Quote Originally Posted by seanchai View Post
As I've answered you a dozen times before Shaun - this is what YOU think everyone wants to see, based on your own assumptions - and the same goes for people who want to see more X, Y or Z. I'm open to suggestions as always and willing to try new things but don't think we just arbitarily show what we want, we show on what we know sells - and that's a mixture of content of different types of girls.
The silent majority are the ones who speak the most and we see it on ratings, on views and on feedback from our advertising. The vocal majority, for the most are people who have one specific need and wish to see and believe that's everything (or almost everything) that the site should show.

When we shoot models we tend to go where their physical or sexual talents are. A big cocked girl who prefers to top or switch will generally get more focus on that, while a big butted girl who prefers to bottom will get more on that. I'm not into making models do something that doesn't really fit with their own enjoyments and likes, whether that is putting something in their butts - or portraying themselves in a way that they don't feel suits them but we do ask that all models are able to get erect and produce a cum shot, as that is what sells the most and is asked for.

The numbers and the statistics are what show us what is really working or not - the member feedback is generally just icing to try and please a smaller number of members and reach a wider circle.
Yeah, you're so right

The more I think about it:

Me, being into a gal's ass and legs and hips?... Yes, you're right, that's only MY fetish; it's highly unlikely that other guys are gonna be into something as kinky and leftfield as that!

And me, being into femme gals who desire me to slide my cock into them?.... Yeah, that's a really exteme NICHE fetish I have there lol

And me, being into gals who want to seduce me using all 360 degrees of their Feminine sexual power and skills?... Yep, again, that's a really very very rare fetish that only I should expect to have!... Surely other guys don't share that oh-so kinky taboo as well lol

Let's all face the (uncomfortable) truth, shall we? The vast vaaaast majority of "straight" men would no doubt desire sex with many TS models... BUT, they would stay very quiet and secretive about it, largely because they are too fragile in their sense of masculinity (I can understand that; I used to be the same in my teens and twenties)...

So even if such secretive guys do pluck up the "courage" to subscribe to a TS site, they are not going to stick their heads above the fence and engage in the forum or discuss their desires, because they feel (stupidly) that such interaction would blow their cover lol... Such guys (i.e. most "straight" guys) only want to come and go very quietly in and out of the TS fantasy world... Apart from paying for their subscription, they don't want to engage with it on any level...

Meanwhile, there are a gazillion more "straight" guys who can't even pluck up the courage or muster the curiousity to check out a TS site in the first place, because they know that such sites are pretty much all about COCK (and, for the most part, they're right!)

... So all these "straight" guys don't feel "invited" to the TS party, because they instinctively feel that their "straight" desires will not be accomodated.

TS Porn is not in and of itself a niche (or at least it needn't be)... But it has made itseld into a niche by carving out a vey specific and consistent portrayal of TS Women as "COCKS who-happen-to-have-a-woman-attached".... TS Porn has done this to itself... For all of society's prejudices and ignorance, ultimately, TS Porn is at least 50% responsible for its own ghettoization.

As long as this image persists, "straight" men will sense that they are not invited to the TS party... They just cannot relate to it; they can just about get their heads around the concept of a sexy babe with a cock (so long as she's femme)... But they cannot understand a 12 minute solo vid consisting of 11 minutes of cock... It alienates them... They are even more turned off when they see examples of TS hardcore showing a man getting his manly ass-hole ploughed out... Straight men simply can't, or wont, come to the party as long as they perceive TS Porn in this way.

And it will stay this way as long as desires such as my own (i.e. very ordinary and general and natural masculine desires towards Femmes) are interpreted by TS site-owners as somehow "niche", and applicable only to me???

You continue to try to misrepresent my desires as if they are somehow akin to wanting to see more TS dressed as nuns or more TS amputees lol??

The truth is my desires are only extreme in regard to how BASIC and GENERAL they are lol... Generally that's what guys want from TS Porn: the exact same as straight Porn... but with a TS Woman.

When TS Porn becomes like this (and is perceived to be like this) then "straight" guys will feel they are also invited to the Party... and TS Porn that focuses on COCK can take it's rightful place as a NICHE within TS Porn, rather than at the epicentre of it.

Everbody wins.

But that's enough for now; I've got to get back to my wank... I have a really kinky and rare fetish, almost taboo!.... I... I'm almost ashamed to say it... I have a thing for Femme Ass!!!! (blushes)

(I guess it must just be me?)

blue eyed devil