigeons or ducks (two of the most monogamous animals in nature); they are the most complicated animals in nature. They have the capacity to think, reason, formulate tools and like any other animal in Mrs. Nature’s world, they think about sex most, if not, all the time! Men, I can honestly and expertly say, do so more than women! Why do you think they call men dogs? Dogs can sniff out pussy from a mile or two miles way!
As most of us can attest, men have a hard time being and staying monogamous. Men will stray, brag about the pussy he’s gotten, who he’s had; be it sister in laws, the girl across the street, the girl at CVS, etc. Some men, the bi guys, will even splork the pizza delivery guy, if given the opportunity!
This isn’t a perfect world and too many t-girls live in Disneyland!
They get out of the creature comfort of their parents homes (for what ever reason); sell or compromise their bodies and try to have a mind-set of the creatures from Venus. Women dream and they pray everyday to try and change the guys they have in their “safekeeping”, because they’ve snared him with that wonderful gash they have between their legs. Hell, we’ve had a president get his knob swabbed in the White House, right under his wife’s nose. He was labled a St Bernard!
I’ve heard women say to their friends, “Girl, I’m going to change him”, because this guy is a womanizer or just a slob! That won’t stop the anonymous cell phone calls, in the middle of the night or the going to the store for two hours for a pack of cigarettes or picking up his nasty draws or keep him from drinking milk from the carton and leaving a teaspoon of the Moo juice in the bottom of the container.
Women think they can whip a guy into shape and at most they can, especially when they tell him they are going to cut off his sex! When that happens, they guy straightens up for a little while. After he does what he thinks has appeased the woman, he’s off doing business as usual. He just might be fixing his radar on her best friend while she’s taking his cum-stained pants to the cleaners!
Now how can a same sex person think they can change a person of the same sex into a stay at home or take her to Red Lobster once a month kind of guy? They can’t! They (t-girls) met him when he was on his ‘predatory’ haunts; free to fuck, suck, ream, and cream and collecting more phone numbers than Yellow Book! If all else fails, he’s not going to change, unless he sees Gabriel at the Pearly Gates! Nevertheless, he’s not going to change unless he meets Morpheus and swallows the Red Pill of real world clarity.
There’s a movie out called Princessa. It’s about a transsexual who moved from her village in Brazil to Italy to ply her trade to send money back home to her impoverished mother. She always thought of meeting her Prince Charming and thought a new beginning would help her in her dreams of love and being a wife.
Things were going so-so until she met a man on the stroll that fell in love with her. He left his wife, set up shop with Princessa; give her the creature comforts of a gg; hair, nails, the latest fashions and even psychological counseling to help her through her quandary. She cooked his meals and cleaned his house; was his arm candy as he took her to the fine restaurants of Rome, until she met the guy’s wife who told her she was pregnant by her “newfound” beau.
This played on her mind because through all he had given her, there was one thing she couldn’t give him, a child! Plus, the glow started to dim when he wanted her to fuck him! She was contemplating suicide until she was stopped by a policeman who made her realize she had a lot to live for being the beautiful ‘woman’ he thought she was. That was her red pill moment and she went back to being Princessa, the transsexual, working the strolls of Rome, again. A dream of love is fleeting, but real is real!
Game recognizes game; you can’t go to Vegas and not expect anything more than gambling and a show. Quantitative, qualitative relationships with t-girls are generations away. One has to remember it took years for gays to come out of the closet to be accepted by the real world and some are still on the “down-low”! T-girls have to go beyond being on Maury, Jerry Springer and Tyra Banks shows. They have to reconcile with themselves, their immediate families and relatives and the world at large. They will have to aspire to be doctors, lawyers and even Indian chiefs to be credible and not be thought of than just sexual orifices. They have to think about being not cute and nineteen forever! Sooner rather than later, they will have to swallow a red pill; they won’t always make the height requirements to get into the amusement park.
The men have to realize that they have to quit thinking with their dicks and live up to the responsibility of monogamy, first! Men should write down the seventh commandment and put it their wallets, under that condom, as a reminder to what living with one person is all about (women, too). However, that’s like telling a Lion to be vegetarian or having Santa Claus to drop by on Labor Day! That's my take.

Ms Remy M
02-12-2009, 05:55 PM
If anyone thinks there are a perfect symbiosis of t-girl and a transsexual fetish lover, they can buy a few bridges I have handy. This subject has been floating around this site for as long as there has been a Black T-girls site. We all know t-girls think of the “Dolla bills, dolla bills yall!”, first! A relationship is a distant second.
Foremost of all, these are not women, although we have made up our minds that they are; they are still genetically males with the same mind-set as any male animal in nature, sex. Human beings are not pigeons or ducks (two of the most monogamous animals in nature); they are the most complicated animals in nature. They have the capacity to think, reason, formulate tools and like any other animal in Mrs. Nature’s world, they think about sex most, if not, all the time! Men, I can honestly and expertly say, do so more than women! Why do you think they call men dogs? Dogs can sniff out pussy from a mile or two miles way!
As most of us can attest, men have a hard time being and staying monogamous. Men will stray, brag about the pussy he’s gotten, who he’s had; be it sister in laws, the girl across the street, the girl at CVS, etc. Some men, the bi guys, will even splork the pizza delivery guy, if given the opportunity!
This isn’t a perfect world and too many t-girls live in Disneyland!
They get out of the creature comfort of their parents homes (for what ever reason); sell or compromise their bodies and try to have a mind-set of the creatures from Venus. Women dream and they pray everyday to try and change the guys they have in their “safekeeping”, because they’ve snared him with that wonderful gash they have between their legs. Hell, we’ve had a president get his knob swabbed in the White House, right under his wife’s nose. He was labled a St Bernard!
I’ve heard women say to their friends, “Girl, I’m going to change him”, because this guy is a womanizer or just a slob! That won’t stop the anonymous cell phone calls, in the middle of the night or the going to the store for two hours for a pack of cigarettes or picking up his nasty draws or keep him from drinking milk from the carton and leaving a teaspoon of the Moo juice in the bottom of the container.
Women think they can whip a guy into shape and at most they can, especially when they tell him they are going to cut off his sex! When that happens, they guy straightens up for a little while. After he does what he thinks has appeased the woman, he’s off doing business as usual. He just might be fixing his radar on her best friend while she’s taking his cum-stained pants to the cleaners!
Now how can a same sex person think they can change a person of the same sex into a stay at home or take her to Red Lobster once a month kind of guy? They can’t! They (t-girls) met him when he was on his ‘predatory’ haunts; free to fuck, suck, ream, and cream and collecting more phone numbers than Yellow Book! If all else fails, he’s not going to change, unless he sees Gabriel at the Pearly Gates! Nevertheless, he’s not going to change unless he meets Morpheus and swallows the Red Pill of real world clarity.
There’s a movie out called Princessa. It’s about a transsexual who moved from her village in Brazil to Italy to ply her trade to send money back home to her impoverished mother. She always thought of meeting her Prince Charming and thought a new beginning would help her in her dreams of love and being a wife.
Things were going so-so until she met a man on the stroll that fell in love with her. He left his wife, set up shop with Princessa; give her the creature comforts of a gg; hair, nails, the latest fashions and even psychological counseling to help her through her quandary. She cooked his meals and cleaned his house; was his arm candy as he took her to the fine restaurants of Rome, until she met the guy’s wife who told her she was pregnant by her “newfound” beau.
This played on her mind because through all he had given her, there was one thing she couldn’t give him, a child! Plus, the glow started to dim when he wanted her to fuck him! She was contemplating suicide until she was stopped by a policeman who made her realize she had a lot to live for being the beautiful ‘woman’ he thought she was. That was her red pill moment and she went back to being Princessa, the transsexual, working the strolls of Rome, again. A dream of love is fleeting, but real is real!
Game recognizes game; you can’t go to Vegas and not expect anything more than gambling and a show. Quantitative, qualitative relationships with t-girls are generations away. One has to remember it took years for gays to come out of the closet to be accepted by the real world and some are still on the “down-low”! T-girls have to go beyond being on Maury, Jerry Springer and Tyra Banks shows. They have to reconcile with themselves, their immediate families and relatives and the world at large. They will have to aspire to be doctors, lawyers and even Indian chiefs to be credible and not be thought of than just sexual orifices. They have to think about being not cute and nineteen forever! Sooner rather than later, they will have to swallow a red pill; they won’t always make the height requirements to get into the amusement park.
The men have to realize that they have to quit thinking with their dicks and live up to the responsibility of monogamy, first! Men should write down the seventh commandment and put it their wallets, under that condom, as a reminder to what living with one person is all about (women, too). However, that’s like telling a Lion to be vegetarian or having Santa Claus to drop by on Labor Day! That's my take.

I was awaiting your post on this topic, and I must say on many points I agree as I knew I would. Males in nearly all species 1st priority is propogation and that means sex with as many various people as possible on a strictly primal level I mean. However we as humans do have the conscious to rise above that 'primal' mindset. I could go on for a bit with this line of reasoning but I'm not cause you did fairly good job.

I do also disagree though, though 'ts' being genetically male have that same 'primal' mindset they also are being chemically altered physically and mentally toward that of a female. Of course many of the 'escorts' eschew hormones or don't take them properly (i.e. taking estrogen and not anti-androgens as well) so they can still preform.

I do not look down on a person due to how they choose to make their money, provided they aren't hurting anyone. Saying that they have to be Dr., lawyers, etc to be credible is something that I can not agree with. Is a GG any less credible cause she chooses to work in the adult industry or escort? When I was first getting into this business all my local photog friends swore to me that I would regret working in the adult industry and how base it was and that it's not art and a foul business to be associated with. I don't think it is and I can personally care less what anyone else thinks. Hence, why I am here doing what I do. People become doctors and lawyers for one of two reasons, either the money or they have a true passion for that field. If a chick is a 'freak in the sheets' and decides she might as well get paid for it, more power to her. A persons profession is not the sum of that person, take a little time and get to know them. I'm not trying to sound like Cpt Save-A-Hoe. There are many 'ts' that have never escorted a day in their lifes and work normal jobs. I know a local white ts that works at NASA, one that works as a Bank Teller, and another who works for VDOT. People choose to do what they want to do. 'Ts' and 'GG' that are being thought of as 'sexual orifices' are those that are in that field of work, and I imagine at least some of them have more to them given the right opportunity to get to know them.

02-12-2009, 06:53 PM
Some real good conversation in this thread..
Ty-Clone made the point of the radio talk show and the t-girls dissin' guys like us, & it been brought up multiple times throughout the thread.
Obviously its a complex and personal issue that manifests itself differently with every girl, but I think t-girls as a whole are vex'd primarily at the hypocrisy they seen in us; i.e. guys strickly fetishize them, guys who are too scarred to be seen with them, the whole hyporisy of 'straight' dudes getting topped etc..
I really think that takes a mental toll on alot of girls which builds in resentment..
Add in the grind of the escort bizness & the result is the oft-time messed up dynamics that characterize the t-girl and the t-girl admirer.
My synopsis: women have issues, t-girls have even more issues, and we are f*ck'd because we love 'em.:D

02-13-2009, 01:05 AM
I won't try to attempt the deep philosophical and psychological analysis that TVSurfer did, and did well. My thing is that there are some girls (TG or GG) that are hoes... they sell ass for cash. When it comes to TGs, those are typically going to be the ones we meet due to our fetishizing of them. Now, here is thing and it goes for GG's or TG's, YOU CAN'T TURN A HO INTO A HOUSEWIFE. If you hook up with a tg to trick off, it will be near impossible to have a substantive relationship. That doesn't mean they aren't good people or cool people to hang out with or chill with and drink with. It means keep your heart out the game, or get played. May sound harsh, but that's reality. For TGs, I WOULD TELL YOU THE SAME THING. A lot of us ARE DOGS and if you get involved with most of us (but not me of course :rolleyes:) we will fall into the next piece of ass that gets our dick hard. Real talk.

02-13-2009, 03:06 AM
Ya couldn't have more real than that Bigdicki! I lmao!:D

02-13-2009, 04:07 AM
I hear what your saying. I stumble on a internet radio show a few weeks ago. Its called queens of media, a show that’s hosted by 2 well known black TG. Their show is about black TG and all the shit they go thru and how their feel about society and such. Well 1 of there shows was a 2 parter on tranny chasers. So, I listen to both shows and came to the conclusion that black TG seem not to respect man that adore them. Some of the callers on the show called man that like TG fags, homo and all sorts of derogatory names. It was a wake call for me, cause im at a point in my life, thinking well maybe its may be in my best interest to pursue a TG rather then a GG. I had many relationship with GG and some have been good while other been not so good. Any way the show was a turn off, after hearing the lack of respect from a overwhelming majority of the TG, I said fuck it. How can I have a relationship with someone that deep down inside dosnt respect me for being with them. I concluded my thoughts that most TG, well the black ones, seem to have a self hatred of themselves. How can a TG feel these ways toward straight men that admire them? they must have internal hate for themselves. It just like a client hooking up with an escort. If each of them doesn’t respect one another then they have serous issues. A client could not see an escort and say to himself that escort are dirty whore seeking money cause they don’t want to work a regular 9 to 5, just as a escort can not say to herself that clients are low life, scum bags trying to get their sexual fantasy off. it’s a catch 22

Well, if anyone wants to hear the show im talking about, just PM me. Or ill post the link in the forum, as long as seanchia says it cool.

I know it might sound like they are bashing and "hating" on all men but in reality, to learned individual, what they are really saying is that they dislike their life and they hate the poor choices they've made, therefore they take it on the next sucker or herb who doesn't have the confidence or intelligence to go toe to toe with them. That's like the hubby who gets shitted on at work and comes home to beat his wife and kid instead of dealing with his boss like a man. Displaced anger...

02-13-2009, 04:13 AM
I won't try to attempt the deep philosophical and psychological analysis that TVSurfer did, and did well. My thing is that there are some girls (TG or GG) that are hoes... they sell ass for cash. When it comes to TGs, those are typically going to be the ones we meet due to our fetishizing of them. Now, here is thing and it goes for GG's or TG's, YOU CAN'T TURN A HO INTO A HOUSEWIFE. If you hook up with a tg to trick off, it will be near impossible to have a substantive relationship. That doesn't mean they aren't good people or cool people to hang out with or chill with and drink with. It means keep your heart out the game, or get played. May sound harsh, but that's reality. For TGs, I WOULD TELL YOU THE SAME THING. A lot of us ARE DOGS and if you get involved with most of us (but not me of course :rolleyes:) we will fall into the next piece of ass that gets our dick hard. Real talk.

I'll add to this, that a lot of dudes need to just be really fucking honest with themselves. If all you want is some ass or dick, keep that shit real, stop complaining and pay the broads. In the long run it'll be cheaper and easier than trying to front like you care about a chick on a deeper level than just fucking. A relationship requires time and money, more so than just paying a set hourly rate, busting a nut and bouncing. Assess your situation and your needs and wants and go for what you really need. I don't care how nice of a guy you are, you aint tricking no professional escort into liking you solely because of that fact. Morality and ethics aint a hookers strong point chief...

02-13-2009, 05:38 AM
I'll add to this, that a lot of dudes need to just be really fucking honest with themselves. If all you want is some ass or dick, keep that shit real, stop complaining and pay the broads. In the long run it'll be cheaper and easier than trying to front like you care about a chick on a deeper level than just fucking. A relationship requires time and money, more so than just paying a set hourly rate, busting a nut and bouncing. Assess your situation and your needs and wants and go for what you really need. I don't care how nice of a guy you are, you aint tricking no professional escort into liking you solely because of that fact. Morality and ethics aint a hookers strong point chief...

TRUE that! That honesty that fo-real we always had a problem w/ (excluding myself of course) But this is what defines an adult (responsiblity, first to yourself, then to anyone you interact with). History tells the same story in dealing with real chicks. We will trick our way into the pussy, i won't front i did it for a little bit until i realized it was less drama if i let shorty know that i was just in it for the skinz and a little conversation. We got to do better on that end otherwise just like these girls get beside themselves and whind up thinking they can rule the kingdom and be disrespectful so will these TG's.

02-13-2009, 06:04 AM
B4 i knew better i use to try to get my girl to give me anal and she would always complain this aint right so forth and the rest of that bullshit. SO I figured you know what i'm going to find me another shorty who love's giving it like i do getting it. But then it became a job i had to do all this extra shit to get it and still go through the above bullshit. So I got into TS whom i figured not only do they love it but hey they should have the same drive i have (can't get better than that). And now i'm here and learning more than i bargained for. But its all good because i still enjoy myself every now and again when i invest in a little bitch-ass-ness (LOL). I'm not going to go as far to call some TS out for who they want to be or what they do. Likewise i don't believe they should try to call me out for what i want to do and who i want to be. We all know what it is and sometimes that truth hurts but in the end its the only thing that will set you free. So that you can enjoy life. I say lets enjoy life.

02-13-2009, 03:40 PM
B4 i knew better i use to try to get my girl to give me anal and she would always complain this aint right so forth and the rest of that bullshit. SO I figured you know what i'm going to find me another shorty who love's giving it like i do getting it. But then it became a job i had to do all this extra shit to get it and still go through the above bullshit. So I got into TS whom i figured not only do they love it but hey they should have the same drive i have (can't get better than that). And now i'm here and learning more than i bargained for. But its all good because i still enjoy myself every now and again when i invest in a little bitch-ass-ness (LOL). I'm not going to go as far to call some TS out for who they want to be or what they do. Likewise i don't believe they should try to call me out for what i want to do and who i want to be. We all know what it is and sometimes that truth hurts but in the end its the only thing that will set you free. So that you can enjoy life. I say lets enjoy life.
True that, Handandsom!

02-14-2009, 06:53 PM
"A relationship requires time and money, more so than just paying a set hourly rate, busting a nut and bouncing."

You are speaking the truth 4 sure Mr. Knockout. I know brothers who have a wife and girl they keep on the side and this economy they STAY broke. Give me a little stress relief when I need it and some cool conversation and I'm straight.

And given today is Valentine's Day, it's gonna be some broke-ass dudes come Monday morning! :p

02-14-2009, 09:17 PM
And given today is Valentine's Day, it's gonna be some broke-ass dudes come Monday morning! :p
LMAO-Tonight is more like it!:eek:

02-14-2009, 09:41 PM
I'll add to this, that a lot of dudes need to just be really fucking honest with themselves. If all you want is some ass or dick, keep that shit real, stop complaining and pay the broads. In the long run it'll be cheaper and easier than trying to front like you care about a chick on a deeper level than just fucking. A relationship requires time and money, more so than just paying a set hourly rate, busting a nut and bouncing. Assess your situation and your needs and wants and go for what you really need. I don't care how nice of a guy you are, you aint tricking no professional escort into liking you solely because of that fact. Morality and ethics aint a hookers strong point chief...

But what is a professional escort ? I agree with the jist of what you're saying, but there are all shades of escort, some are cold-hearted and burned-out, but with some you can "click", depending on the vibe and the attraction.

Having said that, I'd agree that a "relationship" usually means you commit to that person, spend lots of time and money, and have friendship as a basis. For a TG relationship to work, you need to open and honest, ready to introduce her to your friends and family. If she was escorting she'd have to quit -- but it's typically impossible to stop them from escorting, they may be addicted to the money or develop low expectations about men, among other problems.

02-15-2009, 06:39 AM
I believe that we as ts women are very impatient, which rectify as good and bad on our part. In saying so we choose to push the envelope on some of the thing that people work hard for,or to chose finance over romance. But u gentlemen have to be able to see it our way as we look at things from both sides of the fence LITERALLY!

02-15-2009, 07:11 AM

No one in this World is PERFECT! First off lets talk about Men who Claim to love transsexuals and CLAIM to BE STRAIGHT!! Lets not live in La La Land. If your SOO straight. Tell your Mother Father Brother Sisters that your into Transsexuals. Lets see how they WILL perceive you. Why do You men Speculate on mostly Working Women. Is it that we are on Web site as such? Which only Leave me to believe that thats all you know!! Diversify. All Gorgeous Trannys are not ESCORTS. Understand! Those Colorful Opinions ARE Hilarious to me. As to say "They Get Out Of The Creature Comfort Of Their Parents Homes (for What Ever Reason); Sell Or Compromise Their Bodies And Try To Have A Mind-set Of The Creatures From." How Rhetorical. Your sexually Charged views are reasons to have many trannys to have resentment. You cannot Compare Women vs. Trannys. Its not the same and cannot be categorized in such manners. "Quantitative, Qualitative Relationships With T-girls Are Generations Away. " Please.. and Black presidents are as well...lol "They Will Have To Aspire To Be Doctors, Lawyers And Even Indian Chiefs To Be Credible And Not Be Thought Of Than Just Sexual Orifices. They Have To Think About Being Not Cute And Nineteen Forever! Sooner Rather Than Later," Please there are Tranny Doctors Lawyers and Judges WELL known People Making a Difference in the World today and to come!! How could u remotely Say such a thing?? Men can be faithful and be monogamous.
Originally Posted by MrKnockOut
I know it might sound like they are bashing and "hating" on all men but in reality, to learned individual, what they are really saying is that they dislike their life and they hate the poor choices they've made, therefore they take it on the next sucker or herb who doesn't have the confidence or intelligence to go toe to toe with them. That's like the hubby who gets shitted on at work and comes home to beat his wife and kid instead of dealing with his boss like a man. Displaced anger...

Sorry I read WORNG... We are mad at men who make poor judgment decision on relationships.. We are mad at men that cant come to term with their TRUE sexuality. Thats what we are mad at.

The truth is, I am sure there of plenty of real men out here who would love to openly date, get to know, and chilll with a transsexual beyond just the physical part.

Totally True... But it all depends on the Approach and Deliverance of his ACTIONS.

Why? Well, if I talk to one too many ts, or I go to a gay club to find one, or I do any of a long list of "forbidden" things than I am labeled a tranny chaser, trade, etc. Again, it is what it is. However, it it's ok for her to "date" her way to the top.

Umm well that depends on that very own situation. What are the Forbiden things you do? Nothing is never it is what it is. Its very logical reasoning for what happens and every reaction. but Who said it WAS okay for A TS to "DATE" her way to the top... Please Clarify. WHAT TOP? WHERE IS SHE GOING??? DATE HER WAY TO WAT?

I think it all comes down to exclusivity. More so for TS than men. Whereas most admirers don't mind a girl who's been around the block, most TS won't be caught dead with a guy who's fucked more than 2 transsexuals as a serious partner. A weird game of my morality is better than yours if you ask me. Only until we get pass this childish idealogy, we will stay chasing the same chicken and egg theories of the past...

I love a Well Experienced Man who has Dwelt with Trannys and I love men who Dont know a DAMN thing about em. Its all in how He handles the Situation. If he acts out in a Sexual manners then yeah.. I stop all communications. I move on. I try to look at the situation from a spectrum point of view. I evaluate and then I Declare my decision. That's with a guy who has been around the block and a newbie... I give everyone a chance due to the nature that. ex. The way he treated ts queen ding a ling is not the way he's going to treat me. EveryONE is different

"mr f. i think that's an interesting approach to this topic. I wonder if the women who work in the escort lifestyle see the hypocrisy in their choice/beliefs. on one hand u want a totally committed and honest guy whose never been involved with another tranny, and on the other hand u want to continue to work via escorting, dating, fucking, and sucking the client (or not) with the deepest wallet? she demands exclusiveness yet she isn't willing to give it. thats an unrealistic burden of trust to lay on a guy....trust me baby, all these guys I have sex with are paying clients...how can u want something u really aren't likely to reciprocate?"

Who in there Right mind wants to BE WIT A WORKING GURL and EVEN TRY to ATTEMPT to be in a COMMITTED Relationship AT THE SAME TIME!!! Just does not WORK... AS REMY757 said..."If a guy chooses to enter a relationship with an escort he is either going to have to accept her business or help her transition from the fast money lifestyle to the 9-5 job lifestyle (not an easy thing) which will probably mean taking care of her financially for a while."
[B]Which means that if your not trying to help her.. and she see its going to be substantial. There has to be a COMPROMISE!!! Which most men CANT & WONT do. Being that They dont want to feel like they are Tricking... With that being said. Thats all B.S. So dont blame the gurl. If she WANTED and there was a way to stop SHE WOULD!!!

"I do also disagree though, though 'ts' being genetically male have that same 'primal' mindset they also are being chemically altered physically and mentally toward that of a female. Of course many of the 'escorts' eschew hormones or don't take them properly (i.e. taking estrogen and not anti-androgens as well) so they can still perform. I do not look down on a person due to how they choose to make their money, provided they aren't hurting anyone. Saying that they have to be Dr., lawyers, etc to be credible is something that I can not agree with."

I could just Give u a Big Hugggg what a Relief... And we from the same area.. uhhhhh OMG..

02-15-2009, 07:51 AM
Wow, it's definitely some interesting and "colorful" POVs here... However, did ANY of you think that perhaps a TRANSGENDERED woman might know more about "Trans issues" more than ANY ignorant, self righteous, escort chaser on here???

Let me first start by shedding some light on MY background as to lay a foundation for any future replies.

I have been a transgendered woman for over 11 years (No microwave tranny here... strictly slow roasted and well preserved LOL). Have a BFA and am currently working on my first Masters degree. I have held positions as a make-up artist, make-up artist trainer, model (been a lead in 3 music videos, featured on the cover of 4 national magazines, 1 commercial, and numerous fashion shows, and currently STILL represent 2 national clothing lines as their ad campaign model). I have spoken on transgendered issues at Howard University for a friend (a transgendered nurse working on her Masters degree), as well as counseled and mentored the new generation of transwomen at GMHC (a gay, lesbian & transgendered high school in NYC). PLEASE RESPECT MY AUTHORITY...LOL

It's quite unfortunate that so many of you tranny fans that claim to have so much love for us show such little respect for your fetish. It's sad that your knowledge of trannys doesn't extend past EROS.COM. Albeit, a great deal of transwomen ARE in the adult entertainment industry. We ALL aren't.... The next time you're browsing your normal sites checking out what girl has new pics or seeing who's coming into your town for the weekend try looking on the FEMALE side. They have far more advertisements that transexuals, yet I don't see you all referring to ALL women as "sex workers" and "money grubbers"

I, myself got into the adult entertainment industry 2 years ago primarily because of the lack of respect from men I've encountered in the dating pool. YOUR sexually charged, ignorant views are what cause so many transwomen to resent men and join the ranks of the escort community in the first place. If I, an educated tranny can't find someone accepting of my lifestyle without harboring some sexually deviant behavior (ex. dating me, while secretly hitting on my friends, dating one TS yet paying for escort services from others, only coming around when YOU want something from US ect.) what hope is there for the rest of us? A relationship is NOT based on YOUR convenience. Subsequently, after I adopted the "If you can't beat them, join them attitude" I noticed leagues of other trannys with new escort advertisements. This told me that I was NOT the only one dealing with these issues with men. Guess great minds think alike. After all, if all we are only be viewed as "Sex objects" for which you fulfill your fetishes with, why not be compensated for our time? It's my personal belief that with anything in life it's not what you do, but how you do it.

I can't say I'm really surprised by how most of you think of us... Just shocked that you never took the time to do YOUR RESEARCH on the subject. Perhaps that has to do with the fact that your ONLY dealings with transwomen have been through escorting web sites and porn. There are thousands of transwomen in the workforce. I'm quite sure you'd call me a fool to say "All Jewish men must be cheap bankers" or "All black men must be drug dealers on welfare". Yet, for some reason you all only see us through the small remote dealings you've had. Your views show more about your INTENTIONS than your ignorance. (Perhaps you'd display a more well rounded view of us if you actually stopped looking at escort sites online and stepped from behind your computers and into the "REAL" world. The last time I checked there was no "Tranny world", just the one we ALL are blessed to life in).

What trannys have you people been dealing with that have caused so many of you to project these unrealistic views of what a "tranny wants"? I personally don't care whether a man has had little or no experience with other girls. What it boils down to is how he treats ME. Also, being that I am now in the adult entertainment industry I would NOT consider the idea of a relationship a good idea for myself. Why on earth would any one of YOU even want to date an escort in the first place? Talk about a dumb move..... You'd set yourself up by trying to be exclusive with someone that's clearly not going to reciprocate? I don't think anyone's that foolish... More than likely you're looking for a FREE fling with the tranny of your choice and if it means you gotta spend some quality time, then so be it. Most women and trannys alike expect men to take care of certain financial needs if they are being accommodating as well. By no means does this make them "gold diggers". I, personally am accustomed to receiving gifts and shopping sprees to Louis Vuitton, Bergdorf Goodman, and other retailers from my clients/friends. So why shouldn't I expect the same from someone I'm DATING? Don't get me wrong, I don't suggest for someone to constantly stay in boutiques and such or max out his credit cards to shower me with gifts. But, that let's ME know that I'm more than just a sex object when you LISTEN to the things I say I want and take the initiative to get them for me. I make more than enough money to buy ANYTHING I want for myself, but the act of someone else putting MY wants ABOVE his own makes me feel confident in our bond. I have taken a few guys I was dating on a shopping sprees as well and spent thousands and that made ME feel closer to them and more secure in the relationship we had with one another. Relationships are about expressing your feelings for one another and different people show their emotions in various ways. But, to label trannys as "Out for $$$" is downright foolish. The ONLY reason a tranny would be seeking money from you is because you are CLIENT. Most trannys I associate with in the escorting industry make well over $200,000 a year. In terms of DATING and RELATIONSHIPS we don't want your money, we want your respect.

Since most of you think to know so much about trannys and claim to actually be looking for someone of substance please take the time to volunteer at your local GLBT Non profit organization. Hell, google Dateline's 2 part documentary on transgendered women or even Oprah's transgender episode before you click that "reply" button. I am very interested in having in this discussion, but have no time for ignorance and refuse to speak with anyone that has not taken the time to educate themselves on the topic they claim to love so much.

02-15-2009, 12:30 PM
But, to label trannys as "Out for $$$" is downright foolish. The ONLY reason a tranny would be seeking money from you is because you are CLIENT. Most trannys I associate with in the escorting industry make well over $200,000 a year. In terms of DATING and RELATIONSHIPS we don't want your money, we want your respect.

Well stated Megan I have a ton of transgender friends(many that are on this site). I have never been a "client", and not once has any of them EVER ask me for money. Quite a few girls I know are in that tax bracket as well; actually many have paid when we go out. I also know many working legitimate jobs even excutives as myself.
I want to state not all of us on this forum are misinformed about T-girls, as I have been dating them exclusively for 6 yrs now. You also need to understand that this is a porn site, and so it will cater more to chasers,DL's, and men who just fantasize about T-girls. Thank You and Jessica for sharing yout insight.

02-15-2009, 09:02 PM
They have far more advertisements that transexuals, yet I don't see you all referring to ALL women as "sex workers" and "money grubbers"

are you kidding me, what man dosnt think of a GG as a "sex workers" and "money grubbers". most men, let say 95% of us, think GG use what they have, to get what they want.
did you see chris rock last show, he said a man walks down a street looks into a store and sees something that he wants then say to himself "i got to find a way how i'm going to get that"
a women walk down the same street look into the same store and sees something she wants then says to herself "i got to find a man that going to give me that"

02-16-2009, 11:46 AM
the Fantastic Part Of Being A Transexual Is The Ability To Live The Contridiction That The Body Portrays. The Majority Of The Views Of Transexual Women Are As Conflicting As Their Bodies. While Possessing Feminine Appeal They Still Have The Most Masculine Of Features Between Thier Legs.

Girls Take This Into Thier Real Life And Are Walking, Living, Breathing Contridictions. The Same Whore That Will Justify Sleeping With Thousands Of Men All Over The Country Will Tell Friends Of Mine When They Try To Get To Know Them On A Personal Level They Are Trannie Chasers For Having One Of Two Experiences With A Few Girls. I Have Friends That I Havent Even Had Sex With Have Girls Tell Them They Not Intrested Cause They Know Me.

It May Seem That On A Whole That Transexual Women Are Self Centered Self Absorbed Cunts But As Someone That Has Traveled And Met Girls From All Over The World I Can Say That The Representation Of What You Might Experience On The Net Is Not A True Representation Of Transexual Women At All.

There Are Very Few Of Us With True Intellegence That Can Sit Here First Because Life Is Lived Off The Net And Second Because We Know What Is Here. Frankly The Only Reason I Even Visit Forums Like This Is Due To The Fact That I Have So Many Male Friends That Are In Situations Or Areas Where They Have No Access To Transexual Ladies Or Their True Nature Of Thinking.

02-16-2009, 01:20 PM
The Same Whore That Will Justify Sleeping With Thousands Of Men All Over The Country Will Tell Friends Of Mine When They Try To Get To Know Them On A Personal Level They Are Trannie Chasers For Having One Of Two Experiences With A Few Girls.

bravo bravo bravo, you have giving me new found hope. its refreshing to hear a TG with a great sense of reality.
thank you for keeping it real

02-16-2009, 01:32 PM
Girls Take This Into Thier Real Life And Are Walking, Living, Breathing Contridictions. The Same Whore That Will Justify Sleeping With Thousands Of Men All Over The Country Will Tell Friends Of Mine When They Try To Get To Know Them On A Personal Level They Are Trannie Chasers For Having One Of Two Experiences With A Few Girls. I Have Friends That I Havent Even Had Sex With Have Girls Tell Them They Not Intrested Cause They Know Me.

This reminds me Chanel of a book I read called "Travestis" by Don Kulick. He lived with some Brazilian Transgendered sex workers and that is a theme that they all had. Any guy that was their boyfriend would cease to any longer be so if he was found to have slept with their other transgendered friends. One of the reason the TG women gave was that other girls could turn around and rub it in their faces that they were "fucking their man" if they ever got into arguments.

Some said they would prefer he was cheating with Genetic Girls rather than other TG ladies, at least that way it couldn't be thrown back in their faces later on.

02-16-2009, 03:46 PM

No one in this World is PERFECT! First off lets talk about Men who Claim to love transsexuals and CLAIM to BE STRAIGHT!! Lets not live in La La Land. If your SOO straight. Tell your Mother Father Brother Sisters that your into Transsexuals. Lets see how they WILL perceive you. Why do You men Speculate on mostly Working Women. Is it that we are on Web site as such? Which only Leave me to believe that thats all you know!! Diversify. All Gorgeous Trannys are not ESCORTS. Understand! Those Colorful Opinions ARE Hilarious to me. As to say "They Get Out Of The Creature Comfort Of Their Parents Homes (for What Ever Reason); Sell Or Compromise Their Bodies And Try To Have A Mind-set Of The Creatures From." How Rhetorical. Your sexually Charged views are reasons to have many trannys to have resentment. You cannot Compare Women vs. Trannys. Its not the same and cannot be categorized in such manners. "Quantitative, Qualitative Relationships With T-girls Are Generations Away. " Please.. and Black presidents are as well...lol "They Will Have To Aspire To Be Doctors, Lawyers And Even Indian Chiefs To Be Credible And Not Be Thought Of Than Just Sexual Orifices. They Have To Think About Being Not Cute And Nineteen Forever! Sooner Rather Than Later," Please there are Tranny Doctors Lawyers and Judges WELL known People Making a Difference in the World today and to come!! How could u remotely Say such a thing?? Men can be faithful and be monogamous.
Originally Posted by MrKnockOut
I know it might sound like they are bashing and "hating" on all men but in reality, to learned individual, what they are really saying is that they dislike their life and they hate the poor choices they've made, therefore they take it on the next sucker or herb who doesn't have the confidence or intelligence to go toe to toe with them. That's like the hubby who gets shitted on at work and comes home to beat his wife and kid instead of dealing with his boss like a man. Displaced anger...

Sorry I read WORNG... We are mad at men who make poor judgment decision on relationships.. We are mad at men that cant come to term with their TRUE sexuality. Thats what we are mad at.

The truth is, I am sure there of plenty of real men out here who would love to openly date, get to know, and chilll with a transsexual beyond just the physical part.

Totally True... But it all depends on the Approach and Deliverance of his ACTIONS.

Why? Well, if I talk to one too many ts, or I go to a gay club to find one, or I do any of a long list of "forbidden" things than I am labeled a tranny chaser, trade, etc. Again, it is what it is. However, it it's ok for her to "date" her way to the top.

Umm well that depends on that very own situation. What are the Forbiden things you do? Nothing is never it is what it is. Its very logical reasoning for what happens and every reaction. but Who said it WAS okay for A TS to "DATE" her way to the top... Please Clarify. WHAT TOP? WHERE IS SHE GOING??? DATE HER WAY TO WAT?

I think it all comes down to exclusivity. More so for TS than men. Whereas most admirers don't mind a girl who's been around the block, most TS won't be caught dead with a guy who's fucked more than 2 transsexuals as a serious partner. A weird game of my morality is better than yours if you ask me. Only until we get pass this childish idealogy, we will stay chasing the same chicken and egg theories of the past...

I love a Well Experienced Man who has Dwelt with Trannys and I love men who Dont know a DAMN thing about em. Its all in how He handles the Situation. If he acts out in a Sexual manners then yeah.. I stop all communications. I move on. I try to look at the situation from a spectrum point of view. I evaluate and then I Declare my decision. That's with a guy who has been around the block and a newbie... I give everyone a chance due to the nature that. ex. The way he treated ts queen ding a ling is not the way he's going to treat me. EveryONE is different

"mr f. i think that's an interesting approach to this topic. I wonder if the women who work in the escort lifestyle see the hypocrisy in their choice/beliefs. on one hand u want a totally committed and honest guy whose never been involved with another tranny, and on the other hand u want to continue to work via escorting, dating, fucking, and sucking the client (or not) with the deepest wallet? she demands exclusiveness yet she isn't willing to give it. thats an unrealistic burden of trust to lay on a guy....trust me baby, all these guys I have sex with are paying clients...how can u want something u really aren't likely to reciprocate?"

Who in there Right mind wants to BE WIT A WORKING GURL and EVEN TRY to ATTEMPT to be in a COMMITTED Relationship AT THE SAME TIME!!! Just does not WORK... AS REMY757 said..."If a guy chooses to enter a relationship with an escort he is either going to have to accept her business or help her transition from the fast money lifestyle to the 9-5 job lifestyle (not an easy thing) which will probably mean taking care of her financially for a while."
[B]Which means that if your not trying to help her.. and she see its going to be substantial. There has to be a COMPROMISE!!! Which most men CANT & WONT do. Being that They dont want to feel like they are Tricking... With that being said. Thats all B.S. So dont blame the gurl. If she WANTED and there was a way to stop SHE WOULD!!!

"I do also disagree though, though 'ts' being genetically male have that same 'primal' mindset they also are being chemically altered physically and mentally toward that of a female. Of course many of the 'escorts' eschew hormones or don't take them properly (i.e. taking estrogen and not anti-androgens as well) so they can still perform. I do not look down on a person due to how they choose to make their money, provided they aren't hurting anyone. Saying that they have to be Dr., lawyers, etc to be credible is something that I can not agree with."

I could just Give u a Big Hugggg what a Relief... And we from the same area.. uhhhhh OMG..

jess, you made some really good points. however, some of your points left me wanting...you wrote that u date/dated guys who are new and guys who are experienced with dating ts. however would u consider a guy who was a little chubby or a little short, or a guy who doesn't have a lot of money, etc? my point is that i have found thru reading and shadowing ts forums like this one, is that most (not all) ts, especially black ts are extremely caught up on materialistic or physical aspects of a potential mate. your analysis of this post suggests that u have, at some point and time, gone beyond looking at the physical/material aspect of a mans qualifications. as far as why do men who like transsexuals label themselves straight, well, i think its a matter of perceptions. i choose to look at ts as women, not men. therfore, i consider myself straight. that creates less confusion in my mind. some see things differently. also as far as openly dating a ts, i wouldn't mind doing so if she knew how to act as a woman and not a child. lady in the street, freak in the bed. you made the assumption that all men bring all their significant others home to meet family. i really need to know we are about something before u meet my family, ts or female.

02-16-2009, 03:49 PM
This reminds me Chanel of a book I read called "Travestis" by Don Kulick. He lived with some Brazilian Transgendered sex workers and that is a theme that they all had. Any guy that was their boyfriend would cease to any longer be so if he was found to have slept with their other transgendered friends. One of the reason the TG women gave was that other girls could turn around and rub it in their faces that they were "fucking their man" if they ever got into arguments.

Some said they would prefer he was cheating with Genetic Girls rather than other TG ladies, at least that way it couldn't be thrown back in their faces later on.

I read that book very interesting to say the least.

02-16-2009, 03:53 PM
If anyone thinks there are a perfect symbiosis of t-girl and a transsexual fetish lover, they can buy a few bridges I have handy. This subject has been floating around this site for as long as there has been a Black T-girls site. We all know t-girls think of the “Dolla bills, dolla bills yall!”, first! A relationship is a distant second.
Foremost of all, these are not women, although we have made up our minds that they are; they are still genetically males with the same mind-set as any male animal in nature, sex. Human beings are not pigeons or ducks (two of the most monogamous animals in nature); they are the most complicated animals in nature. They have the capacity to think, reason, formulate tools and like any other animal in Mrs. Nature’s world, they think about sex most, if not, all the time! Men, I can honestly and expertly say, do so more than women! Why do you think they call men dogs? Dogs can sniff out pussy from a mile or two miles way!
As most of us can attest, men have a hard time being and staying monogamous. Men will stray, brag about the pussy he’s gotten, who he’s had; be it sister in laws, the girl across the street, the girl at CVS, etc. Some men, the bi guys, will even splork the pizza delivery guy, if given the opportunity!
This isn’t a perfect world and too many t-girls live in Disneyland!
They get out of the creature comfort of their parents homes (for what ever reason); sell or compromise their bodies and try to have a mind-set of the creatures from Venus. Women dream and they pray everyday to try and change the guys they have in their “safekeeping”, because they’ve snared him with that wonderful gash they have between their legs. Hell, we’ve had a president get his knob swabbed in the White House, right under his wife’s nose. He was labled a St Bernard!
I’ve heard women say to their friends, “Girl, I’m going to change him”, because this guy is a womanizer or just a slob! That won’t stop the anonymous cell phone calls, in the middle of the night or the going to the store for two hours for a pack of cigarettes or picking up his nasty draws or keep him from drinking milk from the carton and leaving a teaspoon of the Moo juice in the bottom of the container.
Women think they can whip a guy into shape and at most they can, especially when they tell him they are going to cut off his sex! When that happens, they guy straightens up for a little while. After he does what he thinks has appeased the woman, he’s off doing business as usual. He just might be fixing his radar on her best friend while she’s taking his cum-stained pants to the cleaners!
Now how can a same sex person think they can change a person of the same sex into a stay at home or take her to Red Lobster once a month kind of guy? They can’t! They (t-girls) met him when he was on his ‘predatory’ haunts; free to fuck, suck, ream, and cream and collecting more phone numbers than Yellow Book! If all else fails, he’s not going to change, unless he sees Gabriel at the Pearly Gates! Nevertheless, he’s not going to change unless he meets Morpheus and swallows the Red Pill of real world clarity.
There’s a movie out called Princessa. It’s about a transsexual who moved from her village in Brazil to Italy to ply her trade to send money back home to her impoverished mother. She always thought of meeting her Prince Charming and thought a new beginning would help her in her dreams of love and being a wife.
Things were going so-so until she met a man on the stroll that fell in love with her. He left his wife, set up shop with Princessa; give her the creature comforts of a gg; hair, nails, the latest fashions and even psychological counseling to help her through her quandary. She cooked his meals and cleaned his house; was his arm candy as he took her to the fine restaurants of Rome, until she met the guy’s wife who told her she was pregnant by her “newfound” beau.
This played on her mind because through all he had given her, there was one thing she couldn’t give him, a child! Plus, the glow started to dim when he wanted her to fuck him! She was contemplating suicide until she was stopped by a policeman who made her realize she had a lot to live for being the beautiful ‘woman’ he thought she was. That was her red pill moment and she went back to being Princessa, the transsexual, working the strolls of Rome, again. A dream of love is fleeting, but real is real!
Game recognizes game; you can’t go to Vegas and not expect anything more than gambling and a show. Quantitative, qualitative relationships with t-girls are generations away. One has to remember it took years for gays to come out of the closet to be accepted by the real world and some are still on the “down-low”! T-girls have to go beyond being on Maury, Jerry Springer and Tyra Banks shows. They have to reconcile with themselves, their immediate families and relatives and the world at large. They will have to aspire to be doctors, lawyers and even Indian chiefs to be credible and not be thought of than just sexual orifices. They have to think about being not cute and nineteen forever! Sooner rather than later, they will have to swallow a red pill; they won’t always make the height requirements to get into the amusement park.
The men have to realize that they have to quit thinking with their dicks and live up to the responsibility of monogamy, first! Men should write down the seventh commandment and put it their wallets, under that condom, as a reminder to what living with one person is all about (women, too). However, that’s like telling a Lion to be vegetarian or having Santa Claus to drop by on Labor Day! That's my take.

You are definately someone I would love to talk to.

02-16-2009, 04:01 PM
however would u consider a guy who was a little chubby or a little short, or a guy who doesn't have a lot of money, etc? my point is that i have found thru reading and shadowing ts forums like this one, is that most (not all) ts, especially black ts are extremely caught up on materialistic or physical aspects of a potential mate. your analysis of this post suggests that u have, at some point and time, gone beyond looking at the physical/material aspect of a mans qualifications. as far as why do men who like transsexuals label themselves straight, well, i think its a matter of perceptions.

As some one who doesnt subscribe to the you can piss on me and tell me its raining theory. I am a realist and it's not the words that come out of folks mouths that lead me to believe the character of the person but the way they act. You don't have to personally shit on me to lead me to believe you are a shitty person and it benefits me not having you in my life.

Stating what you say you have observed and if you visited as many forums and followed discussions as you say you have can you honestly tell me as a thinking intellegent adult individual can't answer this question yourself. LOL

Most girls can't accept a girl that isn't up to thieir ideal standard of beauty as well as men think we only have worth if we got a certain number of inches in the ass, bust or dick.

At what point does the brain shut down and common sense not come into play?

02-16-2009, 04:10 PM
the Fantastic Part Of Being A Transexual Is The Ability To Live The Contridiction That The Body Portrays. The Majority Of The Views Of Transexual Women Are As Conflicting As Their Bodies. While Possessing Feminine Appeal They Still Have The Most Masculine Of Features Between Thier Legs.

Girls Take This Into Thier Real Life And Are Walking, Living, Breathing Contridictions. The Same Whore That Will Justify Sleeping With Thousands Of Men All Over The Country Will Tell Friends Of Mine When They Try To Get To Know Them On A Personal Level They Are Trannie Chasers For Having One Of Two Experiences With A Few Girls. I Have Friends That I Havent Even Had Sex With Have Girls Tell Them They Not Intrested Cause They Know Me.

It May Seem That On A Whole That Transexual Women Are Self Centered Self Absorbed Cunts But As Someone That Has Traveled And Met Girls From All Over The World I Can Say That The Representation Of What You Might Experience On The Net Is Not A True Representation Of Transexual Women At All.

There Are Very Few Of Us With True Intellegence That Can Sit Here First Because Life Is Lived Off The Net And Second Because We Know What Is Here. Frankly The Only Reason I Even Visit Forums Like This Is Due To The Fact That I Have So Many Male Friends That Are In Situations Or Areas Where They Have No Access To Transexual Ladies Or Their True Nature Of Thinking.

true. and i will ad to this...men like me are left to make these conclusions/assumptions on our own. i am not a ts, i am not a ts fan or chaser, or any of that nonsense. i dont go to gay clubs. i know that i like what i like. analyzing it beyond that is a matter for deep psycho analysis that i dont think many on these boards are qualified to answer. sure, i would love to visit this ts nirvana, where more than ts escorts and sex workers call home, but that place does not exist to me. i am an average dude from the hood who went to college and made something of himself. aside from eros, bgclive.com, craigslist.org, and a hoe stroll (do they even have ts hoe strolls anymore lol?) where else can a MAN who chooses to exclusively date ts go to find a ts who isnt a part of or associated with the latter?

02-16-2009, 05:05 PM
I read that book very interesting to say the least.

Glad to hear you read it as well, definitely an insightful piece of work. I've always been interested in Brazilian culture and so was fascinated by this book when I read it.

Ms Remy M
02-16-2009, 06:43 PM

I could just Give u a Big Hugggg what a Relief... And we from the same area.. uhhhhh OMG..

Ahhhhh, thanks! I'll be in Richmond today actually ;) lol Hell actually I'd hop on the motorcycle and ride up there everyday to hang with ya'll ladies if it wasn't so hard to get in contact.

Ms Remy M
02-16-2009, 06:58 PM
Wow, it's definitely some interesting and "colorful" POVs here... However, did ANY of you think that perhaps a TRANSGENDERED woman might know more about "Trans issues" more than ANY ignorant, self righteous, escort chaser on here???

Let me first start by shedding some light on MY background as to lay a foundation for any future replies.

I have been a transgendered woman for over 11 years (No microwave tranny here... strictly slow roasted and well preserved LOL). Have a BFA and am currently working on my first Masters degree. I have held positions as a make-up artist, make-up artist trainer, model (been a lead in 3 music videos, featured on the cover of 4 national magazines, 1 commercial, and numerous fashion shows, and currently STILL represent 2 national clothing lines as their ad campaign model). I have spoken on transgendered issues at Howard University for a friend (a transgendered nurse working on her Masters degree), as well as counseled and mentored the new generation of transwomen at GMHC (a gay, lesbian & transgendered high school in NYC). PLEASE RESPECT MY AUTHORITY...LOL

It's quite unfortunate that so many of you tranny fans that claim to have so much love for us show such little respect for your fetish. It's sad that your knowledge of trannys doesn't extend past EROS.COM. Albeit, a great deal of transwomen ARE in the adult entertainment industry. We ALL aren't.... The next time you're browsing your normal sites checking out what girl has new pics or seeing who's coming into your town for the weekend try looking on the FEMALE side. They have far more advertisements that transexuals, yet I don't see you all referring to ALL women as "sex workers" and "money grubbers"

I, myself got into the adult entertainment industry 2 years ago primarily because of the lack of respect from men I've encountered in the dating pool. YOUR sexually charged, ignorant views are what cause so many transwomen to resent men and join the ranks of the escort community in the first place. If I, an educated tranny can't find someone accepting of my lifestyle without harboring some sexually deviant behavior (ex. dating me, while secretly hitting on my friends, dating one TS yet paying for escort services from others, only coming around when YOU want something from US ect.) what hope is there for the rest of us? A relationship is NOT based on YOUR convenience. Subsequently, after I adopted the "If you can't beat them, join them attitude" I noticed leagues of other trannys with new escort advertisements. This told me that I was NOT the only one dealing with these issues with men. Guess great minds think alike. After all, if all we are only be viewed as "Sex objects" for which you fulfill your fetishes with, why not be compensated for our time? It's my personal belief that with anything in life it's not what you do, but how you do it.

I can't say I'm really surprised by how most of you think of us... Just shocked that you never took the time to do YOUR RESEARCH on the subject. Perhaps that has to do with the fact that your ONLY dealings with transwomen have been through escorting web sites and porn. There are thousands of transwomen in the workforce. I'm quite sure you'd call me a fool to say "All Jewish men must be cheap bankers" or "All black men must be drug dealers on welfare". Yet, for some reason you all only see us through the small remote dealings you've had. Your views show more about your INTENTIONS than your ignorance. (Perhaps you'd display a more well rounded view of us if you actually stopped looking at escort sites online and stepped from behind your computers and into the "REAL" world. The last time I checked there was no "Tranny world", just the one we ALL are blessed to life in).

What trannys have you people been dealing with that have caused so many of you to project these unrealistic views of what a "tranny wants"? I personally don't care whether a man has had little or no experience with other girls. What it boils down to is how he treats ME. Also, being that I am now in the adult entertainment industry I would NOT consider the idea of a relationship a good idea for myself. Why on earth would any one of YOU even want to date an escort in the first place? Talk about a dumb move..... You'd set yourself up by trying to be exclusive with someone that's clearly not going to reciprocate? I don't think anyone's that foolish... More than likely you're looking for a FREE fling with the tranny of your choice and if it means you gotta spend some quality time, then so be it. Most women and trannys alike expect men to take care of certain financial needs if they are being accommodating as well. By no means does this make them "gold diggers". I, personally am accustomed to receiving gifts and shopping sprees to Louis Vuitton, Bergdorf Goodman, and other retailers from my clients/friends. So why shouldn't I expect the same from someone I'm DATING? Don't get me wrong, I don't suggest for someone to constantly stay in boutiques and such or max out his credit cards to shower me with gifts. But, that let's ME know that I'm more than just a sex object when you LISTEN to the things I say I want and take the initiative to get them for me. I make more than enough money to buy ANYTHING I want for myself, but the act of someone else putting MY wants ABOVE his own makes me feel confident in our bond. I have taken a few guys I was dating on a shopping sprees as well and spent thousands and that made ME feel closer to them and more secure in the relationship we had with one another. Relationships are about expressing your feelings for one another and different people show their emotions in various ways. But, to label trannys as "Out for $$$" is downright foolish. The ONLY reason a tranny would be seeking money from you is because you are CLIENT. Most trannys I associate with in the escorting industry make well over $200,000 a year. In terms of DATING and RELATIONSHIPS we don't want your money, we want your respect.

Since most of you think to know so much about trannys and claim to actually be looking for someone of substance please take the time to volunteer at your local GLBT Non profit organization. Hell, google Dateline's 2 part documentary on transgendered women or even Oprah's transgender episode before you click that "reply" button. I am very interested in having in this discussion, but have no time for ignorance and refuse to speak with anyone that has not taken the time to educate themselves on the topic they claim to love so much.

I think I speak for all of us here on this one: What mags have you appeared in? (I want to grab a copy, Online Back Issues baby!)

What clothing lines do you model for? I'm not into the fashion industry so I'm clueless and don't keep up with the various campaigns. Glad to hear you making out like a fat cat. Surprised that you even bother to escort giving the immense popularity you seem to have. Sounds like you better watch out for TMZ though.

Which 3 music videos did you appear as lead model in? I don't watch music videos and despise Hip-Hop, but my fingers are ready to google them as soon as I get a response.

I had no idea you were in the Adult Entertainment Industry!! As a matter of fact I recall you saying you wouldn't get into the industry (not in those words) when I called you up a few months back. Regardless, what I'm interested in knowning is the work that you did. Was it a DVD? Did you do a shoot for a website? I'm sure all the members here want to go out and buy it to see you in a more intimate and sexual environ.

I personally think that it's great that you are able to successfully juggle working in the Adult Industry, Mainstream modeling, Escorting, and whatever career you have from you BFA. I know that it can be done, there's many GG's that do so with no problems, but that is also one of the most given reasons why a 'ts' wont do a nude photoshoot, claiming "that if they pose nude they won't be able to get into mainstream modeling". 'Get into' also inferring that they haven't even 'made it' yet which is mind boogling.

02-17-2009, 03:02 AM
Wow, it's definitely some interesting and "colorful" POVs here... However, did ANY of you think that perhaps a TRANSGENDERED woman might know more about "Trans issues" more than ANY ignorant, self righteous, escort chaser on here???

Let me first start by shedding some light on MY background as to lay a foundation for any future replies.

I have been a transgendered woman for over 11 years (No microwave tranny here... strictly slow roasted and well preserved LOL). Have a BFA and am currently working on my first Masters degree. I have held positions as a make-up artist, make-up artist trainer, model (been a lead in 3 music videos, featured on the cover of 4 national magazines, 1 commercial, and numerous fashion shows, and currently STILL represent 2 national clothing lines as their ad campaign model). I have spoken on transgendered issues at Howard University for a friend (a transgendered nurse working on her Masters degree), as well as counseled and mentored the new generation of transwomen at GMHC (a gay, lesbian & transgendered high school in NYC). PLEASE RESPECT MY AUTHORITY...LOL

It's quite unfortunate that so many of you tranny fans that claim to have so much love for us show such little respect for your fetish. It's sad that your knowledge of trannys doesn't extend past EROS.COM. Albeit, a great deal of transwomen ARE in the adult entertainment industry. We ALL aren't.... The next time you're browsing your normal sites checking out what girl has new pics or seeing who's coming into your town for the weekend try looking on the FEMALE side. They have far more advertisements that transexuals, yet I don't see you all referring to ALL women as "sex workers" and "money grubbers"

I, myself got into the adult entertainment industry 2 years ago primarily because of the lack of respect from men I've encountered in the dating pool. YOUR sexually charged, ignorant views are what cause so many transwomen to resent men and join the ranks of the escort community in the first place. If I, an educated tranny can't find someone accepting of my lifestyle without harboring some sexually deviant behavior (ex. dating me, while secretly hitting on my friends, dating one TS yet paying for escort services from others, only coming around when YOU want something from US ect.) what hope is there for the rest of us? A relationship is NOT based on YOUR convenience. Subsequently, after I adopted the "If you can't beat them, join them attitude" I noticed leagues of other trannys with new escort advertisements. This told me that I was NOT the only one dealing with these issues with men. Guess great minds think alike. After all, if all we are only be viewed as "Sex objects" for which you fulfill your fetishes with, why not be compensated for our time? It's my personal belief that with anything in life it's not what you do, but how you do it.

I can't say I'm really surprised by how most of you think of us... Just shocked that you never took the time to do YOUR RESEARCH on the subject. Perhaps that has to do with the fact that your ONLY dealings with transwomen have been through escorting web sites and porn. There are thousands of transwomen in the workforce. I'm quite sure you'd call me a fool to say "All Jewish men must be cheap bankers" or "All black men must be drug dealers on welfare". Yet, for some reason you all only see us through the small remote dealings you've had. Your views show more about your INTENTIONS than your ignorance. (Perhaps you'd display a more well rounded view of us if you actually stopped looking at escort sites online and stepped from behind your computers and into the "REAL" world. The last time I checked there was no "Tranny world", just the one we ALL are blessed to life in).

What trannys have you people been dealing with that have caused so many of you to project these unrealistic views of what a "tranny wants"? I personally don't care whether a man has had little or no experience with other girls. What it boils down to is how he treats ME. Also, being that I am now in the adult entertainment industry I would NOT consider the idea of a relationship a good idea for myself. Why on earth would any one of YOU even want to date an escort in the first place? Talk about a dumb move..... You'd set yourself up by trying to be exclusive with someone that's clearly not going to reciprocate? I don't think anyone's that foolish... More than likely you're looking for a FREE fling with the tranny of your choice and if it means you gotta spend some quality time, then so be it. Most women and trannys alike expect men to take care of certain financial needs if they are being accommodating as well. By no means does this make them "gold diggers". I, personally am accustomed to receiving gifts and shopping sprees to Louis Vuitton, Bergdorf Goodman, and other retailers from my clients/friends. So why shouldn't I expect the same from someone I'm DATING? Don't get me wrong, I don't suggest for someone to constantly stay in boutiques and such or max out his credit cards to shower me with gifts. But, that let's ME know that I'm more than just a sex object when you LISTEN to the things I say I want and take the initiative to get them for me. I make more than enough money to buy ANYTHING I want for myself, but the act of someone else putting MY wants ABOVE his own makes me feel confident in our bond. I have taken a few guys I was dating on a shopping sprees as well and spent thousands and that made ME feel closer to them and more secure in the relationship we had with one another. Relationships are about expressing your feelings for one another and different people show their emotions in various ways. But, to label trannys as "Out for $$$" is downright foolish. The ONLY reason a tranny would be seeking money from you is because you are CLIENT. Most trannys I associate with in the escorting industry make well over $200,000 a year. In terms of DATING and RELATIONSHIPS we don't want your money, we want your respect.

Since most of you think to know so much about trannys and claim to actually be looking for someone of substance please take the time to volunteer at your local GLBT Non profit organization. Hell, google Dateline's 2 part documentary on transgendered women or even Oprah's transgender episode before you click that "reply" button. I am very interested in having in this discussion, but have no time for ignorance and refuse to speak with anyone that has not taken the time to educate themselves on the topic they claim to love so much.

I could really dive head first into this particular post...but i'll chill. I'll just respect your hustle Meagan and your accomplishments.

On a seperate side note, all you dudes from VA need to go and jump off of a cliff right about now. How in the hell do you let 2 baddddddddddddddddd azz, seemingly intelligent sisters like this slip away?

02-17-2009, 03:12 AM
true. and i will ad to this...men like me are left to make these conclusions/assumptions on our own. i am not a ts, i am not a ts fan or chaser, or any of that nonsense. i dont go to gay clubs. i know that i like what i like. analyzing it beyond that is a matter for deep psycho analysis that i dont think many on these boards are qualified to answer. sure, i would love to visit this ts nirvana, where more than ts escorts and sex workers call home, but that place does not exist to me. i am an average dude from the hood who went to college and made something of himself. aside from eros, bgclive.com, craigslist.org, and a hoe stroll (do they even have ts hoe strolls anymore lol?) where else can a MAN who chooses to exclusively date ts go to find a ts who isnt a part of or associated with the latter?

Do to the fact that most girls that transisition the goal is to blend in to the point of being undetectable. As men you guys that are seeking TS ladies have a dilema. Basically you are only left with certain places on the net. I see you are from Baltimore I have several girlfriends in that area that work 9-5's or are in school and no one even knows they are TS. Nirvana is all around you LOL. I am a very open transexual though not for business more so for the fact that I can't deal with the stress of being what I think is expected of me. All girls don't feel this way and its understandable for them to feel this way but for me to live as a woman denying my true self for me is just too uncomfy. I always say I am a diamond as we know diamonds are multi faceted everything about me is important to what makes me the person I am.

Ms Remy M
02-17-2009, 07:05 AM
I could really dive head first into this particular post...but i'll chill. I'll just respect your hustle Meagan and your accomplishments.

On a seperate side note, all you dudes from VA need to go and jump off of a cliff right about now. How in the hell do you let 2 baddddddddddddddddd azz, seemingly intelligent sisters like this slip away?

Slip away, they still close. besides only time I met Jess in person she was still underage and still looked better than nearly all the locals. I don't like to burn bridges so if a girl turns down a photo-shoot, I'm not gonna keep nagging her about it. I think I've asked 3 times since I've been shooting with Grooby twice was regarding a shoot for the site and once was for a mainstream non-nude magazine spot and she still turned me down, so go figure.

02-17-2009, 04:30 PM
slip Away, They Still Close. Besides Only Time I Met Jess In Person She Was Still Underage And Still Looked Better Than Nearly All The Locals. I Don't Like To Burn Bridges So If A Girl Turns Down A Photo-shoot, I'm Not Gonna Keep Nagging Her About It. I Think I've Asked 3 Times Since I've Been Shooting With Grooby Twice Was Regarding A Shoot For The Site And Once Was For A Mainstream Non-nude Magazine Spot And She Still Turned Me Down, So Go Figure.

Shut Up Remy... I Was Realllllly Busy.. Its No Shade To U Boooo...lol I Ll Be N Norfolk From Wed. To Friday.. We Can Grab A Drink N Shyt.. U Got My Number... Hit Me Up... Lol Silly Self

02-17-2009, 04:43 PM
Now Ms Tssexychanel

I Know U From Other Sites...

And I Agree With A Lot Of Things U Say.... But Just Like The Men "think" That Alllll The Gurls Are Jaded And Are Escorts.... Why Do U As A Ts.. Think That Wen A Gurl Just Points Out A Fact!!! U Say Someone Is Always Miserable With Themselves? Just Like Older Gurls Where I Grew Up Showed Me The What To Do And What Notttt To Do.. I Will Never Tell A Transgendered Person Something Wrong!!!!

BEING ON MOANS AND LIVING YOUR LIFE AS A WOMAN Everyday issssss a major fact.. it may not be on eros or cl or hell sites as this... but in Reality in Everyday LIFE IT IS. Have n implants Whatever since u wanted to touch on that subject as well.. is only part of a transition a gurl takes to look the way she wants.

02-17-2009, 07:41 PM
Shut Up Remy... I Was Realllllly Busy.. Its No Shade To U Boooo...lol I Ll Be N Norfolk From Wed. To Friday.. We Can Grab A Drink N Shyt.. U Got My Number... Hit Me Up... Lol Silly Self

its shit like this that turns cats into haters...lmao. i envy u va dudes man...baltimore sucks big fat ashy hairy tranny azz. seems like they make dimes down there like we make bricks up here. get ya drink on pimping...lol

02-17-2009, 09:44 PM
Now Ms Tssexychanel

I Know U From Other Sites...

And I Agree With A Lot Of Things U Say.... But Just Like The Men "think" That Alllll The Gurls Are Jaded And Are Escorts.... Why Do U As A Ts.. Think That Wen A Gurl Just Points Out A Fact!!! U Say Someone Is Always Miserable With Themselves? Just Like Older Gurls Where I Grew Up Showed Me The What To Do And What Notttt To Do.. I Will Never Tell A Transgendered Person Something Wrong!!!!

BEING ON MOANS AND LIVING YOUR LIFE AS A WOMAN Everyday issssss a major fact.. it may not be on eros or cl or hell sites as this... but in Reality in Everyday LIFE IT IS. Have n implants Whatever since u wanted to touch on that subject as well.. is only part of a transition a gurl takes to look the way she wants.

A lot of the time we have the same points deliver is always important. I personally don't think there is any wrong way to think. My views on surgery and hormones are coming from a clinical background where folks are treated to the point of comfort. Working in different places I have seen some things that really made no sense to me but it made the standard of that individuals life better for them.

I have learned personally the education that I have to give folks are not always in the right time and place in their life to understand it or accept it. I know for a fact all girls are not jaded escorts or miserable with their lives I said its easy to think that with the small number of girls that most men encounter. I am sure you know many girls like this and they are usually the most vocal and many of these men encounter several of them before they come to us.

I personally don't have a problem with folks opinions when they stated as opinions but when its stated as fact or a way of life then I do have a problem with that. In a utopian society we would all be alike, look alike and think alike but we live in a world of differences and we all have to accept that. I see stuff and hear stuff everyday I think is foolish and laughable I just have to shake my head. I don't always feel the need to change it especially if it don't affect my life.

In my life and in my personal experience when folks are happy and content with self what others are doing doesn't matter much to them. Everytime I find myself paying too much attention to other folks when I sit down and examine whats going on I see an area of my life that needs my attention more than they foolery.

I understand a lot of your points but your delivery as I have told you before can have folks miss your whole message.

03-29-2009, 09:47 PM
TSMeaganFoxx.com You obviously have dealt with a variety of unsettling issues/relationships, for eleven years no less. I would empathize with you but I am a pathetic tranny admirer and haven't met a real 'Lady' yet for a relationship. I have done an extensive amount of research of the TG Form and concluded that exposing yourself to the TG World is no different that exposing yourself any new community. For many men it is the fear of society judging you, ostracizing you and/or even targeting you that keeps them from making a committed relationship the goal. I think your personification is unfair and creates the same hostility that segments of the 'mainstream' society is responsible for. I'm not thirsty or chasing and resent the stereotype attributed to those who are online at websites seeking exposure to this community. Actually, I too am a graduate school educated professional who is extremely successful. I have harbored my affections in secret for nearly twenty years. The web is an exciting format for those who are legitimately seeking a LTR if used appropriately. I conformed to society's expectations and exceeded them, yet I still know something is missing... my TLady.

Too bad you gave up before finding someone... like me.

05-09-2009, 06:02 PM
I'm fortunate in that I have a great relationship with my girlfriend.
I must admit I didn't always take a relationship with TS seriously. I objectified them on some level in the past. But as I have gotten older in my current 3yr relationship, I've come to truly appreciate my girl for who she is as a human being.
She holds down her 9-5 and we just take care of each other. I think most TS and women in general just want mutual, love acceptance and respect.
But men being men sometimes leaves TS even more jaded than GG.
It all really boils down to the maturity level of people and what they are seeking in a relationship.

05-09-2009, 06:46 PM
I often read arguments from the ladies that state how guys are thirsty and since they are thirsty, they go after $$$. This is problematic because it's sort of like the chicken and the egg debate. Which came first, thirsty guys wanting dick/ass or thirst ts wanting money/favors?

I don't really think it's cool to put the weight of the world down on a guy who happens to dig ts because he doesn't know what it's like to be a ts. I mean, sure I may not know what it's like on a day to day basis but that doesn't mean I don't or am not capable of understanind their struggles.

Just like most guys don't care about the depth of a transsexual beyond her dick size and oral capabilities, most TS don't care to know about the depth of a guy...his profession, his interests, his hobbies, his education, etc. That's just the fine line we walk in this lifestyle.

The truth is, I am sure there of plenty of real men out here who would love to openly date, get to know, and chilll with a transsexual beyond just the physical part. Just as i'm sure there are plenty of transsexual women who really do want to be wanted for WHO they are, not what they do. Either requires a level of maturity. I do find however, that the burden is usually harder for a man seeking ts attention than a ts seeking a mans attention. Why? Well, if I talk to one too many ts, or I go to a gay club to find one, or I do any of a long list of "forbiden" things than I am labeled a tranny chaser, trade, etc. Again, it is what it is. However, it it's ok for her to "date" her way to the top.

The truth is, I think it all comes down to exclusivity. More so for TS than men. Whereas most admirers don't mind a girl who's been around the block, most TS won't be caught dead with a guy who's fucked more than 2 transsexuals as a serious partner. A weird game of my morality is better than yours if you ask me. Only until we get pass this childish idealogy, we will stay chasing the same chicken and egg theories of the past...

Just thought i'd change up the content a bit and get some discussion going...;)

Preach my brother! It's a double standard that most trans-women won't acknowledge. I know a few men who are fustrated with this. If you date a large number of non trans-women....no big deal. Date more than a couple of trans-women....let the name calling begin. It's pathetic.

09-17-2009, 04:50 AM

I so I love when I go rummaging amongst old posts, and I run across one as
poignant and profound as this one.

I read through it in it's entirety, and great points were made by a number of
posters, both male and female, and I felt compelled to proffer my http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/twocents-1.gif.

It goes without saying that each one of us is an individual with different
backgrounds, wants, desires and goals. We are different ages, have different
personalities, are at different places in our live's, some are wiliing and able
to commit, some are not.

In my opinion it is unfair and inaccurate to label all men as dogs and chasers,
and to say that all women are bitter, jaded gold diggers. You will of course
find people in each gender that fit that bill, and then there will be others that

I know that LTRs are a reality, as I have been in them. I have also been in
relationships where my SO didn't value and appreciate me, and conversely I
have been the one that didn't put in the work to keep the relationship
healthy and alive, in that instance I learned to not take a good man for

Bottom line, we should try not to paint with an overly broad brush, but rather
judge, observe and evaluate the person as an individual and take it from there.

02-18-2010, 11:58 PM

I have to say you hit the nail on the proverbial head with this post.

I had been reading back posts as well, getting caught up on the news from the form. What you have said below comes the closest to my feelings on the topic.

I would add that from my prospective the individuals gender and sexual preference have little to do with how I perceive them. My perceptions have more to do with how an individual respects their fellow travelers on this ride of life. Respecting their right to pursue happiness, that goes for genetic individuals as well as the transgendered. It is this respect for happiness that is key to turning me on, and I feel that it is key to turning on others as well. I give it freely, but expect it in return. If I do not get that respect my spectra soon turns elsewhere. If I do that individual will have a part of my heart always.

In my experience transgendered people have the unique ability to be to truer to themselves then most anyone I know. They do not mold themselves into what society thinks they ought to be. It is for this reason that I admire them.

I dated transgendered women, genetic women, and genetic men in the search for what was right for me. I have loved and lost along these lines as well, but I have never disrespected anyone along my path.


I so I love when I go rummaging amongst old posts, and I run across one as
poignant and profound as this one.

I read through it in it's entirety, and great points were made by a number of
posters, both male and female, and I felt compelled to proffer my http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/twocents-1.gif.

It goes without saying that each one of us is an individual with different
backgrounds, wants, desires and goals. We are different ages, have different
personalities, are at different places in our live's, some are wiliing and able
to commit, some are not.

In my opinion it is unfair and inaccurate to label all men as dogs and chasers,
and to say that all women are bitter, jaded gold diggers. You will of course
find people in each gender that fit that bill, and then there will be others that

I know that LTRs are a reality, as I have been in them. I have also been in
relationships where my SO didn't value and appreciate me, and conversely I
have been the one that didn't put in the work to keep the relationship
healthy and alive, in that instance I learned to not take a good man for

Bottom line, we should try not to paint with an overly broad brush, but rather
judge, observe and evaluate the person as an individual and take it from there.

Ms Remy M
02-19-2010, 02:15 AM

I have to say you hit the nail on the proverbial head with this post.

I had been reading back posts as well, getting caught up on the news from the form. What you have said below comes the closest to my feelings on the topic.

I would add that from my prospective the individuals gender and sexual preference have little to do with how I perceive them. My perceptions have more to do with how an individual respects their fellow travelers on this ride of life. Respecting their right to pursue happiness, that goes for genetic individuals as well as the transgendered. It is this respect for happiness that is key to turning me on, and I feel that it is key to turning on others as well. I give it freely, but expect it in return. If I do not get that respect my spectra soon turns elsewhere. If I do that individual will have a part of my heart always.

In my experience transgendered people have the unique ability to be to truer to themselves then most anyone I know. They do not mold themselves into what society thinks they ought to be. It is for this reason that I admire them.

I dated transgendered women, genetic women, and genetic men in the search for what was right for me. I have loved and lost along these lines as well, but I have never disrespected anyone along my path.

ah ha, kindred spirits, I agree totally.