View Full Version : Any Information on this female

05-08-2009, 05:57 AM

Saw her as a friend on Kayla-ko.com and she is bad.
Was wondering if anybody knows more about here or where to contact her at.

05-08-2009, 08:47 AM

Saw her as a friend on Kayla-ko.com and she is bad.
Was wondering if anybody knows more about here or where to contact her at.

Thats Lady Godiva she just did a re-shoot recently.

Ms Remy M
05-08-2009, 11:55 AM
Last I spoke with her, she was in Florida but that was a couple weeks ago. Check eros.com to try and find her.

05-08-2009, 07:25 PM
I think she's from Texas?
Regardless, she travels...

05-09-2009, 05:49 AM
oh aight thanks for the feedback cause she looks good,
but other than that i was tryna to get a personal contact with her.

Ms Remy M
05-09-2009, 02:14 PM
oh aight thanks for the feedback cause she looks good,
but other than that i was tryna to get a personal contact with her.

ok, I forgot just how new you are to this whole arena. Do me a favor, in which ever web browser you are using at this exact moment go open a new tab. Got that done? Great now type in eros.com don't worry about the 'www' it'll work itself out. Usually a map will appear on the screen of this escort site. Play around with the site a bit and click on the state you would like to search for ts escorts in. It will probably open in a new window so watch for the pop up and choose your search critieria which in this case is TS escorts and browse through the results.

Being that you are untried in the ts world, perhaps one of the more well reviewed girls that don't watch the clock and can show a newbie the ropes is called for. I am a big advocate of relationships, but nothing wrong with learning what you like with an escort, that way when you do meet 'Ms. Right' you can please her properly.