Here's the deal - The Tgirl Tops site is really inconsistent to me quality wise. I like this kind of content in general so I tolerate scenes that I actually think suck, mostly bc it's all we got.

Truthfully I want more total tops on the scene. I've been saying it all year and I'm getting annoyed now. Plenty of guys message me agreeing but stay quiet on the forums. Idk. So I'm pitching two ideas to solve this issue and make more of us happy:

1.) We create a Shortlist
Right now my first working idea is if we create a shortlist of like 10 gals that we can come to a consensus on (tops that haven't appeared yet on TGT and we WANT to see on TGT) and if grooby can commit to scenes with like 4 of them for 2022 then we join for a year.

2.) We front for scenes for a few specific gals
Another option is something grooby said, which idk if he was just being sarcastic or not but essentially those of us who can agree and come to a consensus on certain girls that we pool money together to have them appear. I don't really understand how this would work but it's an idea.

Several ppl message me about Chyna. I like her too and will throw her in to start the shortlist or to be one we front for. Who agrees? Personally I like Angela Longcock, Mistress Venom, Scarlett Peggings too. Guys, offer the tops you want to see so we can discuss and hash out what girls to bring in. Let's get this going bc I want better content. I don't think expect we can make every girl we want happen, but maybe we can steer this site into a better direction.

Probably would get more play with this on HA but whatever, I know most guys on here pay to play.