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Ms Remy M
06-22-2009, 05:37 PM
When I woke up this morning, the first thing I see when turning to the news is some 'Breaking News' about Jon & Kate + 8. Now I've never watched the show before, only heard about it last week, and recognize it as yet another reality show. Ughhh. I promptly turned from the article without giving it a second thought. I find it despicable how much bullshit pass as new worthy items.

Buried a few pages in I did see something of great interest to me, that I've been following for a while now though. Obama will be signing the anti-smoking bill giving the FDA much needed authority to regulate tobacco products. My only concern being a shisha smoker is how we will be affected. I usually go to a couple different Indian shisha bars to sit back and enjoy some of the many varied flavors of tobacco. This is one of the points the FDA will be looking to stop, the sale of flavored tobacco which they feel attracts minors. I do see a lot of good coming from the FDA regulating tobacco, just don't want to lose my shisha. I'm going out to buy a few cans just in case. :D

I stopped in at my favorite bar, for a session, (while the belly dancers were in :D ) and talked with some Navy guys about this. They kept saying how this is Virginia, a tobacco state, we don't have to worry. I think the non-smokers have just won one of their biggest victories yet.

06-22-2009, 06:23 PM
I have pretty personal opinions on smoking since I have two uncles and one aunt taken by lung cancer BUT... I don't think regulating tobacco products is really the right direction.

I'm all for making public places smoke free but basically, regulation goes into the privacy of your house which I think is too far. Adults should be able to make their own decisions about what they put into their bodies.

That being said, I do not endorse smoking in any form unless it's attached to a body, gets hard, and has a yummy cream center :)

06-22-2009, 11:04 PM
I do business in tons of bars and restaurants. Don't like coming home and smelling like smoke. There's nothing good in anyway shape or size about smoking. You are just frigging killing yourself. Do yourself a favour and quit.
Go into a hospital and stand next to a heart patient and state to the doctors and nurses that you smoke. Then watch them shoot "daggers" with their eyes at you. It's one of the worst things you can do to your body people. Not to mention a childs if you smoke during pregnancy.
Can you tell I dislike smoking? LOL.

06-23-2009, 04:36 AM
I do business in tons of bars and restaurants. Don't like coming home and smelling like smoke. There's nothing good in anyway shape or size about smoking. You are just frigging killing yourself. Do yourself a favour and quit.
Go into a hospital and stand next to a heart patient and state to the doctors and nurses that you smoke. Then watch them shoot "daggers" with their eyes at you. It's one of the worst things you can do to your body people. Not to mention a childs if you smoke during pregnancy.
Can you tell I dislike smoking? LOL.

You could get another job? It's your choice to go into bars to work the same as it's a firefighters to go into a fire and a soldiers to go to war?

06-23-2009, 04:42 AM
Here's my opinion as a non-cigarette smoker and someone who wouldn't date a smoker.
I do smoke cigars (maybe one a week). I hate the smell of cigarette smoke on my clothes but it's my choice whether to go into that establishment.

When a person, isn't able to go into a bar (and that bar isn't legally allowed to operated their business how they wish) and have a cigarette then there is something very wrong with our freedoms. Health issues? Certainly, so raise the tax on them to a realistic level and put the money back into healthcase. Ban high fructose corn syrup because that shit, is certainly killing more than smoking and in a country where legal gun ownership is a "right" then get the fuck over it.
Where does it stop?

How's this for a compromise.
Smoking shouldn't be allowed in food service places. Bars can choose whether to allow smoking. Should they allow it, then their front door has to be a massive red or bright yellow with a large "WARNING SMOKING" on the door with a legal disclaimer. Staff working there have to sign disclaimers. There has to be EXCELLENT air systems and filtration in the place ...
... and then they're left the fuck alone.

I bet most of the whiners about this wouldn't think twice about biting into a big mac and a large coke.


06-23-2009, 04:43 AM
ps - I do support most of the smoking bill though - especially to keep it away from advertising - not sure about the FDA's input - because those cocksuckers are owned by big biz.

06-23-2009, 08:56 AM
How's this for a compromise.
Smoking shouldn't be allowed in food service places. Bars can choose whether to allow smoking. Should they allow it, then their front door has to be a massive red or bright yellow with a large "WARNING SMOKING" on the door with a legal disclaimer. Staff working there have to sign disclaimers. There has to be EXCELLENT air systems and filtration in the place ...
... and then they're left the fuck alone.

That nails it now if only i could convince my goverment of this since smoking in bars got banned here (netherlands). As a smoker i want to be as considerate as possible to non smokers but i would like to go out and be able to smoke as well

06-23-2009, 12:29 PM
You could get another job? It's your choice to go into bars to work the same as it's a firefighters to go into a fire and a soldiers to go to war?

Thanks for the smart ass remark. I mentioned bars and restaurants because they have the largest concentration of smokers everyday that I know of and they happen to be some of my clients. Not my entire clientel. The real point was how bad smoking is for you. I'm going to just stop right here.

06-23-2009, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the smart ass remark. I mentioned bars and restaurants because they have the largest concentration of smokers everyday that I know of and they happen to be some of my clients. Not my entire clientel. The real point was how bad smoking is for you. I'm going to just stop right here.

I agree it is bad for you, I was being ornery but where does it stop. We all have choices and we should be allowed to make our own. Yours could be not to work or go into, places with groups of smokers. Smokers could be, to smoke in specific places which warn others beforehand ... "There are smokers inside"