11-02-2016, 02:31 PM
Please inform your camera men that we pay our money to your site in order to see AND hear the T-girls. NOT the camera men. Nothing ruins a good shoot like a talkative camera man. And this constantly telling the T-girls to "squeeze it out" is extremely annoying. You can see the cum running down their leg and you're whispering "squeeze it out". Why do your camera men feel as if they have to whisper instructions to the T-girls. If you want to instruct them, do so before the shoot. Let them be spontaneous and do their own thing. One of your camera men (Jack Flash) can have a great shoot going and he interrupts it by telling the T-girl "let's go on to the next shoot". Come on!! The T-girls are the stars. They are what we pay our money for. Get rid of the camera man chatter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!