Quote Originally Posted by darkness12 View Post
ummmm....not sure what's going on but sasha i love you
i love you to baby.. Sasha has love for everyone just dont like being rudely disrespected in a thread and claimed to be bitter and money hungry when people have no idea who i am. Im one of the realiest chicks you would ever know.. I support girls.. I donate money when they go thru stressful times i even gave people places to stay when they had hard times(so money hungry negro plz).. And fyi to those who have a problem with the way i carry my business i have someone in my personal life who is a real man who takes good care of me i dont need multiple personal partners 6 or 7 (to make me feel like a woman lol as yall say) he understand business is business! Just long as i leave it that way...so if u cant seem to get with that hmm than maybe your the ones really bitter "all im saying"!! But i wont explain myself anymore im loved world wide i dont need the approval of just one bitter american! (love you darkness and many more)